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Adblock Plus, the most popular browser extension for Mozilla Firefox, is now officially available in WebExtension.

Firefox 57 will be released in seven days. Since the Firefox 57 extension will be fully migrated to WebExtension, existing XUL extensions will have to be rewritten to work on Firefox 57 and later, and you can expect a large number of users who still use traditional extensions to find their extensions unusable.

At that point, any extensions that are not WebExtension will not be installed in Firefox 57, or will be disabled if older extensions are already installed. However, Firefox 57 will provide an alternative solution to the old extensions.

Adblock Plus is the most popular Firefox extension. It counts more than 14 million users, compared with 4.1 million for uBlock Origin, which has also released a version of WebExtension.

Adblock Plus 3.0, the release of WebExtension, is fully compatible with Firefox 57 and later, and brings some new features:

  • Fixed performance issues in Adblock Plus 2.9

  • WebRTC links can be masked

Anyway, the release of Adblock Plus for WebExtension is good news for the 14 million + users and Mozilla, don’t you think?

Finally, look forward to the official release of Firefox 57.