Recently, many colleges and universities have announced the opening time, for this year’s college graduates, spring recruitment is also about to face things. Perhaps not out of the campus young children shoes who feel what is going to face, here the author sorted out the experience of the seniors and you definitely need some advice, come quickly, thank you!

1. Technical basis

This is the most basic skill to master as a programmer, and it is a weapon that you will need in the position you are about to enter. This is what you learned in school, no matter how well you learned it, and it will stay with you throughout your programmer’s career, and the technical fundamentals are common and necessary in this industry, no matter what technical position you’re in.

2. Business accumulation

Specific responsibilities in your department. Compared with the first point, there is no universality and generality in the industry. If the first rule is what it takes to get an offer, then this rule is why your company is paying you an “initial salary that is much higher than any position in any industry.”

In other words, if you’re an intern and you don’t have any business accumulated, you should be wondering if you’re going to get an offer. On the other hand, if you already have a lot of business and are busy every day, you should know that it’s a sure thing that the department will offer you an offer.

3, eq

This is one of the things that is most easily overlooked by this group. Is emotional intelligence important first? The human feeling in the workplace is unavoidably warm, sour, sweet, bitter and hot. As a member of the most basic level, it is hard to avoid the intersection of people and things. To put it bluntly, the workplace is about interests, and there can be no conflicts of interests between people.

When your personal interests collide with those of your colleagues, your team, or even the company, you should at least know that no professional is immune.

Orientation may tell you something about “ownership” and “an employee who doesn’t want to be the boss isn’t a good employee,” but the most important thing for you as a new employee is to fit in with the team and build relationships with your colleagues and superiors. Otherwise, the sentence “the mood to work is like going to the grave.”

Where does emotional intelligence lie? Not only will you need to work with code, but you will also need to communicate requirements with the product, report progress to the leader, and negotiate and coordinate code with colleagues in other technical roles. Most of the students are willing to work in BAT and other big companies. Although this step is not wrong, it even brings a higher salary and a halo of excellence, but considering that large companies spend more time on meetings, how can they have time to write code? However, this is not inefficient, it is necessary for large organizations, because the cost of management and communication is well worth it. So don’t be averse to meetings, they are also an opportunity to learn, an opportunity to perform. If you ask an unexpected question as a newcomer, you’ll be taken more seriously at the next meeting and integrated into the team. All of this will put you in a more positive frame of mind, which is good for you, the company and everyone else.

How should you fit into the team at the beginning? There are more programmers than there are women, which is like a bench player who may initially remain unavailable. This is where you learn to pick up work. Another is to take every opportunity to connect with your colleagues, even if it’s a small lunch conversation. This is a great way to find jobs that are available.

4. How to solve the technical problems?

I can handle it on my own if I can. Here’s why: 1. Many times you can’t decide whether or whom to turn to for help. Probably a Google five minutes to solve the program syntax error and went to him with your colleagues, asking questions exist cost, communication cost and understanding your description is not clear, and the other the lack of context to understand these may increase the cost of the above two, thus not only delay the time of both sides, in the long term will make each other feel do you remember the technology is not a solid basic skills, independence Poor ability to deal with problems; 2. If the problem is really hard to solve, asking for help without thinking about it will make your boss think you don’t have an idea.

The measure of a programmer’s worth is not how much he knows, but the ratio of what he knows to the time it takes him to learn it.

5. How to communicate with the product?

It’s an old topic in tech circles, and it’s a time to show the emotional intelligence of a programmer. No matter what the requirement is, your logic should be: What is the benefit to the product when the requirement is fulfilled? What are the benefits on the technology side? More importantly, will leaders care?

However, all this should happen in your mind. After weighing the pros and cons, you can put forward any ideas that you have not considered. If you are not quite sure of your ideas, you can put forward your own views with your leader privately after the meeting, which is not only to respect the leader but also to save the meeting time.

In the Internet industry, in the process of demand communication, the voice of technical personnel is usually larger, but never abuse your voice.

6. How do you view overtime work?

Working overtime is like borrowing money. In principle, it is necessary to rescue the poor. However, this does not mean that a “poor” department programmer must choose to leave, which is not responsible performance, and missed an opportunity to become the core of the department. In many companies, the leader is under the pressure of the shortage of staff in the department at the critical moment, so the position of leader is natural. Unless the department is running out of steam.

The author of Ruby on Rails once said that late nights are the equivalent of borrowing money at usurious rates. Once in a while, you might be able to do IT, but if your job requires you to work late nights on a regular basis (except in IT operations), you might want to consider a career change.

As a programming learner, if you want to improve your programming ability, learn C/C++ programming knowledge, and strive to become a high-paying software development engineer in the future!

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