He that would do a good job must sharpen his tools.

I’m always selecting and optimizing my weapons for maximum efficiency.

This article is to share with you all the wonderful weapons that I have carefully selected and kept in my private collection over the years. If any friend can recommend better or supplement, welcome to share!

The article is divided into three chapters:

Windows software article

Chrome plug-ins article

Java development Tools

Updated on 2019-04-09. Published on my blog: My treasured magic weapon – Efficiency Tool welcome to visit.

Windows software article

Quick start: Firefly sauce > WOX

Quick start app, Alfred for Windows.

Quick start application + file search + various utility plug-ins (calculator, translation, quick web access, etc.).

My favorite, I’m almost half crippled without it.

Initially, altrun was used, then Listary was tried, and WOX was found to be the most convenient, increasing efficiency by 100%.

Firefly sauce with WOX:

I switched to firefly sauce in the second half of ’18. Firefly sauce is based on the branch of WOX to do expansion, secondary development. Firefly sauce was initially rejected in the spirit of open source. With the deep reliance on WOX, the expectations for richer functionality are growing. After observing for a while, I found that the update frequency of WOX is getting lower and lower. Firefly Sauce team is good, there are still some ideas, which are basically the same in use, but the most important thing is to look better. So I switched to firefly sauce.

Search tool: Everything

Second to find various files in the computer. Perfect integration with WOX and firefly sauce.

Download tool: IDM

Multi-threaded download HTTP class file download tool, leverage. Chrome downloads are hosted to IDM, can download Baidu Cloud offline files, break the download speed limit.

Can not do BT download, use thunderbolt download or Aria2 to cooperate with the processing.

Screenshots: Snipaste

Open source, free domestic screenshots artifact. Give me the biggest feeling is more convenient screenshots than QQ screenshots tools and so on.

Preview tool: QuickLook

Press Spaces to get a quick preview of files, free apps in the Microsoft Store.

I used seer before, but when I found QuickLook, I abandoned it.

Clipboard tool: Win10 system cloud clipboard > Ditto

You don’t have to worry about finding what you just copied.

In Win10 17666 version after the increase of cloud clipboard function, Windows key + V shortcut key, you can open the clipboard history content, move up and down, for the selection of content.

Structured notes: Workflowy/curtain

Make lists,not war.

I use it to keep track of various to-do lists at work, break down tasks, and sort out logic.

Workflowy and curtain:

Curtain is a domestic version of Workflowy, curtain on the basis of Workflowy to do some innovation, recently rumored to be acquired by bytedance, also good.

Markdown writing tool: Typora

Personal favorite Markdown writing tool, what you see is what you get.

Mapping tool: PicGo

Open source free, support a variety of graph bed, powerful, beautiful interface. It is worth mentioning that the developer is also a student in China, which is great.

View tool: 2345 View king

Domestic software, although the name with a bit of shanzhai feeling, and consistent rogue behavior. But it’s really useful to look at pictures.

Compression software: BandZIP

Clean without ads.

Players: PotPlayer and Splash

Powerful, clean and comfortable.

Screen recording tool: LICEcap

Better than GifCam.

Email clients: YoMail and Mailbird

Mailbird: Almost every year, it is rated as “the best mail client for Windows”.

YoMail: The domestic Mailbird is more in line with our Chinese taste, you know.

After years of using Foxmail, you may want to consider changing your taste after dealing with email every day. New email session mode, interactive experience, worth a try.

Remote tool: TeamViewer

Use the powerful free cross-platform remote desktop control software (PC and phone). Much better than QQ remote assistance.

Taskbar Desktop Time calendar: life calendar

Taskbar right corner time display + calendar, etc. Convenient and easy to use, at a glance.

Software manager: QQ software manager

QQ software butler can be installed separately (360 software butler is not allowed), do not install a series of XX security guards, butlers and so on.

To the software installation, uninstall, upgrade and other management is very convenient, personal or feel good.

Chrome plug-ins article

  1. Surfingkeys

    For keyboard streaming, in Chrome, you can get rid of the annoying mouse. Vimium upgrade, my favorite.

  2. Tampermonkey

    There are a thousand oil monkeys in the eyes of a thousand drivers.

    Powerful scripts allow you to do a lot of cool things. Such as driving, Baidu web disk crack direct download, VIP video online analysis crack to advertising and so on.

  3. Salad word search – web page underlined word translation

    All-around web page word translation, open source, rich features, super dictionary, clean and fast, support personalized Settings

    Details deleted.

    Look for a long time to find the delimit word translation software, and double-click Ctrl can also pop up the query translation page. It’s great to use.

  4. The Denver nuggets

    New TAB page hosted to Nuggets for quick access to professional content. The nuggets have become a habit.

  5. Imagus

    Hover the mouse stays on the thumbnail small picture, can automatically pop up to enlarge the picture, do not have to open in the new link to see the big picture, very practical.

    Shopping on Taobao and shopping online.

  6. OneTab

    Open tabs too much, take up memory and you’re afraid you won’t find them when you close them? OneTab solves this problem perfectly.

    Mainly used to shrink Windows and save browsing history.

    To save money? Is Chrome eating more memory? Adding memory is the fundamental solution.

  7. AutoPagerize

    Special need Google, Baidu, click on the next page is very annoying. AutoPagerize eliminates the need for me to click the next page.

  8. Google Access Assistant

    If you only need to visit Google or Google Store and don’t need to break through the walls, this plugin should be enough for basic use. It’s free and fast.

    During the blockade of my yoghurt, I was able to survive with this plugin and cherish it. Long live the good people.

  9. Proxy SwitchyOmega

    HTTP, SOCKS5 proxy plug-in, easily manage and switch multiple proxy Settings. After a while, it works well.

  10. LastPass

Password management plug-in, save a lot of trouble to remember the password.

  1. Insight.io for Github

    IDE like code intelligence and code search for GitHub by Insight.io.

    It’s easier to see code on Github, with highlights and jumps.

  2. GitZip for github

    It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it.

    This is used when you don’t want to Clone an entire project but just want to download a single file or folder.

  3. Clear Cache

    One click to clear the cache, you can skip a lot of steps.

  4. User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

    Chrome can be converted to other browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, 360, or even mobile browsers such as iOS and Android for testing.

  5. Adblock Plus/uBlock Origin

    Web pages to advertising, quiet Internet.

  6. Weibo figure bed

    Weibo figure bed

    Upload the pictures on the page to weibo with one click. Weibo is a good picture bed. I usually use the Twitter image bed to get HTTPS pictures.

  7. Extension Manager

    One-click management of all extensions, fast start/disable, batch lightning management, intelligent sorting, right-click uninstallation, lock, option configuration, corner reminder, size layout with arbitrary configuration. Fast, simple and safe.

    As the number of plug-ins grows, a plug-in manager is needed. This manager is very convenient, appearance level is good.

  8. IDM Integration Module

    Take over Chrome downloads and use IDM downloads. Chrome extensions are automatically installed when you install IDM.

  9. Hui Hui shopping assistant

    Every time the hand chopping festival, always open this to see the historical price.

  10. Youdao cloud web clipping

    One click to save web content to Youdao Cloud notes, which I sometimes use as a sort of bookmark.

Java development Tools

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA

It has been used for some years. I still remember when I started using IDEA 11, I was attracted by its efficiency and smoothness, and then I abandoned Eclipse decisively. It was also because from IDEA, I realized the importance of tools and went further and further on the road of tossing tools.

IDEA plug-in private collection

  1. JRebel for IntelliJ

    Hot-deployed plug-in, a life-saving Java WEB development prerequisite.

  2. Custom Postfix Templates

    My favorite. Postfix templates can be customized. A picture is better than a thousand words.

  3. Lombok Plugin

    Use annotations to automatically generate code, code slave liberator.

  4. RestfulToolkit

    A prerequisite for Java WEB development, no longer need to search RequestMapping globally.

  5. Translation

    Translation plug-in, very easy to use.

  6. Grep Console

    Log logs of different levels are highlighted.

  7. GenerateSerialVersionUID

    Alt + Insert generates the serialVersionUID

  8. Git Flow Integration

    Git Flow plug-in, integrated with IDEA.

  9. GsonFormat

    JSON message –> Java POJO quick conversion.

  10. Material Theme UI

UI theme, there are three color matching, depending on personal preference.

  1. String Manipulation

    String format style quick conversion: case, hump, connection string, etc.

  2. Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines

    Alibaba Java development protocol scan plug-in to improve code quality.

  3. FindBugs

    Find potential problems in your code.

  4. Rainbow Brackets

    Rainbow brackets. Automatically color curly braces and parentheses within code blocks to make the view more focused on the code.

  5. GenerateAllSetter

    Set objects with one key.

  6. Free Mybatis

    Free Mybatis plug-in, enough.

  7. MyBatis Log Plugin

    Restore the SQL log output by Mybatis into a complete SQL statement, it looks more intuitive.

  8. Key Promoter X

    For the keyboard stream, when you use the mouse, it will tell you what the shortcut for the current operation is, and it will pop up a nasty prompt that requires you to click the mouse to close. Until your natural instinct is to use the shortcut keys instead of the mouse in order to avoid that uncomfortable pop-up. The purpose of the plug-in is achieved, and I like this plug-in very much.

  9. Maven Helper

    The Maven plug-in can be installed to see dependencies and conflicts at a glance.

Text editor: Sublime

The Sublime opens faster and feels cleaner than Atom.

Database client: DataGrip

All major databases in one client. No need to install Navicat, PLSQL.


DataGrip itself was just an integrated function module in IDEA before it was taken out as a stand-alone product. But an independent application window, in the development process, it is more convenient to use.

SSH client: MobaXterm

Integrated SSH, SFTP, FTP, etc., a complete fix. Can also be divided screen and other functions, easy to use.

Terminal tool: Cmder

Get rid of the Windows built-in CMD window.

API tool: Postman

Development is a must. Powerful API debugging, Http request tools. Individual request records can be automatically synchronized.

API Management Platform

  • eoLinker
  • Hitchhiker
  • apidocjs