JRebel can quickly achieve hot deployment, saving significant restart time and improving personal development efficiency.

Introduction to the

JRebel is a Java virtual machine plug-in that enables Java programmers to see the impact of code changes on an application in real time without redeployment. JRebel is a JVM plug-in that allows Java code changes to take effect immediately without restarting the system.

The installation

1.IDEA search and install the JRebel plug-in

2. Generated GUID

The address of the generated GUID is as follows:


Server address:https://jrebel.qekang.com/{GUID}

Replace the fetched GUID and continue with the Settings:

3. Set up automatic compilation

4. Set up runtime compilation

Run the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+/

Select Registry

Check the runtime compile option

5. Set JRebel to offline

Click to change to:


Once you’re up and running, you need to use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + F9 to trigger the hot deployment

Well, that’s the end of the configuration, saving a lot of lives.

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