The debate of programming language from philosophy and Evolution

Lenix Yang Yanbin

The programming language debate has a long history, and the programming world has always been about one language not liking another. C despises Java, Java despises.NET, and.NET despises PHP. Today we’ll take a philosophical and evolutionary look at the programming language debate. In ancient times, God created all things, together composed of lifelike earth, there are human beings, various animals, plants. Together they form a beautiful and peaceful co-existence of the operating system – the earth. Birds can fly, fish can swim, monkeys can climb trees, plants produce fruit and food for humans and animals to eat. Each species does its job. Together constitute a complete sustainable operation of the system. Every species has its advantages and disadvantages. Perhaps the advantages of one species are the disadvantages of other species. For example, rabbits are lively and fast, while turtles are often quiet and slow.

But it doesn’t mean that rabbits or turtles are better. It’s about which is better for a particular job. If it’s a sprint, the rabbit will win, but if it’s a marathon, the tortoise is more suitable.

Also for programming languages, PHP is good at web development, but PHP is not good at system development. System development C, C++ is appropriate. For thousands of years, species on earth have not remained constant. A biologist named Darwin created a theory called evolution. Pointing out that life on earth is constantly evolving. We humans evolved from apes. Similarly, as languages evolve, PHP is a derivative of C. Similarly, THE PHP language, like human beings, has been constantly evolving since its birth, with the earliest humans, such as Caveman, Peking Man, and modern humans, becoming more and more advanced. Similarly, PHP was originally created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, who created a simple Perl program called PHP/FI to maintain personal web pages. It has since been released in 1.0, 2.0, and now PHP7. It has evolved more and more advanced, with more and more new features. There is evolution and there is decline, this is a common sense, PHP is to replace cgi, ASP and other ancient language development, this is called competition, survival of the fittest. If you can’t keep up with The Times, you will be eliminated. Like extinct species on earth, forgotten in the past. Another driving force of evolution is competition, so to speak, without competition there can be no evolution. Resource competition, environmental competition, only have survival, competition is an eternal topic.

Therefore, the best state of each language is that it performs its own duties and does what it is best at. It can learn from each other. There is no need to replace anyone, nor can it be replaced.

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