I’ve been bombarded every day with messages like:

You still have XXX resumes waiting to be processed in the recruitment system… (Ask to write a recommendation relationship, why to recommend this person)

Here I want to ridicule: why the company system bombards me every day, do not deal with the resume is not pushed, remind me once a day, a little anxiety.

Why don’t these resumes go out?

What information does HR want to see? Look at the company’s internal push system page.

You do the development of the little brother little sister, input tag red asterisk required function code will write it. Can not submit without these required information oh!

Just fill in the basic information and roll it out?

Process card in “HR view” after nothing

I’m gonna click on my little guy’s resume

✅ good school!

✅ degree has no problem!

✅CS professional bonus points!

❌ the problem is that I did not find the project experience, and there is no other resume attachment 📎 (joke, is it not the system prompts to upload resume attachment, or the reminder is not obvious) anyway, no one asked me to query, the background can not see a complete resume.

Did not write the project experience, so that the blind elder brother CS professional and 3 years of development experience, could have sold themselves at a good price.

I have asked HR that it only takes 2 seconds, 2 seconds, 2 seconds for a resume like this to be passed. Is it ok to read a resume? HR said it only takes 10 seconds or 30 seconds at most.

Technical post, how to write resume correctly?

Basic information is mandatory and written in a prominent place.

  1. I have an email address in my resume library that doesn’t include phone numbers
  2. Some don’t write school
  3. There are social recruitment does not write work experience
  4. The most important thing is project experience and technology stack. If you don’t include project experience in your resume, do you wait for HR to contact you?

A resume template that is concise and not simple

⚠️ Precautions:

  1. Keep it simple, keep it to 2 pages, no more than 2 pages! No more than two pages! No more than two pages! **Hr won’t go through your five – or six-page essay.
  2. Skill list write as far as possible comprehensive and write you will, some net friends write a lot of technology, but the interviewer asked and answered I can’t, this is not to dig a hole for yourself.
  3. Project experience! Project experience! Project experience!
  4. Project experience highlights technology stack.
  5. Finally, self-evaluation, your hobbies, highlights, and technical areas you are good at. I don’t have screenshots in the screenshots.

What does HR think of the right candidate?

Suitable candidates:

  1. System business scenarios, the past use of technical framework matching degree is high, a lot of time is not you can not, just do not match.
  2. Be competent for the job – solid technical foundation
  3. Is your direct manager willing to work with you, versatile, personality, communication, initiative – learned in the interview.
  4. Can you work in this company for a long time – reasons for leaving

Network one line pull, cherish this section of edge, looking for users to seriously write a resume oh.

Get a resume template

Next period:

There are several rounds of technical interviews, and in each round the interviewer focuses on what direction to ask.

Internal push: public account reply “wechat”, can help you internal push meituan oh.

In fact, there are some good schools in BAT, but most of the people who are working, namely the tool writers of code (like Wang Zha), are not 985,211. Failing to get an Offer is not the problem of your school, the undergraduate is enough, and the major is not computer. More than half of my colleagues around me are not CS major, do not receive the interview invitation to check whether their resume is not quite right, not smooth in the interview process is normal, to read more interview questions, read more interview questions, this is the most important

Finally, refuse white whoring, give a [in see] + [forward] bar!