Based on kotlin/coroutine/retrofit/jetpack, 100 lines of code, use super easy and comfortable

Set up the default Retrofit factory and global error handler

HttpCall.init(retrofitFactory = {
    // ...
}, errorHandler = { throwable ->
    // ...
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Basic usage

data class Reault(val data:String)

interface TestService { 
    fun test(a): Call<Reault> 

// Use it in an activity/fragment to get the result of the request
http<TestService>().test().result(this) {
    / / it is Reault

// Used in activity/fragment to get the request response object
http<TestService>().test().response(this) {
    / / it is the Response < Result >
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Displays the status of the request, extending the withSpinning method based on HttpCall

fun <T : Any>  HttpCall<T>.withSpinning(activity: FragmentActivity, spinning: Boolean = false, text: String = ""): HttpCall<T> {
    activity.apply {
        if (isFinishing || isDestroyed) return@apply
        val dialog = showLoading(spinning, text)

        finally { dialog.dismiss() }
    return this

http<TestService>().test().result(this) {
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The introduction of…

repositories { maven { url ""} } dependencies { implementation "Me. Reezy. Jetpack: httpcall: 0.4.0"}Copy the code