Opened a new column: Monday Shopping. This column will check the Trending list of popular open source projects on GitHub this week, taking into account all directions and languages.

1. A CodeEdit application for macOS

2. Open source real-time performance analysis platform

3. Restoration of old photos

4. Connect your thoughts with React Flow

Learn DevOps in 90 days

01 code editor for macOS

A CodeEdit application for macOS to enhance your code editing experience.

Many editors are built on Electron, but this can result in the IDE not taking full advantage of all system resources. The overall code will take up more space, frame loss, lag and other problems. Native applications, on the other hand, are very fluid and can better leverage system resources for better performance and reliability.

CodeEdit is one such code editor, very lightweight and operational. CodeEdit looks and feels like an application designed and developed by Apple and strictly adheres to their design standards and development patterns, down to application ICONS and naming strategies.

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02. Quickly build low code engine for management system

Yao is an open source, low-code application engine that enables rapid Web service creation and backend management. It uses JSON to create database models, write apis, and describe a low-code engine that manages backend interfaces. Apps built with Yao can run in the cloud or on Internet-of-things devices.

Developers can be 10 times more productive without writing a single line of code. It has a built-in data management system. 90% common interface interaction functions can be realized by writing JSOn to describe the interface layout. It is especially suitable for rapid production of various management background, CRM, ERP and other enterprise internal systems. Special interactive functions can be realized by writing extension components or HTML pages.

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03. Restoration of old photos

GFPGAN aims to develop a practical algorithm for real-world face recovery. It utilizes a rich variety of priors encapsulated in pre-trained face GAN (e.g. StyleGAN2) for “face recovery”. As you can see in the figure below, the first column is filled with fuzzy details, and the last column is the effect of GFPGAN restoration.

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Connect your thoughts with React Flow

Connect your ideas with React Flow, a highly customizable library for building node-based interactive UIs, editors, Flow charts, and diagrams based on React.

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05. Study Notes for DevOps completed in 90 days

The repository is a summary of learning notes for developers learning DevOps. The developer started the journey on January 1, 2022, and the author plans to spend an hour a day (including weekends) on a full 90-day learning binge to gain the basics of the many different areas that make up DevOps.

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