At present, in terms of the current Internet situation, Java is the first to bear the brunt of the IT industry. Why is there such a phenomenon? This is about the characteristics of Java.

First of all, it has the following characteristics:

Simplicity: Java is a pure object-oriented language with a straightforward syntax that is easy to master.

Object orientation: Object orientation is the foundation of the Java language. The Java language advocates “everything is an object” and cannot define individual data and functions outside the class syntax.

Distribution: 1. Operation distribution 2. Data distribution

Portability: Java programs have architecture-independent features. Java’s class libraries also provide interfaces for different platforms, all of which can also be ported.

Security: Java language removes c-like Pointers and memory release syntax, effectively avoiding illegal operations on memory by users

Robustness: Java checks for coding and runtime errors and eliminates them.

Multithreading: Java applications can perform multiple tasks in parallel at the same time. And the corresponding synchronization mechanism can ensure that different threads can share data correctly.

High performance: Java’s compiled bytecode is run in the interpreter, so it is much faster than most interactive applications.

Dynamic: Java can adjust library methods and add variables dynamically, without any changes on the client side. Making dynamic adjustments in Java is simple and straightforward.

Secondly, it is optional. Why is it optional? Simply put, it is the breadth of its job search, now many big factories need Java talent, including Alibaba, Tencent and so on. So the breadth of Java is huge.

Then there is its depth, which means how high it can learn. How much you learn determines how high you can go in the future.

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This course is the first season of Java300 edition 2022. With the latest Version of Java course, all videos are re-recorded, all graphics of courseware are re-drawn and color matching, and Java learning is illustrated, making learning become an enjoyment.

This set of tutorials is specially designed for zero-based students, suitable for zero-based students preparing for Java development, interspersed with multiple actual combat projects in the video. Each knowledge point is explained to be easy to understand, from shallow to deep. Not only for beginners, experienced programmers can also do consolidation learning.

Of course, the above learning learning content if you can absorb eight good achievements, because there are projects behind practice, plus actual combat experience, you are very nai si ~

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