• Why does everyone want to build super apps?

  • How to make super App have lasting vitality and user engagement?

According to App Annie, the number of App downloads around the world soared to 204 billion in 2019. The growth rate of App downloads in China can be described as “dramatic”, with an 80% increase in 2019 compared to 2018, and the total number of App downloads in China now accounts for nearly half of the global total.

From Mobile Market Report 2020

Following this trend, the number of new apps should also be increasing, but the reality is the opposite. According to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the number of mobile apps detected in China in 2019 was 3.67 million, down 850,000 from 2018 and 18.8% from the same period last year.

Aside from external factors such as the increase in the cost of App development and promotion and the standardization of the market, the underlying reason is the emergence of more and more super apps. In the first half of the Internet, the giants competed to develop multiple apps and compete for access, users and traffic with the help of App factories. However, in the second half, the growth of mobile Internet users nearly stagnated and the competition turned to the competition for time. Super Apps can meet all demands in a one-stop way, thus emerging as The Times require. To become a “super APP”, user size is the foundation, and the migration and precipitation of user behavior is the key.

Recently, Toutiao App launched the “Play at home” channel, which is the App from a single information platform to a “super App”. With such a large platform, how do super-app operators navigate it? And keep it alive and engaged?

01. Is the user experience smooth and convenient

Registration is the first step for users to know App. The traditional mobile verification code registration can no longer meet the personalized needs of today’s users. MobTech Developer Service [ShareSDK] is a third-party login feature that allows users to easily register as long as they select an authorization platform from the registration screen. The App now supports account login on wechat, Tiktok, QQ, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter and other mainstream social platforms in the world. The integration is convenient and quick. After access, the App can bear the pressure of push server and bandwidth, and share the cost of SMS verification code and operator.

For operating personnel strong focus on the new link, no plans to invite ShareSDK 】 【 function, can avoid to pull the new link is often met in registered trival, poor experience, for the couple red packets of complicated issues, users do not need to use invite code binding relationship with others, click on the invitation link automatic matching relations, optimizing the user experience and improve the conversion rate. Developers do not need to develop and maintain the relationship matching system, which can greatly save development time and cost after access.

For new users who have not installed the App, when accessing ShareSDK, new users can also restore the scene to the page content shared by the inviter after downloading the App for the first time.

02. Maximize the value of existing users

After ensuring that users can provide continuous quality experience, how to make users have lasting vitality and engagement? The closed-loop sharing function of [ShareSDK] can help operators better understand their users. The background can accurately count the data of effective sharing, backflow sharing and user clicks, and realize the change trend of users’ online social behavior in real time, so as to implement refined operation and form a virtuous circle of closed-loop sharing.

Currently, MobTech’s official website has iOS and Android versions available for developers to download and use for free, covering various industries such as automotive, finance, e-commerce, tourism, games, communications, news and other apps. The average monthly download number of apps reaches 700 to 800, and the daily share amount reaches 1,600 million.

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