Learn Clojure: The Easy Way

It took me four months to record this set of videos, and I finally completed my little wish at the end of 2017, to provide more choices for Clojure learning in China.

This is a 7-lecture series, so you don’t need any basics, you just need to be able to follow the instructions. If you want to give old Lisp a try, this video should not disappoint.

  • Courses address: segmentfault.com/ls/16500000…

PS: This video costs ¥30, you can choose to preview before deciding whether to buy. PPS: Why not free? Answer: things that are easy to get are generally not cherished. On the one hand, I charge for them in order to strictly require myself to ensure the quality. On the other hand, I want the audience to pay attention to them and not to put them in the hard disk somewhere to eat ashes.

If you have Clojure basics and don’t know much about certain topics, you can use the following video to learn more about them.

  1. Clojure, ¥4.04
  2. Clojure data types and REPL testing techniques, ¥4.04
  3. Lazy vs. Persistent: ¥10.24
  4. Polymorphic, custom data types interoperate with Java, ¥5.00
  5. Price: ¥5.00
  6. Clojure Concurrent programming, ¥5.00
  7. Deep shallow macro programming, price: ¥10.24

Why Lisp

I started to learn Lisp from SICP in 2013. The following video is some of my gains from reading SICP. If you are interested, you can have a look.

  • From SICP to Lisp, mainly introduce SICP reading experience and why to learn Lisp


  • SICP/LISP EXCHANGE QQ group: 119845407

  • Public number: KeepWritingCodes