The model structure of blockchain has been talked about for tens of millions of times in the industry, which has basically become a problem of definition. In general, the blockchain infrastructure can be divided into six layers, including data layer, network layer, consensus layer, incentive layer, contract layer and application layer. Each layer completes a core function respectively, and the layers cooperate with each other to achieve a go


The primary role of the data layer is to describe the physical form of blockchain technology. One of the first starting nodes that the technologists who design blockchain systems set up is called

“Trands block”, then created under the same rules of the same size of the block through a chain structure connected to form a main chain, as the operation time is getting longer and longer, new blocks are constantly verified after being added to the main chain, while the main chain will continue to extend.

Each block also contains a number of technologies, such as timestamp technology, which ensures that each block is connected in chronological order. Another example is a hash function, which can make the transaction information not easily tampered with.


The main purpose of the network layer is to realize the information interaction between the nodes of the blockchain network. The essence of blockchain is a


A (peer-to-peer) network, where each node can both receive and produce information, maintains communication between nodes by maintaining a common blockchain.

In the blockchain network, each node can create a new block, after the creation of a new block will be broadcast to other nodes, and other nodes will in turn verify the node, when the blockchain network exceeds


The new block is then added to the main chain.


The consensus layer enables highly decentralized nodes to effectively agree on the validity of block data in a decentralized system. Common consensus mechanisms in blockchain mainly include proof of work, proof of interest and proof of shares.


The main function of the incentive layer is to provide certain incentive measures to encourage nodes to participate in the security verification of blockchain. Take Bitcoin for example, its reward mechanism has two kinds, in the total amount of bitcoin reached


Before ten thousand coins, the reward mechanism has two kinds, the new area will soon be generated after the system reward bitcoin and each transaction deducted bitcoin (commission). And when the total number of bitcoins reaches
In 10,000 hours, the newly created blocks will no longer produce Bitcoins, and the reward at this point is mainly a fee deducted from each exchange.


The so-called contract layer mainly refers to various script codes, algorithm mechanisms and smart contracts, etc. Again, take Bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin is a programmable currency, and the script encapsulated by the contract layer defines the transaction mode of Bitcoin and various details involved in the transaction process.


The application layer encapsulates various application scenarios and cases of blockchain, such as cross-border payment platform based on blockchain.