The third “Profusion · Front-end Technology Salon” comes as promised.

The salon was initiated by Binjiang Front End Alliance, hosted by netease, led by Yan Xuan front End team and co-organized by binjiang Front End Alliance members.

Binjiang Front-end Developer Salon, or BinFE for short. Organized by the front end of the coalition of hangzhou binjiang Internet company, union members have alibaba, netease, clove garden, micro medical friends, dahua, hai kang, tax, control, such as company, aims to better the linkage of hangzhou front-end technology exchange, to all the friends interested in the front-end technology provides the opportunity to exchange, power front-end engineer growth, promote the development of front-end industry.

In the past few years, with the improvement of language standards and the evolution of hardware, front-end application scenarios are more and more extensive, such as cross-end research and development, full-stack exploration, intelligent code generation, etc. Front-end has been redefining the “future front-end” with its own innovation and vitality.

Colorful starting point, colorful front end, in this special 2021, the third “Colorful · front End Technology Salon”, we still bring the best quality content and the best practical technology experience to meet you.

Special guest

Just to give you a taste of what’s going on, we’ve invited Winter, the lead Web teaching consultant at Kickstart, to take a fresh look at TypeScript from a different perspective.

The content is introduced

The conference will cover best practices in interactive front-end, cross-end technologies, programming languages and front-end engineering. All lecturers are experienced in their respective fields, and this presentation is without reservation. Industry colleagues are welcome to come to the studio and actively communicate with lecturers, rub sparks!

How do I sign up for a salon

The salon will be live streamed online throughout the day on Look Live, a subsidiary of netease Cloud Music. Broadcast address:

Time: 9:30 ~ 18:00, August 7, 2021

Deadline for registration: 23:59, August 06, 2021

We have prepared a wealth of prizes for you to come to this salon!

Finally, thank you for your support to this conference. If you are interested, please grab the tickets and share them with your classmates! Maybe he’s interested too!