Angular VS Angularjs

Angularjs Angular
The development language is JavaScript The development language is TypeScript, providing type checking and code hints
Different instructions are used for data and event binding [] is used for data binding and () for event binding
Poor scalability and poor maintainability in complex applications Modular system, with components as the smallest unit, excellent scalability, good maintainability

Angular VS React

Angular is a complete framework out of the box. React, on the other hand, is a view-side library that corresponds to various Angular features and requires a variety of open source community libraries. Angular uses HTML+CSS+ component classes, while React is all JS.

features Presents the package The React class library
Data binding, dependency injection @angular/core MobX
Dynamic properties rxjs MobX
routing @angular/router React Router
Component library @angular/material React Toolbox
Style binding, style isolation @angular/core CSS modules
Form validation @angular/forms FormState
The command line @angular/cli create-react-app

Angular VS Vue

  • Vue and React are both lightweight View-oriented libraries.
  • Vue is suitable for rapid development of smaller projects, and Angular’s built-in coding paradigm is more suitable for collaborative development.