Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add wechat Codingdreamer into the conference exclusive push group, win at the new starting line.

The 14th | front-end growth promotion, 8-29 will be broadcast live, 9 lecturer (ant gold suit/tax friends, etc.), point I get on the bus 👉 (registration address) :

  • Team set up 3 years | small Jue landing – how to promote infrastructure projects
  • Team set up 4 years | hall master – how to push the front team infrastructure
  • Team was founded five years | how Scott – when people stretch thin project to promote infrastructure
  • Team was founded six years | taro – how to implement infrastructure value breakthrough in big front team
  • Team set up 12 years | chung chi – how to design large front team construction route

This is the transcript of the third lecture by Scott. Come and listen to his views. The video and PPT will be published on wechat in the future.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, sharing of hearing in front of the instructor, I believe you combined with the conditions of their team will find, in fact in my team, there is a lot of infrastructure opportunities, but I do every day in business, no hands what do infrastructure, especially my boss will not agree with what I take out time to do business infrastructure, So let’s talk about that.

To introduce myself

To introduce myself first, I do the front early on alibaba, the construction team has been doing things, whether it is a single page of SPA framework, or componentization initialization and upload tools after co-founded Moveha | CR and CTO, infrastructure almost stalled at this time, all bow to business, Team also slowed the growth of classmate, after the song side dishes, the company responsible for the large front team, from 6 to 20 people build team, met a huge development pressure, in order to fully release the productive forces, we began to focus on supply chain of front-end tool engineering across the end, at the same time attaches great importance to the potential of young engineers discover and well-being, Over the last three years, I’ve made small gains in infrastructure, and that’s been the story of my career.

In addition to these three career experiences, I have been in touch with the field of programming education since 2012. I participated in the startup incubation of UULearn, a Canadian programming education platform, as a part-time job. At that time, I started to use Node.js to generate pages in batches, and also found the importance of Node.js to improve the efficiency of front-end engineers. In 2013, moOCs launched more than 10 Node.js-related courses, which were watched by more than 500,000 users and received a lot of questions from these students, most of which were about technology exploration and growth. This year, career counseling community was officially established. The front-end engineers I have contacted generally reflect the difficulties faced by infrastructure construction, which can be felt from a personal perspective.

In addition, for the team part, especially from the horizontal perspective, is there a more systematic thinking and methodology? I think more lecturers should be invited to participate in the discussion, which also led me to initiate the second front-end early chat conference, which has this afternoon’s session.

Team’s infrastructure achievements

Side of the front end application, there are 60, both the APP, also has the H5 and PC, there are small programs, team since its establishment five years, start construction to 3 years now, and the team’s front end from the beginning, to senior, senior and, in turn, to the experts, is their ability to grow in the process of constructing three years, Three out of four of our experts have done the infrastructure along the way, or are heavily involved in the infrastructure, whether it’s scaffolding, reporting tools, forms tools, monitoring full links, etc.

Up to now, we have accumulated 20 infrastructure tools, systems or platforms, large and small. For example, we have accumulated nearly 70 components, which have been applied to APP and H5. From 0 to 1, the most difficult part in this process is not specific code implementation, but problem positioning and project promotion. Today, FROM my perspective, I would like to share with you the empirical methods of building projects.

Share the outline

Today, I will share with you mainly from the two dimensions of people and projects. As for the relationship between people and projects, I always hold the attitude that no matter how difficult or bad the current project is, the next project can be started again.

Let’s assume that a student enters a new company, or transfers to a new team, switches to a new business line, or takes over a new project, which is a new start in terms of technology, infrastructure, or personal comprehensive growth. And according to the above, the process of A ~ F, we think of it as an ideal model, you start to do the most is learning introductory stage, it is very difficult to have the infrastructure of forward-looking and strength, can concentrate on doing until can skilled programming project, has been to one-on-one hit with the type of project, then can acquire the independent follow up project, Based on this foundation, to cooperate relationship between different teams, understanding of the business, is deep cognition about the relation between technology and project, that is, when the business become adept, can consider to do about effect of the authors, the so-called effect authors, major gripper is infrastructure, from the starting point for construction is on the same type of business and the perspective of the project, From the perspective of the team, the common problems of the team can be solved. From the perspective of the team, the problems of cross-departments and cross-business divisions can be solved. At this time, the infrastructure can be upgraded to the perspective of the company or even the industry.

In terms of awareness and execution, I have divided what I want to share today into four parts:

  • What is the relationship between whether or not to build infrastructure, how much to build and the team? Let’s determine the value of infrastructure
  • How to look for infrastructure opportunities, identify problems and scenarios, and generalize problems based on the ground
  • From the perspective of people, who should be selected to participate in the construction, so as to improve the atmosphere of construction
  • In terms of methodology, what are the ways that I can help promote the construction of this thing

The last part is the q&A, which dispels the doubts about how to do infrastructure when the team is weak.

Three things to know about infrastructure

Before formally analyzing the relationship between the front end and the team, let me share with you my view on infrastructure:

The real value of infrastructure improvement, cost reduction and growth

The first is: when we think about infrastructure, we need to think of three words:

  • To effect
  • authors
  • growth

It can be people, it can be business, it can be product experience, it can even be business. Growth is all we learn from infrastructure. When it comes to the technical team, the strength of the team’s R&D strength is mainly related to the r&d mode and the individual ability of engineers. The third biggest factor is the completeness of the infrastructure that has been stored over the years. The stronger the infrastructure, the stronger the team’s R&D strength.

The difficulties in infrastructure are the current situation and the key is management

The second observation is: Construction as the starting point is the technology, but he is the focus of the management, to managers, money management and priority, so integrated into the industry, company, group, organization, team and business products all internal external reality conditions, such as value, sometimes even see the infrastructure may not have a chance to realize, this is the hard infrastructure, it’s just like what, From takeoff to landing, there are not only many conditions to be met, but also the whole process of supervision.

No matter how high your infrastructure is, you need a goal and a rhythm

The third view is that regardless of the infrastructure is to solve the problem of development experience, research and development efficiency, product quality and stability of the problem, no matter it is small and beautiful or large, projects need has its certainty goal and advance rhythm, if lack of these units of measurement, it is difficult to form a consensus, if the lack of consensus, it is bound to encounter resistance.

The three biggest headaches in building infrastructure

After listening to the above three things, I believe you will feel the difficulty of infrastructure in your mind. The fact is that infrastructure is difficult in many aspects, among which the three most difficult parts are:

Judgment and decision making are difficult

No matter as a front-end Leader or a front-end student, it is difficult to define value in the superficial problems and decide what infrastructure to do, why to do it, whether to do it at the moment, in what way to do it, and who needs to cooperate to do it.

Consensus and authorization are difficult

Every day to work overtime done business, the full time was taken, also can not recruit people don’t even give hiring, want to upgrade the computer configuration, buy local services, and in high performance server is difficult to realize, I think a good idea to ask for the boss, the boss didn’t agree with, more reluctant to authorize to me, want to talk to the group it is difficult to reach a consensus.

Difficult to implement and popularize

Team didn’t several front-end, most graduate soon, every day requesting page and tunes interface, change Bug, no concern for the front end of the bosses, led can not find the direction of the future infrastructure planning team, not clear how technical architecture implementation, lack of reference copy to provide technical solution, even make some achievements is difficult to promotion, it is also difficult.

There are subjective and objective reasons why it’s so hard, and most importantly, we need to go back and look at it and reassess it.

1. Positioning – the relationship between infrastructure and the front end team

The smaller the team, the deeper the understanding of the value and capability of infrastructure and how it relates to the team,

Definition – What is infrastructure

In your team, if there are dozens of UI components that can be reused, is this infrastructure? Obviously it is. If it is to build a business template market based on components, it is also obvious. Even small to agree on our 10 case of front-end engineering code folder and variable naming, merger between different branches of the specification and write a self-test of online document, obviously this is technical facilities and capacity building, we found the monitoring on the as shown in figure, plug-in, charts, and so on all is infrastructure.

Based on the above, MY definition of infrastructure is as follows:

  • All the capacity building that contributes to r&d performance, directly or indirectly to business development, is infrastructure.

Generalized infrastructure, this is what I understand, it might be a technical solution may be a few documents, may be an internal training project, finally is to contribute to the ascension of our research and development strength and business, and in research and development strength part as we mentioned above is a research and development way, engineers the ability to complete degree of complex and infrastructure.

Today, in fact, we can found that infrastructure early everywhere, but is not necessarily we made some infrastructure, such as we have done a visual platform structures, the form page, it may under the component parts of the infrastructure, this part may be the best Ant Ant gold service to help us Design, or our own components, implement Our own components, from initialization to testing to launch to hosting, rely on our NPM package management tool, which is the infrastructure provided by the community, which runs on Node.js, which is the infrastructure that THE NPM relies on, and so on. We have long stood on the shoulder of a large number of infrastructure facilities in the whole industry, which may be Babel, Vue, React or Webpack. No matter whether we are doing it by hand or not, we have long been in the infrastructure ecology of the whole industry. I think by talking here, you must have a more obvious feeling about what infrastructure is. It’s all around us, it’s in our sights, it’s everywhere.

Positioning – The lifecycle of the team

The picture on the left is adapted from the big picture of Ant Financial, whose source can’t be found. The general idea is that the front end team will go through several important stages, or the life cycle of the growth of the team. I have made it concrete:

  • Human flesh era

Usually, in the front of the early start-up team, or company business line to form a new team, thinly populated, lack of Daniel, have little tool, the collaborative process of the specification of the primitive, with fast to complete the project quickly to support the business progress as the core goal, helping many other things, the code is also rapid saving up to some technical debt is often stay at this stage, The main feature of this era is not only the lack of infrastructure tools, but also the lack of awareness of infrastructure. In addition, the rough RESEARCH and development mode leads to uneven product quality and experience online, which also leads to the high mobility of personnel, and it is easy to work with emotion.

At the same time, team leaders in this stage usually plan the growth of the team with point-like thinking, because they are fighting fires every day and cannot look at the market from the battlefield. Three years ago, we were in this stage when there were less than 10 people in front of small dishes

  • Tool time

At this stage, the team has already reserve a certain number of useful infrastructure, both document standard, modular, or interface polymerization, or scaffolding, everyone’s cooperation, tend to be stable, technology stack also basic unified, although development resources still nervous, but can better support high-priority business, barely support concurrent daily, The development experience is not good in many areas, but the overall development ability is ok.

At the same time, leaders in this stage usually use linear thinking to plan the team’s R&D pace and proportion of resources, and also try to think in engineering. Now our team is at this stage, almost 20 front-end, 20 infrastructure tools, supporting 60 applications, an average of 2 or 3 per person, half of the foot is just entering the engineering era.

  • Project time

This stage, the internal influence of front-end has been very strong, the interaction of product research and business drivers, or cross-functional perspective the technical scheme of sermons, even to the engineering experience of the industry output, there are a lot of trophies, the most important is to form a complete system of research and development, from specification to project development to deployment to monitor the whole system is the formation of social, Most of the team members have strong business awareness and research and development ability, and the overall development experience is very good. Most of the business projects that are not high complexity can be well supported and solved. This is we know of a line on the market at present the Internet giant’s part of a team to the stage, not a second line inside the Internet giant, now at this stage, as far as I know is very few, this is also our side front end over the next two years to the direction of the struggle, the lecturer today to share, are in their early or mid of this age, the future of the road is still very long.

  • Smart era

This stage, visual construction, intelligent building and generating in the business has a very in-depth application, such as ali a double tenth Banner generation tools, creative video generation tool, design draft turn page generation tools and so on, to the design and production are of great liberation of the productive forces, also to the company saves enormous r&d resources, Technical ecological engineering soil has been very mature, whole is very rich also, in many ways to do the whole industry rarely heard of exploration and attempt, according to my knowledge, is only the ants experience technology and tao are related to the engineering team, has half a foot into the came to the stage, other teams also are in the way of intelligent engineering approach, It’s the farthest we’ve seen in the front-end industry so far, and it’s worth all of our efforts.

  • The small stages of the side dish

Our team has been developing for 5 years, from the era of human flesh to the era of tools, and now we are moving towards the era of engineering, during which we have experienced several milestones:

  • Is the first time in 2016, the native language of the APP development all turned to RN, although lost a part of the performance and experience, but directly to unlock the front end development efficiency, let we can use very low labor costs, at the same time support several parallel development of APP, just at that time in order to fast also creates a lot of teams, Whether it’s about people or things
  • The second one is to embrace Node.js in 2017 and encourage most students to use Node.js to build wheels in a large scale, especially the construction of package, push package deployment, hot update and other one-stop construction, which greatly reduces the error rate of release and greatly improves the efficiency of online release, so that the front-end capacity from the front-end to the back-end. That is, you have the most basic full stack capability
  • The third time was in 2018, when we made a crazy attempt to create all kinds of wheels for improving efficiency. Whether it was APP development, PC/H5 deployment, engineering framework and report visualization, we almost developed in an all-round way, reshaping the r&d ecology of Xiaodaifront-end. We also started to share it from this year
  • The fourth one is to unify the technology stacks on all ends in 2019. APP uses a fixed version of the engineering framework, PC/H5/ small programs, including Node.js. It also gives up the former bare Koa/Thinkjs and Express, and fully switches to the enterprise internal service framework based on Eggjs encapsulation. At the same time, the convergence and unification of all ends is still under development and has not been completed yet. As for 2020, we are also full of expectations, hoping that after the world is unified, we will move towards the engineering stage of richer ecology.

I spent a lot of time on this topic, mainly to let everyone feel the importance of infrastructure for the front end team to make great strides forward. Without infrastructure, the team can not make a leap forward, and let everyone feel the extent of infrastructure can help the team grow. There are stars waiting for us ahead.

Positioning – The relationship between infrastructure and team

Based on the four stages mentioned above and the fermented results after the combination of infrastructure and our team, I extracted the following three viewpoints to describe the relationship between infrastructure and team:

Infrastructure is the wheels of the team forward to steady

In fact, wheels are the infrastructure I understand, good wheels will certainly make us faster, but there is also a very important consideration is whether it is stable. If four wheels with different sizes and materials are installed, the project has Vue, jQuery and React, which will enable us to run the project. There is more uncertainty, so we will have monitoring systems, we will have testing tools.

Infrastructure is a team driven engine that is fast

Fast is the most intuitive embodiment of research and development strength, we do infrastructure is to make the project development faster, so there are automatic construction tools, there will be page building tools, the more to the key project, the more the test of our infrastructure ability.

Infrastructure is a training ground for talent to get out of trouble

That engineers are the most valuable company is also the most expensive assets, then it is so people do its use, best subjective initiative, you should have the chance to grow as much as possible to engineer are created, and then through the engineer to the rising power of personal, to drive the rising power of the whole team, so we will have a training, there will be a document, There will be help, and there will be students who do infrastructure.

Of course, using a racing car to describe infrastructure is not rigorous enough, we may use the word “armed” more appropriate, through the arming and rebuilding of the team to achieve the so-called fast, stable and strong goal.

Second, the bottom – problem and scene identification method

When we understand the necessity and importance of infrastructure for teams, as well as the strength of infrastructure for teams at different stages of development, we have to face the next question: how to find opportunities for infrastructure in teams, and what methods can be used to locate such opportunities?

Start with problem point categorization

This screenshot is I just take side team the first few months, the summary of the problem, there are a lot of problems is a serious online fault, even caused a lot of damage to the business, such as business after the party we go live in a line waiting, they begin to do sales promotion, in the end we couldn’t play all day long the whole afternoon APP installation package, Reason is that the students did not carefully adjust the computer environment, and then in a person’s computer packaging, again dozen don’t come out, change a person, again the result of package code has a problem, so repeatedly to take over time, the key is similar problems emerge in endlessly, every two days to once every two days time, the head of the team all are big, Was bombed business party, when faced with this problem, my way is this figure, at the time of problem solving, a record of the problem, and return to them, mainly according to skill, cooperation, tools, standard, professional, team stability, business understanding, such as dimension, ran after a period of time, basically problem through again, This table is precipitated, and then combined with the development process at that time, a preliminary judgment will be made: although these seem to be single point problems, the reasons behind them are multi-related, not single point. At this time, many problems must be abandoned and key ones should be selected to solve.

Ground – Problem scene reconstruction

In order to form a judgment of the main problems, we must go back to the scene at that time. The way to go back to the scene is to make a review of the problems and summarize the rules in the review. For example, why did we pack the problems? The installation package with Debug function without hot update function. If this package is typed by student B, it may be a unique package. In addition, because the local Node version of each student is different from the NPM version, the version of other semantic packages that the package depends on May be different, such as Yarn. Some are old NPM, some are new NPM, so in the project node_modules, there are differences in the code, which is superadded with XCode/Gradle/ local certificate/configuration file/hot update switch and other variables, plus the merge of warehouse branches and even the way of uploading packages. The result is that the installation package received by the user is unique.

If the platform, environment and hot update are taken into account, 8 different packages can be produced by song Xiaofu’s APP. With the Debug switch, there will be 16 packages. If the difference of each student’s local environment is added, there will be 64 packages. That is more than 300 packages to management, of course, the actual situation is not really pack out so much, just so many times magnified by the likelihood of index package contract awarding the probability of error, so reducing this scenario, the seriousness of the problem came out, this is the moment we first need to solve the problem, and must not rely on human flesh, Because repeated restrictions on human flesh have proved ineffective.

Path – From the site back to the solution end

Locate the problem, restore the scene, there must be an ideal final plan, this is what we had agreed, according to different types of APP to develop different release strategy, this is our ideal scheme, or is the idea in our mind, it can realize, safeguard, also has a very important thing is the system, Or the process side and the permission side, which is people specific.

Path – From the schema back to the head flow

Has the reason of the problem, and the desired end, we are going to put this factor added, to making some nodes in the process of the accused, by isolation, whether it’s physical or verbal process or software system, to form the authority and responsibility to the people of convergence assigned, so all of the whole team in this layer reached consensus, In the future, whether to release authority is another matter. At present, we need to have such a process to solve the problem, so as to achieve the final solution we want in our mind. Specifically, when it comes to packaging, there are key nodes such as branch pull package, push package, preliminary review, second review, rejection, release and installation synchronization, etc. At the same time, the problem is greatly solved by convergent the work to a single public server, no longer any human factors that cause environmental changes, and everyone collaborating on this centralized system.

Path – From process to team fundamentals

Although we made a packaging, bag and contract awarding system, problems are solved, but this is just a linear problem is solved, there are other issues to consider, such as the development stage of the modular code, and the standard of warehouse specification, such as the operational phase of the abnormal data collection, analysis, assign and product use kanban, and seems to be problem here, It is also an opportunity for infrastructure to make a difference.

Touch the bottom: point line plane to systematic diagnosis

We started with the packing problem and then we started with the team, and we wanted to give you this: From the point of problem, touch the linear process, and then came to the team’s fundamental problems, eventually give you more stereo diagnosis, in this step, we can find the team of hidden problems, these problems means that a lot of opportunity, the chance may infrastructure means will be used to solve, so we went back to the question just now: How do you find infrastructure opportunities in your team? That’s the way I recommend it, when you present a problem, you can actually present a higher level of decision factors, and sometimes what moves people is these correlation factors, because it builds trust in you, or at least trust, to think in this way.

This chart shows the fundamental problems diagnosed by the team at that time. The two directions of team norms and tool infrastructure are the fundamental problems that most restrict the team, so we should start from these two directions. Other places are also choosing the time to start with different intensity.

Determine the pace of work based on point, line, surface and body

Way is rhythmically to resolve the problem, the rhythm is the method based on the body of point, line and plane and at most, such as professional propaganda has been done for a long time, structure adjustment and packaging are emphasis, spent a lot of time at the same time to the business side has made some effective tools to them when the snack, get their love and acceptance, Screenshots of this picture is 3 years ago, is the real portraiture, if change to today, I will still to do in this way, but the content may be fine-tuning it again, if you how to find opportunities to do translation for capital construction is how to find a spot in the team, find the pain points, all the way high finally identify which area worth investment.

Iii. Selection – How to improve the atmosphere of team infrastructure

After identification of review team problem just now, I believe you in my mind has to remember the infrastructure is problem oriented, have different thinking perspective, the problem is the way to my team, can be set up, we’ll be the first to answer such a question, there are such people in my team or the atmosphere, if the idea of business help to grow didn’t help, What’s the difference between that and not doing it, so we need to talk about what you can do if you don’t have the right environment for infrastructure on your team?

Ways to improve the atmosphere of infrastructure

Not every engineer is full of enthusiasm for infrastructure construction, and some students have been doing business for a long time and are good at business, which may lead to lack of enthusiasm for infrastructure construction. In such a situation, how to improve the infrastructure atmosphere in the team? It is appropriate to say that the technical atmosphere is appropriate.

First, in weeks for the dimensions, code Review, relatively high frequency, there are three principles, the longest maximum and minimum, the longest Review interval of not more than 1 week, don’t stop for a long time in this matter, the most is to encourage as many people as possible to participate in, let everyone at this level, the code from the specification, design, and implementation side have more input, Consensus should be reached as much as possible. As for the minimum, the object granularity of Review should be kept to the minimum principle. It can be the design of a function interface entry parameter, a small algorithm for list optimization, or an existing code Bug, which should be refined to a point and focused as much as possible.

The second, is a month for the dimension of technology sharing, relative frequency, to happen every month a technical sharing behavior, content not limited, but must have to create and share about construction part, here in addition to reach everyone fully consensus, is also very good sermons opportunities and technology communication opportunity to learn, is also a chance to reflect the value of the infrastructure, is there any value, Let your real users, your teammates, judge you and avoid becoming your own work.

Is the third, a quarter of the dimension adjustment, the duty of relatively low frequency, want to do business in each quarter of the students, do the classmate of infrastructure, whether staffing, or hand in proportion to the business/technology infrastructure, do some fine-tuning, let technology grow slower students can participate in some construction work more, make infrastructure with a long line to experience experience in business, Back new thinking on the business, you can even set up virtual infrastructure group, head to set and participants, in the form of a project to promote, and how to put the most worthy of severe training students in the key position, must have the selection criteria, the selection standard, is the ability and willingness to specific points, again is the technological potential, interests, and execution of work.

Selecting the right people for the infrastructure

Mentioned above code RV, technology sharing and responsibility of the adjustment, is one of the students to participate in, behind the hard and valuable part of the infrastructure work to who is going to do, this is a very worth thinking problem, not all students are fit for infrastructure, develop the way may also greatly hit the students self-confidence, We can’t even make a construction tool that is recognized by the team. Who is the most qualified? In our team, there are three thresholds for selection, one of which is indispensable:

  • First, technical sense of smell, have a sense of industry technology, the value of technology to the business, and have certain attainments in specific fields
  • Second, I have strong problem-solving ability and innovation ability. The most important thing is that I am the most diligent and result-oriented person in the team
  • Thirdly, I am responsible and open-minded. I can think from a team perspective and have empathy for other engineers. Besides self-improvement, I can also improve others

Based on this premise, after running for a period of time, we set up an infrastructure team and defined the responsibilities of the infrastructure team as follows for your reference:

  • First of all, the infrastructure team is the team leader of the fire, others can not solve the problem, to the infrastructure team, must be able to fill the position and overcome the tough
  • Secondly, the infrastructure team is the demining pioneer of the team. No matter how advanced the technology stack is, they can quickly digest the core ideas and output their experience and ability to the team after trying in a small field in any form, such as chatting, sharing technology, writing a document or a piece of code
  • Thirdly, the infrastructure team is the chief of the arms and engineering section of the team, who is responsible for the majority of the entire infrastructure of the team. Every quarter and every year, the team can constantly upgrade equipment and arm the team
  • Finally, the construction team is also the preaching apostle of the team, which seems to be simple, but actually it is difficult. At present, we are not very good at the small dishes. Many students are modest and shy, and do not feel shy to speak on stage

With such selection criteria and responsibility division, business students can understand the value of those who are engaged in infrastructure, and vice versa. With frequent code Review and stable technology sharing, as well as the dynamic adjustment of team leaders to personnel, the infrastructure atmosphere of the whole team can be gradually improved.

Iv. Promotion – How to initiate project development for infrastructure

We clear on the value of the infrastructure, in front of the team opportunities point search method also know pain points and infrastructure, as well as the construction of the team atmosphere to improve the way we also know that it is the last question, if specific to a certain infrastructure projects, how to make it official project development in the team, what is the simple rule, can help me to persuade the boss, Persuade the product business, including the students around me, to agree with my idea and finally designate specialized personnel, even if it is overtime, at least have a chance to practice development? So LET me share with you the methodology that I tried the year before and last year.

Effective judgment is a prerequisite for authorization

When you talk to the boss, actually need to upgrade our scaffold is very old, we needs to reconstruct the APP version is very old, although you provide the solution, but they heard the boss’s ear, are ideas, rather than an executable program, because in different team level, see the quadrant and impact point there is a big different, If you want to start a refactoring optimization for, say, an APP, here are a few things to do:

  • First of all, the team over the past few years the technology present situation you want to find clear, the whole team how many great people, the overall everybody is responsible for which projects, these projects what is technical debt didn’t also, if a field in a certain direction hiring, high difficulty is not high, will have to do something a infrastructure, find continuously for half a year to find the right person
  • Secondly, it is necessary to find out the team and technology stack of the same type of company in this industry, the practical experience of others, what detours they have gone through, whether there is a scheme that can be bought or semi-developed by themselves, and whether there are successful cases in this respect to learn from experience, so as to avoid building wheels from 0
  • Thirdly, according to the problem identification method I shared earlier, I made a complete list of problems and summarized them to find out what are the most painful pain points for the team at present and in the future, which aspects restrict us and whether they have an impact on the business
  • Finally, we should have an understanding of the organizational structure, division of labor and assessment system of the team. Whether the company is at the moment of survival, or at the moment of full-scale scale, whether it has made profits or is carefully burning money, whether it is possible for us to have the business soil, window period and material conditions for infrastructure construction

Based on these four parts, we’ll do the capital value and work rhythm, the so-called judgment and planning, the present situation of the judge in the present, in the current scenario, the high performance/price ratio, and reconstruct the APP is not high, in the end who is the biggest beneficiary, benefit, can through digital reaction, or don’t refactor the problem of what, how much influence, Why will it affect, there are no numbers and cases to reflect, if you think it is too difficult to do, then there should be a plan, do this thing when to start, how to start, who needs to do it, divided into several phases, each phase can be quantifiable results, the so-called working rules.

These are the kinds of judgments that you have figured out, so that when you talk to your boss, it’s not just an idea, it’s basic stock work that you can put on a powerpoint presentation, that you can store in your head.

What are the reference project indicators

Even a outline in your heart, but still have no confidence to persuade the boss right, still have to have some of the more specific see things out and share with you the seven I think effective project indicators, this a few you don’t leave out, all do it again, I believe that the boss is hard to deny drop your proposal, unless there are other key factors, especially the influence of the force majeure factors, If you do these indicators carefully, it is actually not difficult to do. To build this infrastructure, there are seven indicators: number, analysis, priority, milestone, comparison, market and responsibility to the head, which is also an extended version of the familiar Smart principle.

Digital – The soul of infrastructure planning

First of all, we must have the Numbers, whether you take the result of a business, or the result of the line of anomaly, or 5 front end after the investigation and analysis of research results, there must be digital, it was a year ago I do a conversion become low reason analysis, user wants to start a user login process construction work, To reduce the length of user access to the applet on the front and back, and to maximize the user to complete the registration action, you can see that I put behind the data every week, what is the technical release of the product, with this number, everyone can realize that there is a problem here.

Analysis – The core of infrastructure planning

Planning was established, to see if the logic behind, this is my view of the problem just now, the proposed solution, there is a technology, there are also interactive infrastructure, such as the home page of static data services, in this, to put the question to split into points, each point should have it fully formed logic and resolved target is derived, by this, Everyone can understand why these things are done and what the meaning behind them is.

Priority – Urgency of infrastructure planning

A team’s problem, usually is a double-digit, from there to identify the most valuable pain points, often is a management decision-making perspective, and as a team member, to persuade the boss to recognise you put forward a new suggestion, you have to put yourself in to communicate with the boss, agreed to give a measure of priority decision criteria, there are some things to do, but often are not done when down, According to this decision standard, the urgency of each infrastructure construction is determined, and special cases are treated as special cases. If every case is special, then the team’s R&D mode must be in a major crisis.

Here I divide the measure of infrastructure urgency into two weights:

  • The highest priority is related to business, whether it is hurt, restrict or affect the business, the infrastructure work behind these things is the high priority, such as the APP package version inconsistencies can lead to rely on the framework of APP white flash back, then this is the direct damage to the business, behind it must start construction as soon as possible to solve
  • Higher priorities are related to development efficiency, experience, growth of engineers and maintenance costs, etc. The later the weight is lower, and the more impact points hit, the higher the urgency of the infrastructure

A lot of times, it’s just because of these different decisions, the same thing that is urgent in your eyes and valuable in your boss’s eyes is less visible and less urgent, and ultimately you don’t get to do it.

Milestones – The skin of infrastructure planning

When you want to start a infrastructure, a few words is hard to let others perceive what exactly are you want to be a out exactly how to do, how much need to develop resources, how to solve what is the biggest pain points, so it has a very important indicator, is the milestone, when there’s a milestone, this infrastructure have the stage, With stages comes visible results distance: How far are we now, and can we afford to wait? This is also the part we are most familiar with in our daily work, because infrastructure is also a project, we should look at it from the perspective of the project.

Comparison – Checking the rationality of infrastructure planning

Natural for comparison with stronger perception, is currently in the planning, planning before or after the planning, according to the construction plan, can control group, can be a solution in the industry, can be a plan ahead of other departments, can be his team once upon a time, by comparing to reveal the rationality of the current infrastructure planning and more quantitative indicators, Even if this indicator is not rigorous enough, at least the value it brings is perceived. This picture is the comparison I showed to my boss when I reported to work in 2018, and the result I got from the construction of infrastructure link in 2017. It is this picture that enabled me to get a promotion ticket in the first year of entering this company.

In addition to highlighting the value of the comparison, more importantly, you have a good evidence in hand through comparison, which is a new starting point for the next time you start a new infrastructure. This successful experience can further reduce the resistance of your future infrastructure.

Capitation – Security for infrastructure planning

This picture I took the name of the person, can see it as a challenge, all students participating in infrastructure, is to choose different challenges, different challenges behind have different value and difficulty, and challenge, the corresponding relationship with such a value everyone has more specific goals, including cooperate with you to do this, must be implemented to the head.

Market – Infrastructure planning pattern

This is everybody can train right from the start work ability, the so-called more highly technical field of vision, this is the picture I did last year, is used to describe the technical team of 80 people, 20 front what is their own business, 20 people in addition to responsible for the business and is responsible for what, through the capital market, all the students are in a chess game, Within each area of each building has its own schedule, behind every progress there is specific in charge of the classmate, at that time the entire team construction is a dynamic, if you can form the market consciousness, don’t need so detailed, you go to persuade the boss, the resistance of the partners and colleagues will be significantly reduced.

Summary – Infrastructure needs to be long term

Here I share came to an end, don’t know have just share case perspective, methods and how to help, whether can let everybody in infrastructure fundamental, is the judgment decision-making, authorized by consensus, achieve promotion here feel actually is not that difficult, just lack of such a reference experience, and then with a small conclusion and suggestion: Infrastructure is often a long period, is endless, at any time to do before, should fully consider the cost and benefit, must have the strong consciousness of cost, at the same time, the ultimate goal of the infrastructure to carry out the on two things, one is to help business, how much can solve business pain points, can bring how many collaborative efficiency of ascension, the other is for the team to promotion, To what extent can we reach a consensus with the team members, and to what percentage of the team members can participate in communication and sharing, the business and the team are the anchors of infrastructure construction, and everyone will benefit from it.

Ok, that’s the end of my sharing, and I hope you can benefit from my sharing.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the wechat group. I will choose two questions to answer. You can also add my wechat to leave a message for me.

Nearly two years Scott observed front-end industry has been completely into the competition, the deep water area, the size of the company’s front TL took office, beginning with the team, in view of the front end engineers, this group should how tube one director, plays with a result, help and growth, is set up this front-end technical director communication group of learning, in the selection of people keep on learning from each other to grow, The threshold for entering the group is that you have a solid line or a dotted line with the team. Please add Scott wechat: Codingdreamer to invite you to join the group. At the same time, please scan the public number below to follow up the conference schedule and download information.

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