Over the past year, we compared nearly 12,000 vue.js open source projects and libraries to pick the best 45 (0.37%).

These projects and libraries fall into three categories:

  • User Interface (1 to 19)

  • Vue.js tools (20-36)

  • Project (37~45)

This is a very good list, handpicked from the best vue.js open source projects released between January and December 2018. Mybridge rated them for popularity, engagement and freshness. Github has an average of 2,620 stars.

Material Component framework for vue.js 2 version 1.0, Github Star number 16672.

Address: https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify

A lightweight high-performance interactive UI library based on vue.js and Weex, contributed by Alibaba, Github Star number 4097.

Address: https://github.com/alibaba/weex-ui

A slideshow framework developed using vue.js, Github Star number 3343.

Address: https://github.com/Zulko/eagle.js

Front-end Vue component, Github Star number 2755.

Address: https://github.com/lusaxweb/vuesax

Vue2.js Mobile Component library, Github Star number 2308.

Address: https://github.com/ydcss/vue-ydui

Vue.js draggable and resizable grid layout, Github Star number 2003.

Address: https://github.com/jbaysolutions/vue-grid-layout

Can smoothly scroll any number of data, Github Star number 1741.

Address: https://github.com/Akryum/vue-virtual-scroller

SVG components for creating placeholder loads, such as Facebook card loads, Github Star number 1345.

Address: https://github.com/egoist/vue-content-loader

Mobile UI toolkit based on vue.js 2, designed for financial solutions, Github Star number 1391.

Address: https://github.com/didi/mand-mobile

Responsive Vue UI library for web interface, Github Star number 1293.

Address: https://github.com/vuikit/vuikit

Github Star is an open source tool for building UI design systems based on vue.js, Github Star 1296.

Address: https://github.com/viljamis/vue-design-system

Vue component style guide generator, with live style guide, Github Star number 1088.

Address: https://github.com/vue-styleguidist/vue-styleguidist

UI toolkit for the Web, Vue2.0, Github Star number 934.

Address: https://github.com/heyui/heyui

Animate. CSS Vue port for built-in transitions to Vue, Github Star number 884.

Address: https://github.com/asika32764/vue2-animate

Official Vue application UI component, Github Star number 841.

Address: https://github.com/vuejs/ui

UI component prop combination (support react.js and vue.js), Github Star number 792.

Address: https://github.com/fahad19/proppy

Development of scalable user interface front-end library, based on vue.js, Github 650.

Address: https://github.com/zircleUI/zircleUI

Transition effects for Vue applications, super simple, Github Star number 439.

Address: https://github.com/mattrothenberg/vue-overdrive

Vue Argon Design System, Github Star Number 302.



CLI version 3.0 for fast vue.js development, Github Star number 18952.

Address: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli

Chrome Developer Tools extension for debugging vue.js applications, Github Star number 12112.

Address: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-devtools

Vue Native is a framework for building cross-platform Native mobile applications using JavaScript [Github Star Number 5545].

Address: https://github.com/GeekyAnts/vue-native-core

Vue.js rich text editor, Github Star number 2790.

Address: https://github.com/scrumpy/tiptap

A front-end framework for developing cross-platform applications using vue.js, Github Star Number 2276.

Address: https://github.com/dcloudio/uni-app

Vue. Js RxJS integration, Github Star number 2284.

Address: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-rx

A set of Vue code, native apps on both ends, Github Star number 1587.

Address: https://github.com/bmfe/eros

Complex loader and progress manager for Vue/Vuex and Nuxt applications, Github Star number 1266.

Address: https://github.com/f/vue-wait

A production-ready, flexible and extensible PWA template focused on performance, speed of development and best practices, Github Star Number 1192.

Address: https://github.com/devCrossNet/vue-starter

React Hooks implemented using Vue, Github Star number 1148.

Address: https://github.com/yyx990803/vue-hooks

Vuejs Portal component, used to render the DOM anywhere outside the component, Github Star number 1414.

Address: https://github.com/linusborg/portal-vue

Fullpage.js official vue.js wrapper, Github Star number 829.

Address: https://github.com/alvarotrigo/vue-fullpage.js

An elegant and simple way to build REST API requests, Github Star Number 750.

Address: https://github.com/robsontenorio/vue-api-query

Vue component Documentation one-stop solution, Github Star number 741.

Address: https://github.com/vuese/vuese

Vuex plugin for enabling object relational mapping (ORM) access to Vuex storage, Github Star number 724.

Address: https://github.com/vuex-orm/vuex-orm

Vue/Vuex plugin for Vuex storage to provide a unified path syntax, Github Star number 651.

Address: https://github.com/davestewart/vuex-pathify

A framework for building VR applications using Vue, Github Star number 147.

Address: https://github.com/imudin/vue-vr

Minimalistic Vue Driven Static Website Generator, Github Star Number 11323.

Address: https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress

Use vue.js to build super fast websites for CMS or data, at Github Star Number 1902.

Address: https://github.com/gridsome/gridsome

Vue based Music WebApp, Github Star number 1357.



Example applications built using vue.js, Vuex, Axios, and other technologies, Github Star number 1187.



Travel app, with similar native page transitions, Github Star number 1145.

Address: https://github.com/sdras/page-transitions-travelapp

A sample store that shows how to manage payment processes using Vue, Stripe and Serverless Functions, Github Star number 918.

Address: https://github.com/sdras/sample-vue-shop

Address: https://github.com/vuegg/vuegg

FilePond is an adapter component, a JavaScript library, that can upload anything, optimize images for faster uploads, and provide a very smooth user experience, Github Star Number 467.

Address: https://github.com/pqina/vue-filepond

Netflix-style Web App for watching animations, Github Star number 230.

Address: https://github.com/altinselimi/monimo

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