1. Create a folder on the desktop and name it “crash”.

2. Change the name of the. Ips file to. Crash and save the file to the crash folder.

3. Go to the folder path and get Symbolicatecrash

Copy the code

4. Locate the. DSYM symbol file

  • We perform the product-Archive project in the desired environment, and the Organizer window pops up showing the newly generated Archive version. (Each Archive version has a corresponding.xcarchive file), right-click the Archive version you want and select Show In Finder

  • Find the corresponding.xcarchive file, right-click to display the package contents and enter

  • At this point, the dSYMs folder exists in the folder if the above configuration is correct

  • Click enter and find the corresponding file appname.app.dsym

5. Copy the xxx.app.dSYM file and paste it into the crash folder

6. Open the terminal and run the CD command to access the current crash folder on the desktop

7. Type the command export DEVELOPER_DIR = / Applications/Xcode. The app/Contents/Developer

8. Pull the files directly to the terminal, and output ->2.txt

9. As shown in figure


What are dSYM files

After compiling the project with Xcode, we will see a dSYM file with the same name. DSYM is a transfer file that stores the address mapping information of hexadecimal functions. The symbols we debug will be included in this file, and a new dSYM file will be generated every time we compile the project. Located in the/Users / < user name > / Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives directory, AUTOMATICALLY SAVE THE DSYM FILES from THE Archives. AUTOMATICALLY SAVE THE DSYM FILES from THE Archives.

What are dSYM files for

When our software is packaged in release mode or goes online, we will not see the crash error as intuitively as we did in Xcode. At this time, we need to analyze the Crash Report file. There will be log files in iOS devices to store the memory address of the functions that went wrong in each application. By using Xcode’s Organizer, DeviceLog in iOS devices can be exported into crash files. At this time, we can query the function name and file name corresponding to the program in dSYM file by the address of the function in error. The main premise is that we need to have dSYM files corresponding to the software version, which is why it is necessary to save the Archives files for each release. Reference: www.jianshu.com/p/86e992932…