Charles agent setup experience summary

There are four steps:

  1. Install Charles certificate to computer
  2. Cell phone connects to Charles agent
  3. The Charles certificate is installed on the mobile phone
  4. Charles Sets SSL Proxying Settings

Details of each step:

1. Charles installs the certificate on the computer

  • Find Help -> SSL Proxying -> Install Charles Root Certificate -> Enter the password to allow the operation -> in the open keystring panel, Right-click Charles Proxy certificate -> Show Introduction -> Open Trust category -> Use this certificate and select “Always Trust”

2. Connect the phone to Charles agent

  • Set the IP address of the phone proxy to the PC, and set the port to 8888, which is Charles’ default proxy port
  • How to set up proxy for mobile phone?

3. Install the Charles certificate on the mobile phone

  • Ios phone, when you connect to Charles, Go to Help -> SSL Proxying -> Install Charles Root Certificate on a Mobile Device XXX -> Follow the pop-up address (usually CHLS. Pro/SSL) and access in Safari -> Download certificate -> General in mobile Settings -> Description file and Device Management -> Charles Proxy CA -> Install and verify. Some higher versions of ios need further Settings: General -> About local -> Certificate Trust Settings -> Charles Proxy CA open

  • For Android phones, download the certificate using a browser (if some browsers cannot download it, try another one) and install it

4. Set the Proxy

  • Harles set Proxying -> SSL Proxying Settings -> SSL Proxying, Enable SSL Proxying Port: 443, OK, OK

This will catch the phone’s HTTPS packet

Fiddler agent Settings

Similar to Charles, there are three steps:

  1. Install the Fiddler certificate on your computer and set fiddler to allow HTTPS packets to be resolved
  2. The phone connects to a Fiddler agent
  3. Fiddler certificate is installed on the mobile phone

Specific steps

  • The baidu