The dialog box is one of the most commonly used controls in Android, and Google also provides a variety of custom dialog boxes. I think a lot of people are too vague. So let me summarize it all.

I usually project development essential framework

  1. The most powerful network request Net on Android
  2. The strongest list on Android (including StateLayout) BRV
  3. Android’s most powerful default page StateLayout
  4. JSON and long text log printing tool LogCat
  5. Support for asynchronous and global custom toast tool Tooltip
  6. Develop debug window tool DebugKit
  7. One line of code creates the transparent StatusBar StatusBar

Dialog box several ways to achieve:

  1. Activity
  2. Popwindow
  3. Dialog
  4. Fragment
  5. BottomSheet

The key class

  • AlertDialog
  • ProgressDialog
  • DialogFragment
  • Activity
  • BottomSheetDialog
  • BottomSheetDialogFragment


Alertdialogs are the most commonly used alertdialogs.

Here’s a key class: alertDialog.Builder. Belongs to the constructor pattern usage.

The simplest dialog box is shown here


AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
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Methods to introduce

The most basic AlertDialog is described above. But more complex functionality is needed in development. So I’m going to go through all of them

Builder is an inner class belonging to the AlertDialog. The constructor responsible for creating the AlertDiglog. So it’s chained programming.

Because of the constructor pattern, you can simply ignore all the methods of the AlertDialog; the Builder already implements all the functionality. And the AlertDialog is Protected and cannot create objects directly.

Confirm and cancel/neutral buttons

It’s called the OK and cancel buttons, but you can set it to any other name or function.

builder.setPositiveButton("Sure".new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
		// Click the callback method for the event}}); builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel".new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {}});Copy the code

Left button (Cancel)

AlertDialog.Builder setPositiveButton (intTextId, / / a string array resource id DialogInterface. An OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setPositiveButton (CharSequence text, / / string DialogInterface. An OnClickListener listener)
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Right button (OK)

AlertDialog.Builder setNegativeButton (CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setNegativeButton (int textId, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)
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Neutral button (whatever you write). This button is between cancel and confirm.

AlertDialog.Builder setNeutralButton (CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setNeutralButton (int textId, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) 
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Traditional selection dialog box

Note that none of the item selection methods can be used with setMessage. Otherwise it is invalid, and any item selected will close the dialog box.

AlertDialog.Builder setItems (int itemsId, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setItems (CharSequence[] items, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)
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MaterialDesign Radio dialog box

The difference between this dialog box and a traditional radio dialog box is that an item can be selected without automatically closing the dialog box. And you can set the items that are selected by default.

AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems (intItemsId, // Resource array IDintCheckedItem, // Selects the index of the item in the state. If none is selected by default, write -1
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems (ListAdapter adapter, // ListView adapterint checkedItem, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems (Cursor, // Use the Cursor to create the entryint checkedItem, 
                String labelColumn, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setSingleChoiceItems (CharSequence[] items, // string array, most often checkedItem, 
                DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)
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Multiple selection dialog box

AlertDialog.Builder setMultiChoiceItems (CharSequence[] items, // array of itemsboolean[] checkedItems, // Select the status array. If you don't want any selected by default, write itnull
                DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setMultiChoiceItems (int itemsId, 
                boolean[] checkedItems, 
                DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener)

AlertDialog.Builder setMultiChoiceItems String isCheckedColumn, String labelColumn, String isCheckedColumn DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener listener)
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Parameter description:

  • Items: Nothing to talk about. The content of the entry
  • CheckedItems This is an array of Boolean types. The selection status of the corresponding items
  • Listener Callback listener

The sample

final String[] itemTitles = {"Geoduck"."Abalone"."Peach bun"};
builder.setMultiChoiceItems(itemTitles, DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() {
  /** * calls back when a dialog entry is selected@paramDialog, which can be used to call the Dismiss close dialog * within the callback method@paramWhich Index of the currently selected item *@paramIsChecked Selected state */
  public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which, boolean isChecked) {
    / / toast
    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, itemTitles[which], Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    dialog.dismiss(); // Close the dialog box}});Copy the code

Other ways to create a dialog box

These two methods are rarely used. Because it’s relatively complicated.

The same function as setMultiChoiceItems and setSingleChoiceItems.

The ListView adapter

The equivalent of the ListView adapter, the ListAdapter, is used to set the display of the selected item. Richer content can be displayed.

AlertDialog.Builder setAdapter (ListAdapter adapter, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener)
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Cursor Cursor

See Cursor for more details

AlertDialog.Builder setCursor (Cursor cursor, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener, String labelColumn)
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Create and display

AlertDialog create (a) // The creation simply returns an AlertDialog object. The dialog box will not be displayed

AlertDialog show (a) // Display the dialog directly
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Get context

Gets the context object passed in when the AlertDialog was created.

Context getContext (a)
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Can I cancel it?

The default is true, meaning that clicking on the outside of the dialog will close the dialog. If false, it will not be closed

AlertDialog.Builder setCancelable (boolean cancelable)
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The title

AlertDialog.Builder setTitle (CharSequence title)

AlertDialog.Builder setTitle (int titleId)
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The method title above is just a literal form. The following method allows you to customize any View object to display at the location of the title.

AlertDialog.Builder setCustomTitle (View customTitleView)
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The title icon

Add a picture as an icon to the left of the title

AlertDialog.Builder setIcon (Drawable icon)

AlertDialog.Builder setIcon (int iconId)
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There is also a topic property to set the dialog box icon. I don’t understand,

AlertDialog.Builder setIconAttribute (int attrId)
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The custom dialog box is displayed

You can customize the dialog box to display anything. Note that even if you customize the dialog box. If you use the Settings ok and cancel buttons, they still appear;

AlertDialog.Builder setView (int layoutResId) // The layout file will do

AlertDialog.Builder setView (View view) / / the View object
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Problem with input box:

If an EditText inserted into an AlertDialog custom View does not eject the keyboard, add the following code

Window alertDialogWindow = mAlertDialog.getWindow();
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If you want to input the box automatically pops up

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The listener

Cancel listener

Canceling the listener is a way of clicking outside the dialog box to close the dialog box. There is no callback when calling the dismiss method closed

AlertDialog.Builder setOnCancelListener (DialogInterface.OnCancelListener onCancelListener)
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Turn off the listener

The listener is the one that calls back when the AlertDialog method is called in dismiss() or when a click is made outside the dialog.

AlertDialog.Builder setOnDismissListener (DialogInterface.OnDismissListener onDismissListener)
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ListAdapter entry listener

This is the method you use when you set the ListAdapter to display the dialog entries

AlertDialog.Builder setOnItemSelectedListener (AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener listener)
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Key monitor

Can accept button events. Can be used to mask the button after the dialog box pops up.

AlertDialog.Builder setOnKeyListener (DialogInterface.OnKeyListener onKeyListener)
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If you don’t need any of the AlertDialog elements (buttons/titles/click events) at all, you can inherit the Dialog custom implementation. Of course, I don’t recommend emulating the IOS Dialog;

If you’re using a completely custom dialog I would recommend a DialogFragment (which I’ll talk about later)

Qi Yin skills

Automatic eject keyboard

Dialog If there is an input box that cannot automatically pop up the keyboard, the following function can be implemented;

  public static void showInputMethod(EditText editText) {
    InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) Library.getApp()
    if(imm ! =null) { imm.showSoftInput(editText, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); }}Copy the code

Set the list divider

AlertDialog can set lists, but there is no function to set separators;

  public static void setDivider(AlertDialog dialog, @DrawableRes int divider) {
    ListView listView = dialog.getListView();
    if(listView ! =null) {
      listView.setOverscrollFooter(newColorDrawable(Color.TRANSPARENT)); listView.setDivider(Res.getDrawable(divider)); }}Copy the code

The background transparent

  public static void setTransparent(Dialog dialog) {
    Window window = dialog.getWindow();
    if(window ! =null) { window.setBackgroundDrawableResource(android.R.color.transparent); }}Copy the code

Set the dialog box size

  1. DialogFragment Setting the subject. Disadvantages: Force the maximum width

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  2. Wrap the layout one more layer. Because the top-level size of DialogFragment is invalid, but Dialog is not. Disadvantages: You can only set fixed values

  3. Disadvantages of setting Window layout parameters: only fixed values can be set

Dialog has a default width, height is package-appropriate; But sometimes you need control; Be sure to execute the following function after the dialog is displayed;


In addition to the use of the warning dialog above. A separate dialog style is also provided. Progress bar dialog box. Progress bar is a great invention in the history of computer applications.

ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this);// Create the progress dialog object
progressDialog.setTitle("Title"); // Set the title
progressDialog.setMessage("Loading..."); // Set the message; // Display the progress bar
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In addition to the above default progress bar style, Google also provides a set style horizontal progress bar

// ProgressDialog.style_spinner Rotates the progress bar. This is the default style
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Methods to introduce

ProgressDialog is a subclass of AlertDialog. Inherits all of its methods. So I’m just going to talk about the new method.

Schedule set

Since it is a progress dialog, of course, there is a way to set progress. The default rotation progress bar style does not set progress. This method must be executed after show() to take effect.

int getProgress (a)

void setProgress (int value)
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The biggest progress

void setMax (int max)

int getMax (a)
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According to

You can use the superclass’s show() method. You can also use the new static method on the ProgressDialog to display it in a single line of code. Like Toast.

ProgressDialog show (Context Context, // Context CharSequence title, // title CharSequence message) // Message content

ProgressDialog show (Context context, 
                CharSequence title, 
                CharSequence message, 
                boolean indeterminate)
ProgressDialog show (Context context, 
                CharSequence title, 
                CharSequence message, 
                boolean indeterminate, 
                boolean cancelable)

ProgressDialog show (Context context, 
                CharSequence title, 
                CharSequence message, 
                boolean indeterminate, 
                boolean cancelable, 
                DialogInterface.OnCancelListener cancelListener)
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The secondary progress

Similar to the cache progress bar when you watch a video. Lighter than the main progress bar.

void setSecondaryProgress (int secondaryProgress)

int getSecondaryProgress (a)
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Growth progress

The difference with setProgress is that the change is to add or subtract from the original progress. And it doesn’t matter if it’s before or after the show() method.

void incrementProgressBy (int diff) // Progress increased

void incrementSecondaryProgressBy (int diff) // Secondary progress increased
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Uncertain status progress bar

This effect applies only to horizontal progress bars. The status of the progress bar is constantly changing.

void setIndeterminate (boolean indeterminate) // The default is false. True

boolean isIndeterminate (a) // Whether it is in an uncertain state

void setIndeterminateDrawable (Drawable d) // Set an image as an indeterminate progress display
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Progress of the style

void setProgressStyle (int style)
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Includes two parameters:

  1. STYLE_HORIZONTAL Progress bar
  2. STYLE_SPINNER Ring progress bar

Setting the progress picture

This method is only valid if the ProgressDialog is horizontal.

void setProgressDrawable (Drawable d)
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Progress display formatting

void setProgressNumberFormat (String format)
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Use a string to format the text content in the bottom right corner of the progress dialog. If NULL is passed, nothing is displayed.

%1d: current progress percentage

% 2D: maximum progress percentage

For example, if you want to display the size of the download (in KB), you can write this

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Of course you can write anything you want

The progress bar percentage is formatted

There’s a class called NumberFormat, which is a tool for formatting numbers. Abstract classes need to create objects through the getInstance**() method. There are a few more methods in this class that I won’t go through in detail. This percentage format is also used less.

Parameter null, the percentage in the lower left corner of the progress bar will not be displayed.

void setProgressPercentFormat (NumberFormat format)
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// getCurrencyInstance is a currency format method
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A ProgressBar is a ProgressBar used as a control. It can only be used in the layout file. A ProgressDialog is implemented by creating a View display that contains the ProgressDialog.

The progress bar dialog can also be written directly to the layout file as a control, and the class will only be displayed if it is used in the layout. Horizontal progress style provided by the system. StyleProgressBar.Horizontal

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By the way, the progress bar cannot be opened on the child thread (show) but can be closed on the child thread (dismiss).


This class is a subclass of Fragment and is an official recommended dialog.

I recommend DialogFragment for dialog content that needs customization. The default altertDialog is recommended for normal dialogs. The ios effect wheel control is strongly not recommended. What’s the design, ugly and inconvenient

Use it the same way as regular fragments.

public class CustomDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {

    /** * is the same as the onCreate method for the Fragment@param inflater
     * @param container
     * @param savedInstanceState
     * @returnReturns the View object */
    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);

    /** * use one of the above methods to nest dialogs in a Fragment. ** if both methods are written, only this method will work@param savedInstanceState
     * @returnReturn the Dialog object */
    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState); }}Copy the code

Display in the Activity

 new CustomDialogFragment().show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "bag");
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※ If the DialogFragment is onCreateView. The root layout of the layout file, whether match_parent or the given value, counts as wrAP_content. To control the size of the dialog, write the subcontainer layout.

The DialogFragment cannot be displayed in full screen

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:text="The Program Daniel Wu"

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Declarative cycle method

This is all about periodic callback methods for overrides. Note that DialogFragment is a subclass of Fragment. Includes all life cycles of the Fragment

Shut down

Calls back when the Dismiss method closes the dialog box

void onDismiss (DialogInterface dialog)
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Click DialogFragment to cancel the DialogFragment callback method

void onCancel (DialogInterface dialog)
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A method is called

Method used for invocation

Display dialog

  • Common usage shows DialogFragment, which is nested in the Activity as a common Fragment
  • Use the following method to pop up the DialogFragment as a dialog box
 void show (FragmentManager manager, String tag) // This parameter can be read by anyone with Fragment knowledge.

 int show (FragmentTransaction transaction, String tag)
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Close dialog

void dismiss (a)
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Can I cancel it?

Click on the outside of the dialog box can close the dialog box

void setCancelable (boolean cancelable)
boolean isCancelable (a)
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Get the dialog object

Dialog getDialog (a) // Get the Dialog object returned by the onCreateDialog method
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Whether to display as a dialog box

If set to false, it will create a layout rather than a dialog, just like the Fragment. This method needs to be executed before the onCreateDialog method to be valid. It is recommended to do this in the onCreate method. However, if you set this to false, the DialogFragment show method will not work.

It’s not going to work.

boolean getShowsDialog (a)

void setShowsDialog (boolean showsDialog) // Defaults to true
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The theme style

Must be called before the onCreateDialog method executes. That’s called inside the onCreate method.

void setStyle (intStyle, / / styleint theme) // Theme, if 0, the default theme is used
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Style supports four parameter values:

  1. STYLE_NORMAL ordinary
  2. STYLE_NO_FRAME without borders
  3. STYLE_NO_INPUT cannot get focus. You will not be able to type or click
  4. STYLE_NO_TITLE no title

Get the topic of the DialogFragment

Corresponds to the theme set by the setStyle() method.

int getTheme ()
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Cancel state loss

See the commitAllowingStateLoss method of the Fragment for details

void dismissAllowingStateLoss ()
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About width being limited to range

SetStyle (dialogfragment.style_no_title, android.r.stile. Theme_Holo_Light_Dialog_MinWidth); / / transparent background getDialog (.) getWindow () setBackgroundDrawableResource (android. R.c olor. Transparent);Copy the code


Activity as a dialog box. Just inherit the dialog’s topic in the topic. Then start the activity normally.

The sample

<style name="CustomDialog" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
  <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
  <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
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Here I have removed the title bar and background transparency.

※ Do not set the root layout of the activity to match_parent full screen.


Internet version 23.2.0

The sample code

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private BottomSheetDialog mDialog;

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mDialog = new BottomSheetDialog(this);

    @OnClick( public void onClick(a) {; }}Copy the code

Dialog creation requires code to build instance objects without further explanation

A constructor

BottomSheetDialog(Context context)
BottomSheetDialog(Context context, int theme)
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Setting options

void	setCanceledOnTouchOutside(boolean cancel) // Cancel the dialog box out of touch range

void	setCancelable(boolean cancelable) // The dialog cannot be cancelled outside the return key and touch range

// Set the contents of the dialog
void	setContentView(View view)
void	setContentView(int layoutResId)
void	setContentView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)
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Front introduced DialogFragment. Here mentioned BottomSheetDialogFragment usage. No other introduction.


Just pull dialog is too simple, Android provides CoordinatorLayout. The behaviors of the implementation class BottomSheetBehavior to match CoordinatorLayout layout is used. Achieve a more beautiful MaterialDesign interaction effect.

The difference between the BottomSheet dialog and the BottomSheet dialog is that it supports a richer set of BottomSheet properties.

The sample






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public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private BottomSheetBehavior<View> mBottomSheetBehavior;

    @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mBottomSheetBehavior = BottomSheetBehavior.from(findViewById(;

    @OnClick( public void onClick(a) { mBottomSheetBehavior.setState(BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_COLLAPSED); }}Copy the code


void setHideable (boolean hideable) // Whether to hide

void setPeekHeight (int peekHeight) // Fold height, which is the height fixed at the bottom of the screen when pulled down

void setSkipCollapsed (boolean skipCollapsed) // Do not fold, completely hide

void setState (int state) // Set the current Behavior state
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BottomSheetBehavior has five states:

  1. STATE_COLLAPSED shows part of the height of state (folded state) the default state
  2. STATE_EXPANDED Expansion status
  3. STATE_HIDDEN Indicates the hidden state
  4. STATE_DRAGGING is dragging
  5. State_demystified to slide

Tip: Some states are in-process states, and setting them directly via setState is invalid. For example, dragging the state

attribute // Whether all can be hidden. The default is false. If set to true, the default state is hidden // Minimum fold height // If true. Drag down to hide instead of folding (hideable is true)
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State change callback

void setBottomSheetCallback (BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback callback)
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The sample

mBottomSheetBehavior.setBottomSheetCallback(new BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() {
  / * * *@param bottomSheet
             * @paramNewState Current state */
  @Override public void onStateChanged(@NonNull View bottomSheet, int newState) {}/ * * *@param bottomSheet
             * @paramSlideOffset drag is coordinate offset */
  @Override public void onSlide(@NonNull View bottomSheet, float slideOffset) {}})Copy the code



  • Dialog
  • Meets common dialog box requirements
    • The most commonly used
  • DialogFragment
  • Dialog, essentially
    • Dialog boxes for complex logic
  • Has the Fragment feature and can be used as a common Fragment
  • Activity
  • It can be really full screen
    • Built-in animation
  • popwindow
  • Can be attached to other controls.
    • Customize the display location
  • BottomSheet
  • It can be used in conjunction with CoordinatorLayout, which has gesture swiping and animation effects laid out at the bottom