In three days’ time, the world’s biggest shopping carnival will begin.

In the middle of the night, millions of men and women swipe, snap up and enjoy the thrill of paying in seconds at flashing screens. All the while, the dopamine in their brains drives them to refill their carts at a faster rate.

In 2018, the sales volume of Tmall Singles Day reached 213.5 billion yuan, exceeding 1 billion packages in a day. There is no doubt that this year will set a new record.

What many people don’t realize is that apart from the smooth and silky shopping experience, there are hundreds of millions of scams and pornographic information in real time. It is the greatest significance for a group of programmers to build a safe system and make people feel that there is no danger.

And undertake this with the electricity business carnival behind the risk control of the payment business, not pay treasure security department.

The secretive unit rarely speaks out, but it is the guardian of the planet’s largest e-commerce ecosystem: “A story of good versus evil speculators? That’s too much because it’s going on every day.” Mu Tong (flower), read (flower) to say.

Mu Tong and read aloud is in just the end of the alipay “super Ma force contest” into the total runoff into the only two female program yuan, with one fell swone from ant gold service CTO Lu Su and deputy CTO Xi took the red flower list top prize, more coincidence, they are from this alipay security department.

Tmall Double 11, a network security battle has been quietly started.

Program yuan to create mirror space, so that the prevention of a fast half step

91 nian Read aloud, it is pay treasure business security department of a female programmer.

I saw a job offer on my wechat account and worked my way to Ant Financial. Then I realized that ant Financial, a fintech company, was the parent company of Alipay, a national app.

She likes to read detective stories and prefers to be cautious about paying for risk. “My daily work is mainly to maintain the transaction security of Alipay users.”

The cute niannian is simple, but her job is extremely important — to serve 1.2 billion alipay users around the world, hundreds of millions of payments and transfers every day, to double 11 transactions and orders are multiplied, Niannian is like a gatekeeper, all want to invade a variety of risks, are blocked out. This gave her a pair of piercing eyes and a sense of smell like a hound.

In Alipay, no matter the details of fraud prevention, the reminder of large payment, the risk warning of unfamiliar accounts, or the quick response after the report is reported, the team has made great efforts.

“We mainly provide technical support and help students who do risk control strategies to test and experiment.” To this end, they created a grayscale mirror space. In this environment, you can simulate all cases in the real world, including fraud, secret transfer and so on. Gradually, here has now become the “simulation laboratory” of Alipay. All the risk control systems that are running online have been tested and tested here.

In her team, there are seven students who have experienced “five years old” — more than five years in Ali means that they have accompanied the team from zero to the present.

Their daily work is like a silent war of attack and defense, they are in the light, the other in the dark. Need to constantly simulate the case, so that the prevention of the actual combat half step.

But Niannian’s attitude toward work is simple, just like Jin Yong’s Zhao Min, who “likes her line ‘I must force myself! ‘” So like Zhao Min to treat feelings, read read to work always have twelve points of dedication.

Her handwritten code is as good as a boy’s. On the super Ma force contest that pays treasure just ended, rushed out two rely on code to let a person shine at the moment little elder sister. Niannian and another colleague were among alipay’s 5,000 elite soldiers and TOP100. Without stopping, she just finished the game, will immediately return to ensure the security of alipay transaction post, for tmall Double 11 to do technical drills.

As a programmer, every string of code represents the rebirth of a virtual world. She will use her own strength to be the guardian behind the Double 11 carnival.

Alipay “AI jian Huang” system trainer

Like read aloud, broke into the Ma force competition mu Tong, also from the same pay treasure security department.

“Actually, I’m more like a trainer for alipay’s ‘AI jian Huang’.” Mutong said that before coming to Alipay, her family and themselves did not think that they would be engaged in such a job here.

As “there are rivers and lakes where there are people”, there are evil places where there is flow, and there will be people who try their best to “dig the market”. Therefore, behind the normal use of alipay every day, there are always some lawless elements who want to spread fraud and obscene information through various ways. “Like alipay in the small program, content number in the comments, there may be illegal content, we need to identify and clean up.”

For every article, link, or video, Mutung is also responsible for training its risk control system to block it.

As long as the content is on Alipay, when the risk control system identifies “unsafe information”, it will first give a risk score. If the risk is too high, the system will quickly detect and delete it.

As the “trainer” of system content identification, Mutong will add as many marking cases as possible each time to improve and train the algorithm.

“It’s like a battle of offense, and often as we upgrade our systems and identify our code, criminals update their methods.” The most common is changing formats, “such as putting numbers like 12345 in upper and lower case, numeral format, and even some Martian characters.” This kind of substitution, which is common in social networks, also appears frequently in national apps like Alipay.

In addition to “huang”, fraud and gambling, are all mutong and the team need to deal with the scope. Even if the merchant’s payment code is replaced, she is also responsible for the end.

“What is more fulfilling is that, in relation to our work, the substitution of payment codes has now been legislated as an economic crime.” And mu Tong and the team for this, did not spend the night.

Alipay’s entire security team should always be online and respond quickly. Stay on call even when it’s time to leave work. As with all cases, time is money when it comes to report tracking and system response.

“More important, really, is empathy.” As a female programmer, Mutong never felt that gender was the upper limit of technology. What gender brings, instead, is greater technical ability and empathy. “The likelihood says I have no big characteristic, but come down in pay treasure 4 years, everybody likes to dozen to me quite ‘depend on’ label.”

Since October, Mutong and her team have been practicing security plans for Tmall Double 11.

“Generally like the big promotion node, this kind of trading volume surge, criminals are easy to speculate, fish in troubled waters.” Therefore, in addition to the maintenance and upgrade of the system, the Mutong team set the schedule early, to ensure that there is always someone watching.

To this mu Tong team, there is a higher requirement: do not leak bad people, also do not accidentally hurt users. “We want to be able to prevent illegal messages and small ads during the surge in transactions, and also ensure that users and merchants can communicate with each other.”