OpenMessaging is a distributed messaging specification initiated by Alibaba and jointly initiated by Yahoo, Didi, Streamlio, Webank, Datapipeline and other companies. Its goal is to create a vendor-neutral, Cloud Native oriented, At the same time, the next generation distributed messaging standard is eco-friendly with big data. OpenMessaging is in the Linux Foundation and is supported by Apache RocketMQ, Apache Pulsar(Incubating) and other messaging platforms.

OpenMessaging 1.0.0-Preview has been released and is under public review.

1, the Specification

Defines a queue-based message model. New type system. Metadata in the message domain model is defined.

2, the Runtime interface (Java&CPP)

Removed excessive operation policies that are not clearly defined in ResourceManager, and added routing and filtering operations. Merge the Pullconsumer and Pushconsumer interfaces into Consumer interfaces to reduce unnecessary concepts. Merge BatchProducer and Producer interface into Producer interface to reduce unnecessary concepts. Well-defined error codes and exceptions are defined. The StreamingConsumer interface has been temporarily removed and will be merged with the Consumer interface in the future. Explicit message formats are defined and headers that cannot be restricted by key-value are removed. Redefined transaction message-related interfaces. Remove too many key-value attributes. Some interfaces have been renamed.

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