Hello everyone, I am Aufree, a restless iOS engineer. Starting today, I have another identity, the webmaster of iOSCaff. If you happen to click on this post, scroll down and I’ll tell you how iOSCaff came to be.

Would cause

First, provide a better communication platform for developers

Those of you who know me well will know that while I was working on iOS, I also worked on Laravel, the current mainstream PHP framework. As a newcomer to the Laravel field at that time, I had been studying in the Laravel China community, communicating and discussing with other people. As time went by, I gradually fell in love with the technical atmosphere of this community and the serious passion of technical discussions in the community every day.

Later, by chance, I worked as the community manager of Laravel China for a period of time, helping to manage and operate the community and organizing various offline parties. With this opportunity, I also made many friends and entrepreneurial partners, which became a rare and precious treasure in my life. Although I have now resigned as a community manager, I still miss the pure and rigorous attitude when discussing technology at that time.

Therefore, I hope there will be a platform like Laravel China in the iOS community, where people can share technology and communicate. Through discussion with others, community users can broaden their technical tentacles, take advantage of others to complement their own shortcomings, so that their technical ability can be better improved.

Two, swift horse often and bole is not often

Not long ago, I was talking to Summer, founder of Laravel China, about the difficulties of iOS employment. During that time, he talked about seeing people on Weibo saying “no one wants iOS developers anymore” and “it’s getting harder and harder to find iOS development jobs.” Does this mean that the industry is beginning to decline? I explained to him that this was a bit of a joke, but it is undeniable that as the iOS ecosystem becomes more mature and the Swift language becomes more perfect, the learning threshold is much lower than a few years ago, which leads to a large number of training institutions and people pouring into the industry, resulting in an oversupply of basic iOS positions in various enterprises.

On the market at present, the advanced iOS technology talented person’s demand is very big, can’t find a job that group of people, often come from ordinary training institutions, through the line of production and product training, they have similar characteristics: resume fraud, open source project, self-study ability is low, the limitations of thinking, do not know how to solve the problem. In the long run, there will be a shortage of high-end technical talent, low-end technical talent oversupply results.

In order to let these novice can learn in the right way, the community will provide some good learning opportunities, such as organizing the translation of foreign documents together, reading the source code of excellent projects together, and growing together.

All articles, comments and translated content blocks posted on the community will be saved on the community. Later, when you apply for a job in the enterprise, the interviewer can quickly understand your technical ability, English reading ability, language organization ability through the personal page of the community. The community can also be a platform for you to make a personal impact, and in the future you can find startup partners on the community.

If you are a swift horse, this platform will give your bole a chance to discover you.

3. Make information more focused and maximize learning efficiency

One of the most obvious features of the iOS community right now is that it’s fragmented and all the information is spread out.

CocoaChina, Jane Books, Nuggets, SegmentFault, all have people who have great iOS articles, and sometimes I’ll “like” them, but over time I’ll forget which site I’m bookingthem on. Except CocoaChina community, other communities are not pure iOS communities, there are some other languages or frameworks of noisy information, such information for those who just want to learn iOS, useless information, too much useless information intake, easy to distract people’s attention, reduce learning efficiency. Secondly, the operation quality of CocoaChina is not as good as before, and the information structure of the website is chaotic, which does not provide a good environment for people to discuss technology. At the same time, the website also begins to appear block chain, AI and other technical plates, and the information slowly becomes less focused and professional than before.

Speaking of community websites, I would like to talk about another channel of knowledge dissemination — Microblog. Many masters in the iOS circle play microblog and often share their development experience and introduce their open source projects on microblog. A few years ago, when I just started to learn iOS, I also frequently clicked weibo, followed a lot of famous people in the circle, and when I saw a lot of good articles, I would also like, forward and collect them. But later, I found that many articles could not be found when I went back to look for them. At that time, I realized that microblog information is flowing and fragmented, which is suitable for spreading and promoting FMCG information. However, for some articles with real accumulation and precipitation, community websites are still needed as their information carriers.

Therefore, the goal of iOSCaffe is to focus on iOS development, strictly control the content quality of articles, and at the same time provide creators with new communication channels to better shape their personal influence.

What is a iOSCaff

IOSCaff is a technical knowledge community for iOS developers, dedicated to providing a more efficient and convenient learning environment for developers.

The core functions of the community are divided into the following parts:

  • Topics – Hot technical topics discussion, daily technical q&A
  • Column – Personal article sharing
  • Documents – Chinese translation of foreign documents, knowledge collection
  • Headlines – Share hot topics and headlines within the circle
  • Move – personal dynamics, development experience to share and exchange

Here’s what the community believes in:

  • Share life news, share knowledge
  • Be exposed to new technologies and discuss technical solutions
  • Find partners for your startup and meet like-minded people
  • Organize offline gatherings to strengthen social contacts and find better job opportunities
  • Start another amazing open source project
  • Cooperate to translate foreign documents, learn and grow together

If you like the community and want to make your first post, I’d like you to take a look at the community Guide document to understand the basic rules of the iOSCaff community before doing so.

The next step

Next, I hope to organize and translate some excellent technical documents and articles from abroad with the help of the unique function of this community — collaborative translation function, so as to help domestic developers better obtain high-quality learning resources from abroad. At the same time, I can also learn and increase my technical knowledge in the process of translation.

Students who are interested in translating together can check the first document translated by the community organization, claim the block they want to translate by themselves, and start to take action.


Write in the last

The establishment of the community is only the first step, and there are many other things to do next. If you agree with what I am doing, please share this post and give a thumbs up to the article to let more people know about the existence of iOSCaff community. Let’s witness the birth of iOSCaff community together!

Thank you very much
SummerBeers: :beers: : Beers: :beers:

IOS Technology Community
