Machine Heart editorial Department

After Jupyter can also do visual Debug, Jupyter team released the first Debug plugin and kernel.

Why does Jupyter need Debug?

jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/debuggerCopy the code
conda install xeus-python -c conda-forgeCopy the code

Xeus-python: The first core to support Jupyter Debug

  • Xeus-python has a pluggable concurrency model that allows Control channel processing to run in different threads.

  • Xeus-python has a very lightweight code base, so it is easy to iterate and update.

Dig into the front-end architecture of the Debugger

  • Sidebar with resource manager, unordered list, source preview, and allow navigation to the call stack

  • The ability to set breakpoints directly next to the code, that is, in the code unit and in the code console

  • A visual marker indicating where the current execution has stopped

Go to the deleted cell

Debug the code console in JupterLab

Debug files in JupyterLab

Debug multiple notebooks simultaneously

Variable browser
Visual Debug tool for VS Code

Plotly visualization

AST visualization

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