The following is the story of DevUI open source. It may be a short story, as the DevUI brand is only five years old and open source is only two years old, but the story of DevUI and the community of developers is happening all the time, so we are eager to document it.

Who is the DevUI

  1. DevUI is an open source front-end solution for enterprise backend products
  2. In the service ofToB enterpriseAnd in the service ofTool productsIt’s our product positioning
  3. immersion,flexible,To JaneIt’s our design values
  4. The DevUI team is dedicated to improving the front-end productexperience,The quality ofAnd research and developmentThe efficiency of

Devui. design/design-cn/s…

Our open source product

DevUI official website:



The following are our open source products:

Open source is determined to

The DevUI team started open source in June 2019 with a pure idea:

DevUI serves a large number of commercial and internal businesses inside Huawei cloud. Why not open source it to the community so that more businesses and users can also enjoy the excellent practice of DevUI?

For the history of DevUI and open source, please refer to the previous article:

Denver 🏆 DevUI x | 2020 people

An exclusive interview with DevUI component Library

Here’s a five-year timeline of Devui:

The DevUI team’s commitment to open source is evident throughout the development process.


After the Github open source in June 2019, Ng DevUI did not make much progress in half a year. Although we never stopped releasing new versions every month, there were not many developers paying attention to us, and the star number did not exceed 100 within half a year, most of which were selected by DevUI team members themselves.

But we didn’t lose heart and give up because

We know that nothing worthwhile can be done successfully easily, and we also know that giving up easily means true failure.


We are also constantly thinking about how to do open source, after all, we are just starting to do open source, no experience, almost feel the stones in the river.

The Denver nuggets

In March of 2020, we started a pilot project to run the DevUI team’s technical column in Nuggets. We don’t want to run DevUI through advertising or any other utilitarian means. That’s not what we’re trying to do.

So in the early days of the Nuggets operation, we never published soft articles, all technical dry goods, these articles are the collective wisdom of all members of the DevUI team and work experience, compared to the community leaders, not necessarily the best articles, but

All of us have paid time to write attentively, so it has gradually gained the recognition of the community partners.

In 2020, I wrote a total of 39 articles, 6 of which were contributed by Zcating, a friend of the community. Zcating was an early supporter and contributor of our DevUI open source organization, and he joined the group earlier than many of our DevUI team members

  • Not only has he contributed technical articles to us
  • Active in the Ng DevUI project
  • And the first component was provided in the early days of Vue DevUI
  • Now is alsoButton/Modal/Dropdown/TableAnd many other components of the field owner, but also our DevUI open source organizationPMC member.

2020 is the first year of DevUI open source, and it was in this year that DevUI began to gain some visibility in the community, with over 500 stars and over 1,000 followers for the Gold Nuggets column.


Still, our downloads were a miserable 100 + per week, and we were constantly thinking, reflecting and experimenting

Why are so few people using DevUI?

There are only a handful of Angular component libraries in China. Ng Zorro, the Angular version of Ant Design, has been downloaded more than 40,000 times a week. This shows that there are Angular users in the country.

We don’t really want to compete with others, including Ng Zorro. We’ve always worked with them, and they have our DevUI link on their Angular Chinese site.

We just want to

Enrich the Angular ecosystem so that domestic Angualr users have an alternative to Zorro.

And we’re not exactly positioned like Zorro. We’re

For ToB enterprise tool products, this is our DNA, but also our advantage.

Adhere to the

We still haven’t figured out why so few people use DevUI, but that doesn’t stop us from making open source!


Open source is a long road. If we don’t stick to it for three or five years, don’t complain about the difficulty of open source. We will continue to do it.

Also welcome

  • Developers who use DevUI give us more input and feedback so we can see where we’re not doing well and improve
  • Developers in the community are also welcome to participate in the open source construction of DevUI, build a high-quality component library together, and improve the ecology of the component library
  • We will always keep an open mind and accept the community’s opinions and feedbackDevUIDo a good job in experience and quality


In 2021, in addition to Ng DevUI and Ng DevUI Admin, we made three important attempts: Vue DevUI, B station live broadcasting and the establishment of PMC.

Vue DevUI

DevUI’s expansion of the Vue ecosystem is not a slap on the back, but a deliberate one:

  • Since 2021,vue3/viteStart a full-blown outbreak based onvue3/viteThe ecology of China is expanding at a rapid rate
  • DevUI official communication groupWhen will the VUE version be released?
  • DevUI Design is a set of Design system hatched from many practical services of Huawei cloud. Ng DevUI is only the implementation of this Design system in Angular framework, and the extension of other frameworks is DevUI’s long-term plan, including Vue framework.
  • With that in mind, we think it’s probably about time

In May 2021, Vue DevUI will be incubated through community open source. For details, please refer to our previous article:

Let’s build the Vue DevUI project together! 🥳

Vue DevUI already has 10 component members ~ 🥳😋

Here is the warehouse data trend chart for Vue DevUI:

You can also see this in the trend chart

The development of Vue DevUI component library is very fast, in only half a year, 60 contributors were born, 53 components were developed, more than 200 PR and 1000 submissions were made.

Below is a list of contributors to Vue DevUI

Thank you to every DevUI contributor!

B station

After more than a year in the nuggets community, not only did we get to know DevUI, but we also got to know a lot of great developers, including Village Head Yang.

The village head teacher is a Vue expert, and has very rich teaching experience, good voice and affinity.

By chance, I learned that the head of the village was broadcasting live at STATION B, so I can refer to the previous article to get to know him:

Do “Vue DevUI Open Source Guide” live with the village head teacher for a month of feelings

The cooperation with the head of the village is very pleasant. It has been nearly 2 months since the first live broadcast with the head of the village, and there have been 7 live broadcasts in total, and every one of them is live broadcast with expectation:

  • Looking forward to meeting the humorous and amiable village head teacher
  • I am looking forward to completing a technical journey with my friends participating in the live broadcast room of the village chief. I am very warm to see everyone’s warm bullets, no matter they are welcoming, asking questions or discussing
  • I am looking forward to seeing the happiness and growth of my friends because of watching the live broadcast of me and the village chief
  • Look forward to the next live broadcast

Every time I live with the village chief, I feel like I haven’t live for a long time, although it’s only been a short week.

Because some friends think the content of the live broadcast is too simple, the village head and I also hope to provide some high-quality dry content, so the frequency of the live broadcast is changed from one week to two weeks, no matter once a week or twice a week, we will:

Seriously prepare and treat every live broadcast, and strive to make friends who watch live broadcast really gain something and live up to this hour of waiting.


During the process of making Vue DevUI open source project, we felt the great enthusiasm of community developers for doing open source. After synchronizing the progress of Vue DevUI to the community on August 3rd,

  • Within 3 daysThere are more than100 +People in the community connect with us by adding wechat (Devui-Official) and join our core development group
  • Within five daysall61All of the component fields have been claimed40 +Partner becomesVue DevUIComponent repository owner
  • A new PR was submitted the next day
  • Within ten daysYou will giveVue DevUIEleven new members were added

However, we found some problems:

  • Some partners have a passion for open source at the beginning and want to actively participate in open source, but they have not taken action after claiming components. On the other hand, some partners who are eager to participate in open source have no component field to claim, which will affect the progress of open source projects
  • New friend asked the most contribution to the problem is how to participate in, how to ask questions, how to start, although we wrote some wikis can partially solve this problem, but this is only a temporary way to solve the specific problem all the time, there is a problem to solve, no rhythm and rhyme, the open source project and contributors are a lot of damage
  • In participating in the junior of contribution, we also found that there are some very positive and active, rich experience, ability is strong, and have a strong willingness to participate in the open source this part of the contributor should make greater contribution and achievement, even leading open source project management and long term roadmap planning, new project incubation and so on global affairs, if you can identify, This is a win-win situation for both open source projects and contributors
  • Others want to enhance their resumes and careers by participating in open source projects. How can we help them achieve their goals

And we keep thinking, how can we do something like that

We hope that all contributors who participate in the construction of DevUI open source ecosystem can reap what they want, so we decided to establish DevUI open source PMC by referring to the open source practices in the industry and combining with the characteristics of DevUI itself

PMC stands for Project Management Committee, usually for

To promote the long term and healthy development of the entire community and to ensure that there is a certain balance, a good opinion of peers, and the ability to keep collaboration going

After careful internal discussions and discussions, DevUI PMC was officially established on November 3, 2021, and five contributors from the DevUI open source ecosystem were selected as PMC members. They are:


  • Zcating:ZcatingWe have introduced him many times in Nuggets. He has rich development experience and is an early contributor to DevUI open source (he arrived earlier than many DevUI team members). He has contributed 6 articles to The Nuggets column of DevUI team as early as a year agoRxJS principle analysisDry articles,Vue DevUIAt the beginning of incubation, Zcating was also very active, not only actively participated in, but also quickly developedVue DevUIThe first component, Button, has been very active ever since, actively reviewing code, asking questions and solving problems, and is now DevUI’s TOP1TableComponent of the field owner, he is alsoDropdown,Modal,OverlayHe is not only proficient in Angular framework and has a theoretical understanding of RxJs responsive programming, but also familiar with React, Vue and other frameworks with full stack and architecture capabilities.

This is Zcating’s personal official account: ZCX studio

Welcome your attention!


Iel is the creator of DevUI CLI. From 0 to 1, he designed and implemented devUI-CLI in the current Vue DevUI project, realized the automation of creating component templates, generating component library entry files & navigation of components on the left side of sidebar, greatly improving the efficiency and consistency of component development. Iel is also the owner of the Toast component. As early as August 9, he implemented all functions of the Toast component. Since Iel joined DevUI open source, he has been very active and active. Iel was also the first to summarize DevUI’s open source experience article, and is now actively participating in the live broadcast of DevUI and the village head at station B. Although Iel is inexperienced, he is young and promising, and full of enthusiasm for technology.

Here is the nuggets column from IEL:

Juejin. Cn/user / 153897…

Welcome your attention!


Lucky is a person who can bring good luck to others. On August 3rd, we synchronized the latest progress of Vue DevUI in Nuggets. On August 4th, Lucky submitted the PR of Rate component, which was very impressive. Since then, Lucky has been very active in the Vue DevUI project, submitting more than 20 PR’s, the most of all, and participating in code reviews the most frequently. In addition to being active and active, Lucky was also the Upload component, which was also a very complex component in DevUI. In addition, Lucky also actively recognized the lack of BackTop function in the document and quickly implemented it, effectively improving the experience of the document.


XieJay is an active contributor to THE Ng DevUI component library, and also the contributor who submitted the most PR times in Ng DevUI. At the same time, he is also the actual user of Ng DevUI component library. He gave us a lot of feedback on the Ng DevUI component library, so that we have more insight and understanding of the developer’s timing requirements. Then continuously optimize Ng DevUI component library.

The following is the address of XieJay’s blog:

Welcome your attention!


Duqingyu is the only two students who have submitted PR to both Ng DevUI and Vue DevUI (and one is Flxy), and duqingyu is also the owner of two components: Vue DevUI Badge and ImagePreview.

The following is duqingyu’s personal blog:

Welcome your attention!

After the establishment of PMC, all PMC members held the first PMC meeting on November 7, 2021 in the morning, which happened to be the start of winter. A total of 14 people attended the meeting, including internal Ng DevUI, Ng DevUI Admin and Vue DevUI responsible person. Meetings are from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. :

  1. I started with an overview of DevUI’s architecture and design values
  2. It then discusses in detail the strategies and specifications for PMC operations
  3. Then the long-term planning of DevUI’s future open source ecological construction is discussed extensively

We had a great time together and had a lively discussion. Together, we imagined the future blueprint of DevUI open source ecology, full of infinite possibilities and reverie!

Finally, the conclusion of the discussion will be sorted out in the form of human task cards, which will be first identified and refined by PMC members, and then gradually opened up, so that community developers also have the opportunity to participate in the construction of DevUI open source ecology (we no longer need to sit in the component field 😋).

We also welcome any willing, talented, and talented committers to join us as PMC and Committer!

The DevUI open Source organization currently has 5 PMC members, 10 committers, and 60+ Contributors.

Here’s the DevUI Committer list:

  1. Zcating
  2. iel
  3. Lucky
  4. XieJay
  5. duqingyu
  6. brenner8023
  7. Marvin
  8. micd
  9. flxy1028
  10. to0simple

Contributor is the developer who has actually submitted PR to DevUI, such as developing new components & features, fixing bugs, improving documentation & single beta, etc.

Committers select the most active, active and excellent Contributor. In addition to submitting PR to participate in actual code & document contribution, committers also participate in code review, technical solution discussion, suggestion, specification and process development, etc.

PMC is short for Project Management Committee. It selects the most outstanding committers and is responsible for the overall roadmap planning, architecture design, new open source project incubation, Committer promotion and other overall affairs of DevUI open source ecosystem.

The story

DevUI in the process of doing open source, in-depth community, extensive contact and communication with developers, met a lot of excellent community developers, they are positive, enthusiastic, full of vitality, are full of enthusiasm for technology, full of confidence in the future!

Here’s our story with our friends at DevUI.


  • My story with Vue DevUI open source component library


  • Document my first open source component


  • Hand in hand to take you to develop a scaffold (part 1)
  • The scaffolding I developed for Devui

JS the old dog

  • I have a column with DevUI
  • TSX functional component practices for VUE in DevUI
  • Again, the TSX functional components of Vue

The village chief

  • Do “Vue DevUI Open Source Guide” live with the village head teacher for a month of feelings


The incubation of 🐣 Vue DevUI in May this year gave us great confidence, strengthened the determination of DevUI to do open source, also let us see the community developers of DevUI open source great enthusiasm, so in order to:

  • To give contributors a sense of honor, we’ve designed it for outstanding contributorsDevUI excellent contributor to open sourceThe honor trophy, with the big contributor’s name in the middle, andHuawei cloud DevUIThe copy of
  • Inspire contributors and letDevUItheContributorThere’s more of a sense of belonging, you’re not dealing with a cold open source project, you’re dealing with a warm DevUI open source organization, so we designed itDevUI custom elegant throw pillows.ContributorA hand
  • Encourage more partners to participate in the DevUI open source ecological construction, we specially producedDevUI custom exquisite notebookTo the lucky winners of prizes in a raffle

Here are the renderings:

In the future

The Story of DevUI is just beginning and we hope to write more stories with you in the future

-- Huawei Cloud DevUI Open source organizationCopy the code

Add DevUI assistant wechat: Devui-Official, pull you to our official communication group.

DevUI open source, future!


Today is Singles Day, the STAR number of Ng DevUI component just breaks 1111, is this a special hint?

Double eleven, use it!

Does that mean the DevUI open source ecosystem is about to take off 🛫️?

In the future, more community developers will join the DevUI open source ecosystem

Understand, use, and participate in DevUI

DevUI is not personal open source

Behind it is a team with a strong commitment to open source

Join DevUI open source and let’s grow together!