The Wireshark Welcome page is displayed.

So which card do I want to capture?

  • Local services such as localhost or For example, if I want to request the service, http://localhost:12345/xxx lo0 corresponding adapter is choice. The same is true for

  • For example, if I want to access from a browser, the corresponding network card is usually EN0.

  • If still not sure which one to catch? You can use tcpdump to capture a network adapter without setting it, filter out the requests using keywords, and then reverse search for the corresponding interface.

    sudo tcpdump  -n -s1000 -A dst port 80 -i any |grep '' -C 10
    Copy the code

    Tcpdump -a indicates that packet data is printed in ASCII format. Because HTTP is A text-based protocol, Host: in the header can be printed. If the request is from IP, use grep -c 10 to print the next 10 lines, and then find the network adapter corresponding to this IP.

    Use ifconfig to check whether the request is from utun2 network adapter:

    The ifconfig | grep '' - 3 CCopy the code

    In thewiresharkSet up theCapture FilterThat’s it. Select on the pageutun2After the network card, double – click to capture the package.