Book Introduction:

Python is one of the most popular scripting languages today. The Python Bible is a step-by-step guide to programming in Python. The book is divided into three chapters, including introduction, advanced and case studies. Introduction to Python includes introduction to Python development tools, basic Python syntax, data structures and algorithms, multimedia programming, system applications, image processing, and GUI programming. Advanced chapters include using Python劋 as a database, Web development, network programming, and multi-threaded programming for scientific computing. Three cases are selected to demonstrate Python’s application in Windows optimization, big data processing, and game development. This book provides detailed syntax introduction for common Python extension modules, and gives typical cases, through the study of this book, readers can quickly use Python programming development.

Obtaining method:

The Python Bible

Book Content:

Chapter 1 introduction to Python

1.1 What is Python

1.2 What are the advantages of Python

1.3 Python in other programming languages

1.4 Quick Setup of the Python Development Environment

1.4.1 On which systems Python is available

1.4.2 Downloading and Installing Python

1.4.3 Compiling Python source code with VS2008

1.4.4 Python Development Tool: Vim

Python development Tool: Emacs

1.4.6 Python development I: PythonWin

1.4.7 Other Python Development Tools

1.5 First Python program

1.5.1 from “Hello, Python!” start

1.5.2 Interactive Interpreter for Python

1.6 Chapter Summary

Chapter 2 what you need to get started with Python

2.1 Organization of Python code

2.1.1 Layer with indentation

2.1.2 Two ways of code annotation

2.1.3 Line breaking of Python statements

2.2 Basic Input/output functions for Python

2.2.1 Input function to receive input

2.2.2 Print function for output content

2.3 Python support for Chinese

2.3.1 How to use Chinese before Python 3

2.3.2 More comprehensive Chinese support

2.4 Simple and useful Python calculator

2.4.1 Direct arithmetic operations

2.4.2 The Math module provides a wealth of mathematical functions

2.4.3 Python support for large integers

2.5 Summary of this chapter

Chapter 3. Python Data types and basic statements

3.1 Python Data types: numbers

3.1.1 Integer and floating point

3.1.2 operators

3.2 Python Data type: string

3.2.1 Strings in Python

3.2.2 Escape Characters in Strings

3.2.3 Operation String

3.2.4 Index and fragmentation of strings

3.2.5 Formatting Strings

3.2.6 Converting String and Number Types

3.2.7 Raw String (Raw String)

3.3 Python Data types: lists and tuples

3.3.1 Creating and Operating a list

3.3.2 Creating and Operating tuples

3.4 Python Data Types: dictionaries

3.5 Python Data types: files

13.6 Flow control statements in Python

3.6.1 Branch structure: if statement

3.6.2 Loop structure: for statement

3.6.3 Loop structure: the while statement

3.7 Summary of this chapter

Chapter 4. Reusable functions and modules

4.1 Python Custom Functions

4.1.1 Function Declaration

4.1.2 Function Calls

4.2 Arguments make functions more valuable

4.2.1 Parameters with Default Values

4.2.2 Transmission mode of parameters

4.2.3 How Do I Pass Any Number of Parameters

4.2.4 Return calculation results with parameters

4.3 Scope of variables

4.4 Simplest function: Declare functions with lambda

4.5 Reusable structures: Python modules

4.5.1 Basic Usage of Python modules