Make writing a habit together! This is the second day of my participation in the “Gold Digging Day New Plan · April More text challenge”. Click here for more details.

Commander usage

The installation

npm i -S commander
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Creating a scaffold instance

// Get the commander scaffold singleton
const { program } = commander;

// Manually create a new Commander instance
const program = new commander.Command();
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  .name(Object.keys(pkg.bin)[0]) // Set the usage name
  .usage('<command>[options]') // Set the usage message
  .parse(process.argv); // Parse the parameters
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  .version(pkg.version) // Set the Version command
  .parse(process.argv); // Parse the parameters
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  .option('-d, --debug'.'Debug mode enabled? '.true) // Create the debug command. The third parameter is whether this command is enabled by default
  .option('-e, --envName <envName>'.'Get environment variable name') // Create the envName command
  .parse(process.argv); // Parse the parameters
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Other common apis

You can get parameters and default values

// Prints the options for the command
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You can see that the help information is still printed without entering -h or –help

// Print the help information
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Register the command

Method 1: command Registers a command

const clone = program.command('clone <source> [destination]');
  .description('Clone a warehouse')
  .option('-f, --force'.'Force clone or not') // Register option under clone command
  .action((source, destination, cmdObj) = > {
    console.log('do clone', source, destination, cmdObj);
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Method 2: addCommand Registers a command

// Create a new command
const service = new commander.Command('service').description('Start a service');

// Add a subcommand
  .command('start [port]')
  .description('Start service')
  .action((port) = > {
    console.log('service starts on${port}`);

// Add a subcommand
  .description('Out of service')
  .action(() = > {
    console.log('Service stopped');

// Add the command to the scaffold
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Match all commands

// Match all nonexistent commands
  .arguments('<cmd> [option]')
  .description('Friendly reminder :', {
    cmd: 'There must be a command.'.option: 'There is an optional argument',
  .action((cmd, option) = > {
    console.log(cmd, option);
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<> indicates mandatory, and [] indicates optional. There has to be a command.

-h will prompt you

Scaffolding calls each other

Spell install on the scaffold name to execute the new command, such as test-cli-install

// Execute a new command to call each other between scaffolds
  .command('install [name]'.'install package', {
    executableFile: 'hzw-cli-dev'.// Switch the name of the command to be executed
    isDefault: true.// This command is executed by default
    hidden: true.// Hide the command
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PS: I don’t know why this is not the same as the demo, BUT I implemented this to find the module, probably because of the version problem.

Advanced Customize help information

program.helpInformation = function () {
  return ' ';

program.on('--help'.function () {
  console.log('I'm a help message');
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Executing -h again does not show up as before, but instead calls our custom method.

Advanced customization implements debug mode

Note: It is still not possible to print verbose before scaffold initialization after parsing parameters. You can use this method instead of wrapping your own code to enable debug mode.

program.on('option:debug'.() = > {
  console.log('Enable Debug mode');
  if (program._optionValues.debug) {
    process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'verbose';
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Advanced customization listens for all unknown commands

When an unknown command is entered, a custom callback is executed.

program.on('command:*'.(obj) = > {
  const commands = = >;
  console.log('The command can be${commands.join(', ')}`);
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