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Nginx as a famous Http server, reverse proxy server, in daily work and study, we can not avoid contact with it, this article through personal practice, a complete and detailed explanation of Nginx installation process, hoping to help students in need.

1. Download the nginx package


2. Upload the file to the server

Use rz command to upload files to the server

Install nginx dependencies

Check whether gcc-C ++, pcre-devel, zlib-devel, and openSSL-devel exist on the Linux server

I. Inspection methods are as follows:

1, if use RPM to install, use RPM to qa to check, for example, RPM qa | grep GCC – c + + (software name)

2, if is to use yum to install, use the yum list installed to check, for example: yum list installed | grep pcre – devel (software name)

3, if deb is used to install, use the DBKG -l to check, for example: DBKG – l | grep pcre – devel (software name)

If you do not have all dependencies installed, you can use the following statement to install all dependencies:

yum -y install gcc pcre-devel zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel

If some dependencies are already installed, you can use the following statement to install the required dependencies:

1, yum install gcc-C ++

2, yum install pcre-devel

3、 yum install zlib-devel

4, yum install openssl openssl-devel

4. Decompress the package

Command: tat-xvf Name of the compressed package

Configure the installation address, and compile and install the software

1, configuration, installation address:. / configure — prefix = / usr/local/blog/nginxconf

2. Compile: make

3, Install: make install

5. Check and start Nginx

/nginx -t./nginx -t

Start nginx:./nginx

3, Access nginx in a browser (remember to allow port 80 in the firewall) :

(Optional) run vim /etc/rc.d/rc.local and add the sbin directory of nginx to the file

Write in the last

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