When configuring master/slave synchronization, run the show slave status command to check the status. Slave_IO_Running: Connecting. Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

Problem analysis mainly means the possible cause of IO connection

  1. The network is abnormal. Run the ping command to check whether the network is blocked by the firewall
  2. The account password is incorrect. You are advised to test it on the primary server
  3. Configuration file error Whether bin-log is enabled and the server ID is correctly set
  4. Change master to master_host=’′, master_user=’slave’, master_password=’slave’, master_log_file=’mysql-bin.000011′, master_log_pos=154;

One by one the test found that the firewall blocked, because I started two mysql services locally, the communication between processes I started the domain firewall is enough

Reference: blog.csdn.net/mbytes/arti…