“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

This is… Introduction?

I have been working for nearly 7 years since I graduated in 2015. In these years, I have never written a year-end summary, nor made a plan at the beginning of the year, to be more precise, I have never made any summary or any plan.

Why do you want to write a year-end review this year? The first is to see the nuggets on the year-end summary activities, feel very interesting. Secondly, I have had a little ups and downs in my work this year, which triggered some new feelings and thoughts. It was with this failure that I took the initiative to review the years after graduation.

In the first two years after graduation, I worked as a developer in a relatively easy company, and I could finish the work of a week in almost one day. I came home from work at 6:00 in the evening, and only worked overtime until midnight the night before the release of the version, but most of the time, I was waiting for other students to solve the bug and release the version.

At the end of the next year of my Ben in 2016, my dearest person fell ill and left this world at the beginning of 2017. I thought we could spend the New Year together, but the situation was worse than expected. From her illness to now almost 5 years of time, he seldom had a sincere happiness. Since then, it seems that time has stopped. Looking back on these years, I am immersed in pain and no longer have any curiosity about everything outside. I have no hobbies or entertainment in life, and I have nothing to talk about with other people. Although I am serious and responsible at work, I lack some passion. It’s a slow, methodical growth, no big breakthroughs. Looking back now, I’d call it the lost five years. However, at the end of the fifth year, there seems to be something different, and there seems to be more hope.

Changes this year

Great things

A good friend had breast cancer, a friend I thought of as a lifelong friend. This is another example of the impermanence of life. She was very strong, but comforted me by saying, “This disease can be cured, and it seems to be able to be cured,” which made me feel even more distressed.


I went through a little up and down in my job, which made me more aware of what I really like and what fits in. Wang Yangming said: the heart is the reason, although some roads seem more correct, more lucrative, but if the heart does not like it is not destined to be your path. At least in the next two years, I hope I can make a significant improvement in technology.


I set up a Nuggets account in the last 2 months and posted 2 articles expecting likes or comments. I think I’m starting to focus on and be willing to communicate. Although I have been online for many years, to be honest, I have never been active in any community. The Internet is just a tool for me to watch TV shows and search information. Recently, I also took the initiative to share technology with the team. I hope to have more technical exchanges with you and share what I have learned with you. This feeling of actively wanting to communicate is a big psychological change this year.

State of mind

It seems like the second half of the year is more willing to look up, although it has happened before, but this time it is more real. Recently engaged in a few small fish, this morning surprised to find small goldfish produce small fish, this fish is also fierce, just born will swim.

In the past five years, FROM constantly finding someone to talk to to express myself on micro blog, from self-talk in moments to only Posting a picture or song, from tears every day to occasional missing, I seem to have hidden my sadness deep in my heart. Belonging is something you don’t know until you have it, and you don’t know until you lose it. People will meet all kinds of difficulties in life, but they have no choice but to be brave. Although I don’t know if I will be happy again after 22 years, I decide to live seriously.

This year, I began to seriously think about life, thinking about what kind of person I want to be, what ideals and goals, what kind of life I want to lead. Almost 30, I did have an Epiphany a little late.

Favorite style of music

Compared to listening to songs and words before. Now I prefer to listen to music, such as some classical music, or some other music with strong appeal. Although I know nothing about music, I really love to listen to these music. List some songs you like to hear these days: 1. Turkish March. Always Mine (Thomas Bergersen) 3. Swordsman jianghu Song (Qin xiao Ensemble Version)

Literary accomplishment

He has no literary accomplishment since he went to school and often mocks himself as an illiterate. I didn’t think literature was important before, but now I am eager for it for three reasons.

First of all, I hope to write down my own feelings and experiences. I hope to write down the small stories and details of myself and my relatives. However, I don’t know how to write, and it is not easy to read the written things, let alone the aesthetic feeling.

Second: In the usual communication, word poor, can not express themselves.

Third, I long to find sympathy and strength in the ancient sages. What we are going through today is not easy and painful. In fact, our ancient sages also went through it and left behind great works.

Therefore, I hope I can read more literary works, watch more good movies and write more words to express myself.

Outlook 2022,

In 2022, I hope to:

  1. Have a good mental outlook, have an optimistic image.
  2. There is a healthy body, so fitness must be arranged on.
  3. Be curious.
  4. Emotionally, open up. Try to get a boyfriend. Yeah.
  5. Improve your literary literacy. Read more books and watch more good movies.
  6. I also watch some variety shows.
  7. Have a good fish.
  8. A good cat.
  9. More precipitation on technology, strive for a big breakthrough.
  10. Output more high-quality technical articles, more exchanges and sharing, more innovation.
  11. Try some open source projects and hope to gain some Star.
  12. Make a simple App.
  13. In the communication with my father, more warm words. I’ve been feeling a little vulnerable lately, and once he got drunk and said to me, “Girl, I know what you can do, but I want to hear you say it.”