About Vue Admin Work series

VueAdminWork series of frameworks is designed to help more small and medium enterprises quickly set up their own backend. Using the current Vue framework, including Vue2, Vue3. There are four versions of the catalogue, as follows:

  • Vue Admin Work Basic edition: Vue2 + Javascript + Element UI + Webpack
  • Vue Admin Work X版:Vue3 +Typescript + Element Plus + Webpack
  • Admin Work版:Vue3 + Typescript + Naive UI + Vite2
  • Vue Admin Work P: Vue3 + Typescript + Naive UI + Vite2

Among them:

  • Vue Admin Work Basic, Vue Admin Work X, and Admin Work are free and open source versions
  • Vue Admin Work P is a paid version

If you want to know the specific price and service, please refer to the website: qingqingxuan. Gitee. IO/work – p – site or, WeChat public number add WeChat customer service “as code front end”

About this update to version X

Vue Admin Work X was previously the only release that separated the main framework from the actual project. For a variety of reasons, it now has a major upgrade, merging the main project with the actual project, making a lot of improvements to the project structure, and so on.

The previous Vue Admin Work X was a transitional version of Vue2 to Vue3, so it retained a lot of Vue2 writing and a lot of Javascript syntax. As Vue3 continues to improve, support for Typescript is becoming more and more powerful. So with this update, Vue2 is basically written like Vue3, with lots of setup and setup syntax sugar. Enjoy the convenience of Vue3, and the Javascript code is basically converted to Typescript syntax.

At the same time, in order to better adapt to the real project, many functions that are not very practical are deleted, which to some extent reduces the volume of the package and the cost of later maintenance.

// github
git clone https://github.com/qingqingxuan/vue-admin-work-x.git
// gitee
git clone https://gitee.com/qingqingxuan/vue-admin-work-x.git
Copy the code

Tip: This update also upgrades the Element Plus version. Since the Elment Plus version is quite different from the previous one, there may be some bugs in some cases. Please submit an issue if you encounter one

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Write in the last

The Vue Admin Work framework is still weak, like a newborn baby, but we will do our best to ensure that it can grow up healthy and needs a lot of support and encouragement. Thank you very much