On your marks, get set… Wait a minute! Week 3 of #AndroidDevChallenge is coming up, so join us soon! On March 13, we will compete with developers in the Asia Pacific region for quick Compose skills! We were happy to see a lot of submissions from developers in week 1 and 2, but for now, we’re looking for speed. Here are the challenges:

Week 3 – Speed competition 🏎

Come and be the fastest developer to complete a design! We released a separate version for developers in different time zonesDesign challenges, our challenge has begun, now understand and start to design! As soon as possible after completionsubmit*.

Your interface must be built entirely out of Compose and strictly match all the criteria specified in the design. To help you build your application, see the Compose document for topics, layout, and navigation. To get started, try the Compose Pathway, where Codelab covers a number of topics that can help tackle this challenge.

Your solution must be implemented in the GitHub repo. We have a Github repo template for you that contains a basic Hello World! Written using Compose. And a continuous integration setup. Copy this template and follow the instructions in README.

Prize of the week: Google Pixel 5!

We’re giving away three Google Pixel 5, flagship 5G Google Phones: Each developer who submits a successfully implemented design the fastest of the three challenges will receive a *.

* If you win the challenge and the Pixel 5 is not yet available in your country, we will send you an e-gift card worth $699

Help improve Jetpack Compose

Community is one of the core drivers of Jetpack Compose, and your feedback helps us build a better product:

  • Submit a question about Jetpack Compose on the official Issue Tracker page.
  • Sign up to participate in the Jetpack Compose study.

* For more information about participating in the Challenge, see the full official rules.