In the last article, there are three kinds of matting skills, which are background eraser matting, pen matting and lasso matting. This article talks about several other matting methods.

First, color range matting

Usage: If the color of the matting part is relatively single, you can use the color range matting method.

1. In the picture below, the part we deduct is some rape flowers (I don’t know what it is 😂, it may be rape flowers), the color we deduct is relatively single, so we use the color range of matting in this way to matting

2. We select “Select —- > Color Range” from PhotoShop

3. Use the color picker to take out the color of the part we want to button first, and then adjust our color tolerance. Of course, we can also add more colors. Just use the tool on the right.

  1. Once the adjustment is done we will go to OK and use Command +J (New layer). Then we will add a white background to the image to make it clear. You can see it even more clearly

Two, quick selection tool matting

Usage: Quick selection tool matting is a relatively simple way of matting.

1. We first select our quick selection tool.

2. Or to select the rape flower land, we can use the quick selection for selection, you can add or delete, use different quick selection tools.

3. Reverse selection (Mac shortcut keys: Shift + Command + I; Windows shortcut keys: Shift + CTRL + I), and delete deletes the selection.

4. Then Command + D (Ctrl + D on Windows) deselect the selection. Of course, we need to fine-tune some of the local positions. This quick selection tool matting is complete.

3. Channel matting

Usage: God level matting way, to have a certain understanding of PS, widely used. One of the skills you must learn in PHOTOSHOP. Due to my limited skills, this blog will only talk about simple channel matting, later I will write a blog on channel matting,😃

Channel matting principle: use the color levels and curves to adjust the channel to deduct part of the background of the contrast color, and then matting.

1. Prepare an image as you did before. Seeing such characters, if we use a pen to matting, is it difficult? Of course a simple background image that we can use an eraser to matting must be quite easy. But if the background color is complex, how do I subtract what we need? This is where we use our channel matting.

2. Let’s make a copy of the image first, then select “Channel Options” on the right side of PhotoShop.

3. We need to find a channel with the maximum contrast between the background and the deduction part (it is very important to find the maximum contrast, we do the following operation is also very easy). Here I see the blue channel has the highest contrast, so let’s make a copy of the blue channel.

4. Select the blue channel image we copied and open the “Levels” tool.

5. Adjust the two values on the color level so that the part we want to deduct is white and the background is black. Then make sure.

6. Then hold down the Command key (CTRL for Windows) to select the channel we copied, select the selection (there is a step ahead, see clearly) and select our RGB channel.

  1. The next step is simple, first reverse selection (Mac shortcut: Shift + command + I; Windows shortcut keys: Shift + CTRL + I). Then delete directly delete good (note: channel must select RGB channel!).

8.commad + D cancel selection. The hair will be fine tuned using other tools, but the color will still be blank in some places, so we will have to deduct our body from the original layer. Then merge the visible layers. This is almost enough, because the color levels are not very good, all the hair areas still have some flaws, next we will use some other picture matting tools to scratch it.

Conclusion: These are just some basic ways of matting, I will write a separate passage matting later. Stay tuned.