Original is not easy, I hope you can pay attention to us, and then easily point a praise ~~

About the author: Tang Zhu, in 2006 began to indulge in the front-end field. After working in front development team of Taobao and front end team of Mogujie, I am now the head of the front end team of Zhengcai Cloud (ZooTeam).

Another year of nine gold and ten silver.

In the campus recruitment market, many students are preparing for or experiencing autumn recruitment. Social recruitment market, some thinking engineers are also ready to explore, to see better development opportunities. In the anonymous community of some apps, we can often see the joy of “specially coming to fulfill a wish” and the melancholy of “temporarily not asking for help”.

Many netizens like to share, will summarize the interview experience of each factory from the perspective of the interviewer, and share exchanges with you. Some of the sharing is positive, while others are subjective. From the perspective of hiring interviewers, there are also some experience deposits from time to time, although small, but there are always, but most of them are also focused on technical aspects of communication, and rarely from a holistic perspective. Therefore, at this time, combined with the past recruitment experience, from resume screening, to the technical side, and then to the technical cover, the final surface, try to write something throughout, will involve the school recruitment and social recruitment, divided into the first and second phase, I hope to help some students.

This article focuses on the front-end technology post in combination with the post, but for other posts outside the front-end, I believe the content will also have certain reference significance.

The first words

At the beginning, agree with everyone that recruitment is a two-way matching and selection process.

The adult world should not be “dualist” — “good” or “bad,” “ok” or “no,” “enemy” or “friend,” “awesome” or “parallel,” these are all dualist modes of thinking. All cooperation is a comprehensive decision based on business characteristics, team stage weaknesses, candidates’ strengths and weaknesses, common vision, cultural flavor, etc., rather than a simple yes or no.

Therefore, when you get the Offer, you should think about your future growth goals. Don’t be disheartened if you are rejected. It just means that the company at this moment and your targeted demands for completion with the other team are not match. It doesn’t mean that your ability is not good.

Self-inflicted resume traps

Sending resumes, and screening them, is the first step.

A lot of people fall through the resume screening process. It only takes a minute or two for an experienced employer to screen a resume, drop it, or move on to the next round of interviews. It looks “casual,” but it’s not. Resume statement, directly experience a person’s professional cognition, indirectly reflects your professional ability.

For the school recruitment resume

For technical post of fresh graduates and employers look at your resume, general “weight” the line of sight, is your school & professional (a) – (experience) project experience in school – master of professional skills (basic) – work & technology blog precipitation ability (summary) – the school awards (motivation, sex) – other.

Yes, employers do look at where you come from. In this aspect, I have communicated a lot with leaders of different companies, and their understanding tends to be the same. This does not involve workplace discrimination, but after years of comparison, students from Top universities generally have a higher proportion of outstanding employees in terms of learning ability, self-drive, desire for exploration and potential. So you will see the school recruitment tour of the head enterprise, generally go to the Top colleges, because the corresponding human selection cost will be much lower.

But more important, decisive role, is your school project practical experience and basic skills to master the situation, which determines whether you can work, whether there is a sustainable growth of the foundation. Many students are digging holes for themselves, wasting a lot of time in school that should have been for the internship practice, and finally, they hope to solve the problem by brushing (memorizing) the face, referring to other people’s code to write several demos, or signing up for a short-term training class, which will be difficult.

School resume, please give priority to state your project experience and the mastery of basic skills, pay attention to details, avoid obvious fallacy of technical terms (such as DIV + CSS). For technical posts, there is no need to write about the administrative work done in the student Union.

Description of project experience, focusing on effective description, to avoid a rundown account, it is recommended to refer to the following dimensions for a brief introduction:

  • Brief Description of the project
  • Technical selection, your role, and job description
  • The problems encountered and how to solve them
  • Highlights of your work on the project, the growth you gained

Avoid keywords such as “proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue…” Such a pure keyword display is of little value to the interviewer, or even confusing. Better way, is similar to “master the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, have some experience, pay attention to the rationality of structure and semantic, can deal with common mainstream browser compatibility problems, have rem, VW/VH based mobile adaptation experience…” This kind of exposition has a certain sense of scene substitution.

For the social recruitment resume

The social market, the most common problem, is 4 years of work, 2 years of experience.

A lot of people don’t know it, they’re in trouble. Take a look at your resume. Is it all about business support numbers? — SYSTEM A cooperated with the business party to perform functions 1, 2, 3 and 4; B cooperated with the partner to perform functions 1, 2 and 3; C function with XXX module… There is no overall control ability of PM, no technical construction implementation of leading role, no summary and precipitation preaching of growth, not to mention the ability to lead people as a group Leader or Leader. You’ve been playing a passive executive role based on resources, and at this pace, chances are your next job will accumulate only a few more business supports on your resume.

There is no shortage of resource-based execution in this market. Rapid development of enterprises, the basic business construction support, can be through campus recruitment of fresh graduates, or with the help of labor outsourcing. For many enterprises, making great efforts to deal with the social problems of a senior engineer, expert or even senior expert requires that the person can push the right thing to happen and make things move in a better direction, which requires the ability to break through the scope of the individual and influence others to get results together. If your resume is filled with passive statements from a personal perspective, you’re more likely to get screened out.

Working years, is a value for the employer’s reference. Whether this value is a plus or a minus depends on your problem-solving skills. About the ability to solve problems, and the development bottlenecks and strategies of different stages of career, we will have special articles to settle and exchange information later. You are welcome to pay attention to the wechat public account “Zhengcai Cloud Front End Team” first, so as to get the information in the first time.

On Lying on your resume

Be honest and smart, and try not to push the boundaries of your career.

The most common form of resume dishonesty is fiddling with the working years. Many people will count the internship time as their official working time, and there is a strange phenomenon that two years after graduation and three years of work. Another is more common is exaggerated description, understanding become proficient, read change do, and even do not master are piled in one by one; There are also leaders who change into supervisors, interface people who change into principals, leaders who change a certain line TL into an inexplicable range, and 7-member teams who post themselves as technical director or CTO; Another example is that co-owner changes to Owner, many people participate in the change to one leading, with the results of others to modify their own resume.

Sometimes your industry is smaller than you realize. In my observation, the speed and precision of a person with many years of experience, relying on his own contacts, is very guaranteed. Not confident exaggerated, is to choose and employ persons intelligence challenge, is not responsible for their own, is to dig a hole for themselves.

He doesn’t know what to face. You don’t know what to vote for

Once the resume is screened, there is one side.

Many things follow the Pareto Rule (80/20) : There are 271 reviews in your company, and there are just as many candidates in the job market, and interviewers are no exception.

What does he not know

The truth is, in some cases, a candidate is dealing with an unqualified interviewer. In reality, many interviewers are “passive,” especially for the first round of phone interviews. In general, big factories have a relatively perfect talent team (or even ability overflow), and the students responsible for the round of interviews are generally TL or team technical core, with no problem in career accumulation and professional thickness. Moreover, big factories have unified interviewer training and standard interview question bank, which guarantees the interview quality. But after all, big factories are very few. More often, the front end of other enterprises is not established. They follow the project team and have a few front ends for a project or a dozen front ends for the whole company. In this case, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the interview.

Technical competence does not necessarily mean interview experience and judgment. There is a joke, a candidate went to the interview, let’s say the level is P series (Professional), P6 phone after the feedback said this person can give P6, pass; We also talked with P7 on the phone in the next round. After the interview, we said that this person could give P7 and passed. After the next round of P8 chat, I was a little unsure, so I gave feedback to P10 above. – THE P10 Boss said, “This guy is FROM P9!” .

After a good laugh, we must admit that the Level of the interviewer will affect his judgment of people, people can not break their cognitive limit to communicate. Another effect of cognitive limitations is that less experienced interviewers tend to fall into the trap of “show-off”, which affects the evaluation of a candidate’s true comprehensive ability. This kind of scene is more common, the interview process does not focus on solving the scene of the discussion, but most of the interview communication content, around the concept of selection, the principle of explanation. It should be based on scene design to guide communication and judgment ability, but it has become a pure knowledge assessment, or even a strange topic, which leads to subjective denial of a suitable person.

In addition, some teams actually don’t know what kind of person to hire and how to design interview questions. For example, we often see interviewers ask, “How do you solve cross-domain problems in your business?” The candidate replied, “Usually CORS, or JSONP.” The interviewer continues, “Tell me what you understand about JSONP.” The interviewer answers questions such as dynamically creating a script tag and then a URL pointing to the address of the requested resource. Then the interviewer thinks he answered the question well, and the candidate thinks he answered it well. But is this really the case? Candidates may only have seen the knowledge points of JSONP and have no practical ability to use it, but the interviewer is not right.

Better technical advice is to look at how a candidate solves a problem based on a real situation, rather than a question and answer session. On the basis of the candidates’ answers, expand the different schemes horizontally to see how he compares the selection, and ask in-depth questions one layer at a time, integrate the scenario scheme and the original understanding to see which layer the candidates will be stuck in. This is a better way to judge a candidate’s ability to actually solve problems.

For interviewees, in this way of interview, one of the problems that often occurs is circling around — always going round and round, not saying the key point, or just scratching the surface. If you don’t know something, you can admit it freely and there is no need to pretend to know something. One of my predecessors said, “People who lie in interviews will lie to their partners on the job.” Another common problem is to only answer keywords, what you ask him, is a few keywords to deal with you, when asked details silly. Such candidates, in front of experienced interviewers, are likely to be rejected.

You don’t know what to vote for

It’s up to you what kind of interviewer you get.

Just as many people are blind to leaving a job, so are they blind to applying for a job, which leads to an even more blind interview experience. Your next stage of development goals determine what kind of company and team you should invest in. Unfortunately, too many people don’t understand this. Different stages of the workplace, there are different stages of development goals and career bottlenecks. Some bottlenecks need to be broken by internal forces, while others need to be assisted by external forces from the team.

People have different development stages, so do teams, businesses and companies. Different teams in different enterprises have different development stages and goals in the next stage. Some companies are in the entrepreneurial stage, and their internal team’s requirements are strong execution, and their needs for people are resource-based re-execution talents. Some companies are in a period of rapid development, beginning to need systematic construction, need to help the implementation of systematic talent; Some companies are in a stable period of business, with systematic construction and perfect talent echelon. At this stage, the personnel reserve will be more diversified and the requirements will be higher.

It would be a mistake for a person who wants to make strides in the capabilities of the technical system to join a re-execution team; A person without systematic thinking and landing ability, cast a need for this ability pit, generally not face. Want to understand the next stage of development goals, targeted delivery, the probability of matching will be much greater.

Brushing won’t fool an old fox

Brushing is an unavoidable topic. Today’s students are too happy, because countless other students are sharing in this aspect, reducing information asymmetry and providing more targeted reference for their ability shortcomings.

But the old fox was not fooled by the brush. Seen and practiced, there is a gap between the gap, understanding and cognition of a few streets. No writer ever reads a novel, and no technologist ever reads someone else’s blog or rhino book or little Red Book. As mentioned above, experienced interviewers can easily assess the level of candidates through progressive communication.

Here a “cognitive trap”, is not in accordance with the “face” on the interview questions of each factory, to guess each other’s preferences, and then do targeted excessive modification in the resume, serious will be considered resume fraud. Many companies will keep the same person over several years after the interview evaluation, a poor interview feedback record, may affect the subjective impression of a later interview with other interviewers, more than the loss.

Based on their own practice understanding, reasonable combination of other people’s face through precipitation, learn from each other; Or as the standard for judging a team of choose and employ persons reference, take a look at the other side of the problem is not reasonable, reasonable the mapping of people questions, whether it is worth you to struggle for friends. Take some time to look for more channels, online or offline (friends, headhunters, etc.), to learn about the development stage, employment direction, team atmosphere, technical system of the company, understand the focus of recruitment, and see if it matches your development goals.

The next trailer

Here’s the interviewer’s Take on the job: What’s the Problem? The content of the first and the next:

  • A lot of people don’t realize they’ve been “on the periphery.”
  • Why some managers don’t ask about technical topics
  • Things that you would normally focus on in an interview
  • Be Wary of “Training classes”
  • On “Outsourcing”

You are welcome to pay attention to the wechat public number “Zhengcai Cloud front End Team”, or pay attention to the “Zhengcai Cloud front end Team” on digging Gold, so as to get the latest information in the first time.

, recruiting

Recruitment, front-end, belonging to the ZooTeam, more than 50 partners are waiting for you to join the wave. If you want to change what’s been bothering you, you want to start bothering you. If you want to change, you’ve been told you need more ideas, but you don’t have a solution. If you want change, you have the power to make it happen, but you don’t need it. If you want to change what you want to accomplish, you need a team to support you, but you don’t have the position to lead people. If you want to change the pace, it will be “5 years and 3 years of experience”; If you want to change the original savvy is good, but there is always a layer of fuzzy window… If you believe in the power of believing, believing that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things, believing that you can meet a better version of yourself. If you want to be a part of the growth of a front end team that has deep business understanding, technology systems, value creation, and impact spillover as the business takes off, I think we should talk. Any time, waiting for you to write something and send it to [email protected]

Recommended reading

The interviewer’s Perspective: What’s the problem? (below)