Maybe you’re at work, but you’re not enjoying it and feel like everyone’s against you.

Maybe you take your job seriously and work hard every day, but the boss still accuses you of being irresponsible.

You wonder why your efforts are invisible to others. They complain about their colleagues’ exclusion, their leaders’ SB, their companies’ inability to give full play to their talents, and even the terrible society… Last time I talked about how to prepare for job-hopping, and some job-hopping taboos. Today, I’ll talk about some mistakes that can easily occur in the workplace after job-hopping. And the sooner you know it, the sooner you can get out of a career quagmire.

Myth 1: Blame others for problems that have nothing to do with you

Questions are one of the most important ways to familiarize yourself with the business and, like requirements, force you to familiarize yourself with the business. When you take over a new business, problems will help you understand the system more quickly and comprehensively. Therefore, you should take the initiative to solve problems that you don’t understand (except for blaming others). When you ask what happens if it’s an urgent problem, you can either bring in people you know or hand them over and follow through.

In my job, for example, requirements and problems are the driving force for me to familiarize myself with engineering logic. If you have no demands and no problems in hand, you want to see the logic directly, then I admire you as a warrior. So as long as I am not busy, I will take the initiative to find a solution to the problem.

A couple of days ago, my test sister came to a colleague next to me and asked a question. The colleague said that he was not familiar with this place, and then pushed it to me, saying that I had done this related function a while ago.

She came right up to me and told me the question and what she wanted to know. It’s just that I just did a version of the business, and I don’t know, but I told the test girl I’d get her results later. Then start to investigate the problem, it is not difficult, in a short time to find the answer, but also understand the business logic that did not contact before, kill two birds with one stone.

From the inside, you solve the problem, learn the business, and improve your ability to do the job. The more problems you solve, the better you’ll be at solving them, which is a positive feedback. When a new problem is thrown at you, the breadth and depth of your view of the problem will greatly increase.

From the outside, the job is to solve problems for the boss, take the initiative to solve problems, your sense of responsibility will also have a certain improvement. When the boss has an important task, he will naturally hand it to a responsible employee who can take care of it.

It’s hard to grow, and it may be even harder to get a raise, if you focus on what you own every day.

Myth 2: Only do what you’re good at and don’t do what you’re not good at

If you want to continue to grow and survive, you can’t stay in your comfort zone.

Do something familiar every day, and you will only become more proficient. If you’re a programmer with 10 years of experience, and you’re doing exactly what you did in your first year, you’re not much different than a 1-year programmer, and you’re at a huge disadvantage in terms of stamina and salary requirements.

You may ask, what if you are a screw in the company and your boss always gives you the same thing? This situation depends on their initiative and preparation, the opportunity will come, it depends on you can grasp the time (PS: if it is pure mechanical repetitive work, forget I said).

How do you usually prepare?

I think it’s an ongoing process.

I can start from the place I am interested in. For example, when I was working, I felt that my professional skills were not strong enough, so I bought courses and followed the systematic learning of courses in my spare time. By the way, if you want to learn quickly, buy a paid course from a major platform. It saves time and provides security. Don’t think about paying for it all the time.

In work at ordinary times can also know more about other jobs, for example we and product demand judges, I occasionally ask the idea of product ideas, the source of the logic, from a data set or from user feedback, consider what are, what is expected to achieve the effect of bala bala. When dealing with operation students, we can also understand the data changes of a certain business and think about the reasons for the changes. I even asked some students from the commercial department about business profit model and liquidity rate.

Born in sorrow, died in happiness, to describe the rapid change of the Internet era is the most appropriate. I am engaged in IT, from the application of technology in school to the current work of the technology, I do not know how many times in the process of upgrading, do front-end partners should be more aware of this.

It’s not just about technology, it’s about products. At present, enterprises focus on agile development, rapid iteration, and constantly improve their products according to user behavior, market feedback, and competition. In this way, it is not guaranteed that the products can survive normally. If you don’t have an update iteration, it’s basically the same as abandoning the product.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, especially against human things, do it more difficult, will go through such a process, grit teeth insist, after this stage will adapt to change.

Myth 3: When you get an assignment, you just do it. No one knows what you’re doing

** Must have feedback on the boss’s work, ** although the boss is very busy, but still need to master the progress of the distributed tasks, so you have to find the right time, take the initiative to feedback the progress of the task. People who take the initiative, luck is not too bad. ** You are like a lake. The boss throws a rock at you. I can’t just give you something and then it’s over. Finally, you have to wait for the boss to take the initiative to ask you about the progress, so do you think things will be handed to you in the future? You may never be on the promotion list.

You asked me when is the right time to give unsolicited feedback, depending on whether the boss is presenting a problem or a task. If it’s an assignment, there’s usually a set time, like every Monday or Friday. If it is a problem, then generally come out of the plan to feedback once, the problem is solved and then go to feedback once.

Being proactive is a positive attitude, and no matter what company you are in, it never goes wrong to be positive. My two colleagues at my last company were in stark contrast. The one who was active was called A, and the one who was not so active was called B.

When A colleague came to the problem feedback platform every day, he first checked the feedback data of the previous day, and then recorded it. After accumulating it to A certain extent, he made A plan and reported it to his boss. B’s colleague does his work every day, but does not say that he has finished it. Every time, he says that he has finished it long ago because of the progress of the product. By the end of the year, the company had abolished the general adjustment and only adjusted the salaries of individual employees. I learned privately that colleague A not only got A raise, but also became the leader of A new project team, while colleague B stayed the same and soon went to another company.

Business capability aside, joining A and B are the same in other respects, but why does the boss “reuse” A instead of B? Because of the feedback. If you give feedback, your boss knows what you are doing every day and how much you contribute to the project and the company. And only the head of the staff, even if also very serious efforts, the boss can not see, when the company needs choose and employ persons very suffer losses, less than reuse.

Of course, the “feedback” ≠ “credit”, I am very look down on something with the boss show off, take other people’s achievements on their own look down even more.

But ** While I don’t want to butter up my boss, I need to let him know that I work hard at the office every day. This doesn’t mean that being proactive will lead to A promotion or raise, but employers will give priority to people like A if there is an opportunity for A promotion or raise.

** Misunderstanding four five six seven eight: **** work overtime, kneel lick into the wind, not punctual,, these first shelve, want to write when to continue. To sum up the above three myths, be responsible, be proactive, and embrace change. I wish you guys the salary you want as soon as possible.

This article was first published on the public account “Hou Zhihou Jue”, welcome to follow it