GigaOm recently released a performance review of the API Gateway, which describes the performance differences between API7 (based on the enterprise version of Apache’s top project APISIX) and Kong EE (Kong Enterprise version) under different pressure test scenarios. The results show that THE performance of API7 is significantly better than that of Kong EE, up to hundreds of times.

We excerpted the test scenarios and data from the full report:

  1. 10,000 RPS pressure test, 1 route, no plug-in enabled
  2. 10,000 RPS of pressure test, 1 route, enable JWT plug-in
  3. 10,000 RPS of pressure testing, 1000 routes

In the chart below, the horizontal axis represents the percentage of requests distributed and the vertical axis represents the number of milliseconds delayed. So, the lower the delay, the better, the more stable, the better. This means that the gateway can handle terminal requests stably and efficiently.

Below is a comparison of the latencies between APISIX and Kong Enterprise edition without any plugins enabled. The difference is small for 95% of requests, but after 95% the latency difference then increases exponentially and at 99.99% Kong EE’s latency is more than 30 times that of API7.

The abscissa represents the percentage of requests distributed, and the ordinate represents the number of milliseconds delayed, with a smaller value indicating better performance.

With the JWT plug-in enabled, the performance gap between API7 and Kong EE was further widened: Kong EE had a maximum latency of 3778 ms and was unavailable, while API7 had a maximum latency of 14 ms, a difference of several hundred times.

The abscissa represents the percentage of requests distributed, and the ordinate represents the number of milliseconds delayed, with a smaller value indicating better performance.

In both scenarios, there is only one route. In the actual production environment, there are usually hundreds or thousands of routes. So, the following test covers 1000 routes. In this scenario, Kong EE and API7 are also close to 100 times apart.

The abscissa represents the percentage of requests distributed, and the ordinate represents the number of milliseconds delayed, with a smaller value indicating better performance.

API7 maintained low latency and stability in a variety of test scenarios, which is particularly critical for enterprise users.


Apache APISIX is a next-generation cloud native API gateway that provides rich traffic management functions such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, gray scale publishing, service fusing, authentication, observability, and more.

The following diagram shows the architecture of APISIX

API7 is a commercial product implemented by Shenzhen Branch Technology based on Apache APISIX. In addition to the basic functions mentioned above, API7 also implements multi-cluster management, multi-work partition, permission management, version management, audit, statistics and other functions for enterprise users.

Who is using APISIX

Apache APISIX is already used by hundreds of enterprise users worldwide to handle core business traffic, including finance, Internet, manufacturing, retail, operator and many other industries.

Contact us

Apache APISIX Github:…

API7 website:

Follow the official account [APISIX Cloud Native Microservice Gateway] and fill in the information to get the full report.