🏆 Denver annual essay | 2021 year-end summary essay contest

“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Four years in college

I thought college life was full, without the constraints of parents and teachers, I could do whatever I wanted to do. As a result, I don’t know what I want to do, and muddle along. So I really admire those who have a clear goal and strive for it when they first enter the campus.

The freshman year passed in a flash

I don’t remember much about my freshman year, except that I participated in military training, learned C++, and played video games (lol, king of glory).

Try all kinds of sophomore year

As the deputy minister of publicity for an organization in my school, I didn’t accomplish anything and had no energy. Discrete mathematics because absenteeism too much failed, there is no make-up exam, can only be retaken. This year, there was a small incident. Due to various coincidences, I did not choose to join the maintenance team of the school website (if I had joined, I might have figured out my goal as soon as possible).

Focus on developing games in junior year

This year, I joined the VR lab of the school and learned to use UE4 to make games. I cooperated with students majoring in design and media to complete the production of games. In general, UE4 started and finished two games: Temple Run VR and MINECRAFT VR (easy version). I don’t work on unreal Engine anymore, but I do keep an eye on uE4 tutorials occasionally. For example, B station is the most famous teaching up Lord: Chen Jiacheng, he seems to be my senior, our course also often have his share.

Step on the road to the front of the third

In the second year of my junior year, I took the course ———— Software Engineering. I like this course very much, and I am very grateful for it. It taught me how to complete a project with what I have learned. In the final assessment, we finished a design in groups. We chose to make a small program of poetry, called “Drinking under the Moon”, but it was found that it was registered by someone, and it could only be called “drinking under the moon”. I was in charge of UI and back-end (PHP), but it was not online because I needed to connect with the content security API of wechat. Dog shit luck came, a teacher found us, asked us if we want to take part in a competition, with this final design, and then we took part in the country two 😄, each got a school award of several hundred dollars. The competition is: Chinese college students computer design competition, nothing valuable, but also made me happy for a while. During the final design, I came into contact with small programs and decided to go to the front end.

Senior year who almost didn’t graduate

The topic will be opened in October, and the mid-term examination in December (80% of the functions should be completed in the mid-term examination, otherwise 20 points will be deducted). The time is very tight, but I still don’t know much about the basic knowledge of the front end.

Every day, I stayed up watching videos to study. I remember the courses I watched at station B: Lecture hall for Knowledge and Li Yanhui’s 10-day Quality Class series.

Graduation design is a job evaluation system, not much introduction, the name is “team gold”, has been online.

Why did I make a job evaluation system? In fact, the teacher in VR lab needed such a system. Then I was worried about what to do for my graduation project, so I took it, 8000 yuan, quite a lot. I bought an MBP2020 I5 ten generation 16+512 RMB 12499, which is the most expensive thing I own.

Four big drops of pie fell from the sky

In February 2021, I spent two weeks to finish the vuE2 tutorial by Wang Hongyuan: VUe2. Now more recommended is still silicon Valley video, the quality is really high, dayu teacher or very cattle force.

March 2021, rushed to the internship, the requirements are eight weeks of internship, in Xiamen soft second internship, the company is Tianyang Technology.

I am very grateful to Tianyang Technology for giving me an internship opportunity, because others have gone through several rounds of interviews, but I was lucky. At that time, there was a lack of UI in the group, and they wanted to recruit me to work with UI and front end, but in fact, MY UI is not good, I found that I was not open, asked me to do front-end, I did not know how to use elementUI at that time. I stayed in Tianyang for about 3 months, during which I worked overtime at night and had dinner with colleagues. In the end, I chose to leave for personal growth (I felt I had nothing to learn).

For vain

I was busy with my graduation project and didn’t participate in the autumn recruitment, so I had to watch the spring recruitment. At that time, I went for an interview with a company in downtown Xiamen. The interviewer asked me silly questions with Flex layout. My confidence was severely hit, and I decided to stay in seclure for further training. Quit your job, go back to school, focus on your studies.

Girlfriend in the dawn internship, north to find a job

The girl friend is east qin of, smaller than me one session (we are junior high school classmate, hey hey 😁), want to practice in Beijing, in northwest flourishing fu jiayao that piece. I leave at the speed of light, Xiamen fly tianjin, Tianjin high-speed rail to Beijing, in the northwest wang looked for a broken house to live (midway id dropped, old unlucky egg).

Speaking of Beijing, I will be angry, the rent is too expensive, and the house is not easy to find, the house is 2200, thief broken, just came three days ago, no quilt, blanket, pillow, and my girlfriend two people to sleep on the bed board, it is really bitter, the water is very bad, can only take a bath, can not drink.

My girlfriend had a planned internship and I started looking for a job. Beijing sudden rainstorm is not news, go out to look for a job, often rainstorm, wet back to the rental room. I was deeply impressed by the interview experience. The job was to work in the national Meteorological Center, so I went there for an interview and had high requirements on the use of Echarts, but failed. The rain was really heavy that day. I felt like I was going to die, drowned in the rain or struck by lightning.

Take the train back to Xiamen, prepare for graduation

I couldn’t find a job in Beijing, so I went back to school.

Smooth graduation, words defense of time, nervous dead, thank the teacher let me a horse.

Come to suzhou

My roommate was engaged in UE development and joined a suzhou company, which pushed me to come to Suzhou with my college roommate without a better choice. Basically be to do digital ruansheng, do digitization to entity industry.

The career development

After I came to the new company, I had a lot of time to learn because I was new and had fewer tasks. I have finished watching the vue2, vue3+ TS, Node, webpack, React, JS advanced classes (either b station free, or money to buy the class).

Summary of front-end project:

  1. Applets: Team gold
  2. Point inspection: Maintain part of echarts
  3. 3d visualization development based on Cesium. Js
  4. Zhangjiagang talent network supporting company introduction page

I hope to participate in the whole project from 0 and will not leave in a short time.

In 2022, the target

Senior Software Engineer (Certificate)

Familiar with typescript and React

Keep working on three.js, electron.js

Can join Tencent, ha ha 😄 (refueling!!)

Idol: ECharts VP

About me

A front-end developer, live in Suzhou, China.

Name: Huang Qihong

Current residence: Zhangjiagang

QQ: 1101646169

WeChat: F2E – HQH

Public id: OpenJS

Technology stack: HTML/CSS /javascript, typescript, Webpack, vue.js, Node. js, Echarts, wechat applet

Recently working on: three.js, electron.js