This is the second day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022

Hi, I am xiao 17 _, happy New Year, today is the second day of the Chinese New Year, before sorting out the JS prototype chain related knowledge, sorted out several articles, here to share with you. This article looks at how objects find properties or assign values based on stereotypes.

When objects are created in javascript, they have a default [[Prototype]] property that refers to other objects. [[Prototype]] is given a non-null value when almost all objects are created.

Reference the value of an object’s property

The default [[Get]] operation, when attempting to reference a property of an object, first looks for the property in the object itself. If not, it looks for the property in the prototype chain of the object. If not, it returns undefined.

var obj = {
	a: 2
var res = Object.create(obj);
console.log(res.a);   / / 2
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Create creates a new Object and associates the [[Prototype]] of the new Object to the specified Object. All objects [[Prototype]] end up pointing to Object.prototype.

Assign a value to an attribute of an object

Assigning a property to an object is more than just assigning a value to the property. = 'bar';
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  1. If the object itself hasfooThis general data access property is modified directlyfooThe value of the attribute
  2. If the object itself does notfooProperty, will find the prototype chain of the object, if the whole prototype chain is not found, thenfooWill be added directly tomyObject
  3. If the object itself does notfooAttribute on the prototype chain, then there are two special cases:

The first kind of

var obj = {};
Object.defineProperties(obj, {
	a: {
		value: 2.writable: false}});var res = Object.create(obj);
res.a = 3;
console.log(res.a);  / / 2
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Prototype chain property of the same name, writable is false, cannot be masked, strict mode will report an error.

The second:

var obj = {};
Object.defineProperties(obj, {
	a: {
		get: function(){
			return 2; }}})console.log(obj.a);   / / 2
var res = Object.create(obj);
res.a = 3;
console.log(res.a);   / / 2
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Property of the same name on the prototype chain, overrides the getter or setter, and it’s going to follow the getter and setter.

If either of these cases also want to mask attributes of the same name on the prototype chain, do not use = assignment and use Object.defineProperties

In cases other than these two, masking occurs, using newly defined properties at the bottom of the prototype chain.