On June 24, 1993, Severe Tire Damage, a band made up of Scientists and engineers from Xerox corporation, streamed their performance live to the Internet. They became the first band to broadcast their performance live over the Internet, which was released via the MBone network developed by Xerox corporation.

Severe Tire Damage

In 1995, RealNetworks developed the RealPlayer, the first media player capable of live streaming. The next year RealNetworks used RealPlayer to host a live public broadcast of a baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Seattle Mariners.

YouTube was founded in 2005 and acquired by Google for $1.65 billion in November 2006.

In 2008, YouTube hosted its first Live event, called YouTube Live. The event featured a host of big-name stars and was simultaneously broadcast from San Francisco and Tokyo. But at that time, YouTube did not become a dedicated live streaming platform, only occasionally hosting live events.

Other companies swoops in, and in 2011 Twitch. TV (formerly Justin. TV) launched a live-streaming platform designed specifically for games. Just two years later, Twitch has more than 45 million monthly viewers!

After seeing the success of Twitch. TV, YouTube quickly adjusted their livestreaming policy: by the end of 2013, any registered user would be able to stream live on YouTube. Not to be far behind, other social media have jumped on the live streaming train. In 2015, Twitter acquired periscope, a live streaming app. Facebook and Instagram also launched their live-streaming services in 2016.

Back at home.

In 2005, 9158 video chat community (9158 homonym for “Just ask me out”) was born. It was the first online video social community in China and the first online live streaming platform in China. Founded in 2006 as the “YouTube of China,” Six Rooms received more than 5 million views within a month and a half of its launch.

In 2012, YY launched game live streaming service — YY Game Live (predecessor of Huya), becoming the first game live streaming company in China. In the same year, YY successfully listed in the United States, and two years later, 9158 listed in Hong Kong.

In 2015, Twitch, an American video-streaming platform for games, was bought by Amazon for $970 million. Since then, capital began to invest in game live field. At that time, various game live streaming platforms emerged in an endless stream: Douyu, Huya, Dragon Ball, Panda and so on are all competing in the game live streaming market. At the same time, public live broadcasting platforms also began to emerge, and took the fast lane of mobile terminal. In 2015, Inke and Huajiao were launched on mobile terminal successively.

In 2016, the competition in the live broadcasting market has become white-hot. With the support of capital, live broadcasting platforms of all sizes have entered the competition. After this fierce competition, it is known as the “Thousand Broadcast Wars”. At the end of the year, in order to clean up the online environment, the state issued a strict order on live broadcasting. In 2017, live streaming platforms entered the first “winter period”. For a time, numerous live streaming platforms closed down, and only the head platforms with strong capital survived.

In 2016, Taobao Studio was born. On March 30, 2017, Taobao held its first livestream ceremony. This period, Li Jiaqi, Wei Ya and other goods with talent began to cut a figure. In the same year, Kuaishou launched a live streaming function. Tiktok was launched in September.

Since then, star V, net red civilians have joined the short video platform, open a new chapter of live streaming with goods.

In 2020, the epidemic struck. Under the epidemic, live streaming has become the most popular industry overnight. In addition to live streaming, video conferencing and online education videos have also risen, providing great convenience for people to work at home and attend classes.

As the live streaming industry continues to grow, so does the technology behind it.

In July 2020, JVET (Joint Video Expert Group) released the H.266/VVC video compression standard, which will deliver 50 percent video bit rate savings while maintaining clarity.

In January 2021, the W3C and IETF announced WebRTC (Web Instant Messaging) as an official standard, meaning that people can be closely connected and interact with each other no matter where they are in the world and what device they use.

In May 2021, THE IETF standardized QUIC in RFC9000. The QUIC protocol based on UDP realizes the function of TCP + HTTPS + HTTP/2, and reduces the network delay on the premise of ensuring the reliability.

In 2021, the live-streaming industry is still hot.

What’s next in the era of live broadcasting? Welcome to ****LiveVideoStackCon 2021 Audio and Video Technology Conference Beijing station to explore…

This conference will last for two days and officially set sail on September 3-4, 2021. You can see the technological feast (below).

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