When it comes to various AI projects, people may think more of computer vision and deep learning, such as “simulating humans with machines” application scenarios. As an AI project, the goal of this student on Gitee is no longer to “simulate human beings with machines”, but to “create life with code”. If you go to the project home page and look at his interaction with other students in the project description and comments section, you may even see a bit of philosophy in it.

Frog- Artificial Life

Author: DrinkJavA2

Open Source License: Apache-2.0

Project Description: This is an artificial life experiment project, the ultimate goal is to create a “self-conscious expression” of simulated life, the technical architecture is based on an artificial brain model proposed in 2002. The project never ends, starting with the simulation of a simple living organism, followed by frogs, dogs…… “Will end with artificial brains with” self-conscious manifestations, “or the day humans are replaced by robots.

The project architecture

This is a Java project with three modules: Application, Env, and Frog:

Application module: It is used to start, close and other basic services of the project. In Windows environment, you can start it with run.bat to view the demo.

Env: A simulated living area of the Frog, with different shapes representing and simulating objects such as food, predators, and obstacles. This virtual space is controlled by the programmer and becomes more and more complex as the Frog’s brain evolves.

Frog: This is the main body of artificial life, currently known as Frog.

Project presentations

With the addition of the “eye” organ, the efficiency of finding food is improved

The author of the project has written more information on the project homepage. If you want to feel the mystery, you can go to gitee.com/drinkjava2/…