Sun Daoshou, a native of Suzhou, Anhui province, is a full stack programmer (working towards this goal). If you think this article helps you, remember sanlian 👉 (forward + like + comment). For technical exchanges, please contact the navigation bar on the left of your personal home page.

This plug-in is positioned to improve the programmer’s development efficiency, as for what aspect? Oneself experience slowly, my general feeling is the function of the navigation website of search engine, can promote your development efficiency, say additionally!


Let’s take a look at its main functions:

Doesn’t feel a little crazy. So how does it work?

Step 1: Download the installation package

Step 2: Install chrome in the Chrome extension, which starts with Developer mode on. Load the unzipped extension.

This plugin can be triggered by clicking on the search bar on the CSDN website.

All kinds of functions we can experience, I appreciate this website navigation, equivalent to access to other official website shortcuts.

Click keywords to jump, this is very fragrant, I prefer to see the content of the front end. All rivers run into the sea!