Here are two things you’ll learn after reading this article:

  1. Learn about new changes to new documents
  2. A harvestVue 3New document Study Notes (50Zhang Mind mapping)


Hello everyone, I am LBJ, recently participated in the translation and verification of the new document of Vue 3

We know that the new Vue 3 documentation ( has been out for over a month, but that’s in English, have you seen it?

If you don’t, then you’re blessed! Chinese translation is coming 🎁

Why is it coming?

First, the original Vue 3 Chinese document ( has been marked: the old version

Second, the Chinese translation of the new document has completed the translation of the stable pages in English! And the day before yesterday, the official has removed the words “in preparation, only for preview” from the banner, which means that the new Chinese document can be started for everyone to read

So here it is, the new Vue 3 Chinese document. Join me for a sneak peek at the new changes in the document

The following text will be divided into two parts:

  1. New changes to new documents
  2. Vue 3New document study notes

1. New changes in new documents

A brief summary of the 10 major changes is shown below

Second, new document study notes


Introduction to the

Quick start


Create a Vue application

Template syntax

Responsive foundation

Calculate attribute

Class and style binding

Conditions apply colours to a drawing

The list of rendering

The event processing

Form input binding

Lifecycle hook

The listener

Template for ref

Component based

Further components

The component registration


Component events

Passthrough attribute


Dependency injection

Asynchronous components


Combinable function

Custom instruction

The plug-in

Built-in component






Upgrade scale

Single file component

Tool chain


State management


Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Best practices

Production Environment Deployment


Frictionless access


With TS

Use Vue with TypeScript

TypeScript and composite apis

TypeScript and optional apis

The advanced

Use Vue in a variety of ways

The combined API FAQ

Deep responsive systems

Apply colours to a drawing mechanism

Render function & JSX

The attachment

  • The mind map above has been original and originalxmindDocument uploadgithub, can be downloaded if necessary:portal
  • New document address: portal
  • New document repository: Portal


That is all the content of this article, if you have questions, please point out 🤞