Wen: George ran

Translation: Good luck


There are 23 codes for data analysts to help you understand data better! Pandas is an open source, BSD-licensed library that provides high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and analysis tools for the Python programming language. If you are not familiar with it, you can copy the link to the official website and learn about it in 10 minutes: pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs…

The application case collection can also be viewed at: pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs…

(1) Read the CSV data set

Pd. DataFrame. From_csv (" csv_file ")Copy the code


Pd. Read_csv (" csv_file ")Copy the code

(2) Read the Excel data set

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(3) Write data directly to CSV

The data are separated by commas and have no index:

df.to_csv("data.csv", sep=",", index=False)
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(4) Characteristic information of basic data set

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(5) Statistical results of basic data sets

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(6) Print data in table form

print(tabulate(print_table, headers=headers))
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Print_table is a list column, and headers is a string header column

(7) List column names

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Basic data processing

(8) Delete the missing data

df.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
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Returns the objects labeled on the given axis, discarding the corresponding data one by one.

(9) Replace lost data

df.replace(to_replace=None, value=None)
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Replace the value given in “to_replace” with the value of “value”.

(10) Check NAN

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Detect missing values (NaN in numeric arrays, None and NaN in object arrays)

(11) Delete features

df.drop('feature_variable_name', axis=1)
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Axes 0 represent rows and 1 represent columns

(12) Convert object type to float

pd.to_numeric(df["feature_name"], errors='coerce')
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Convert object types to numerals for evaluation (if they are strings)

(13) Convert data to Numpy array

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(14) Get the header “N” line of data

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(15) Obtain data by feature name

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(16) Apply functions to data

This function multiplies all values in the height column of the data by 2

df["height"].apply(*lambda* height: 2 * height)
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def multiply(x):

 return x * 2

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(17) Rename data column

Here we rename column 3 of the data to “size”

df.rename(columns = {df.columns[2]:'size'}, inplace=True)
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(18) Extract a column separately

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(19) Access sub-data

We select the “Name” and “size” columns from the data

new_df = df[["name"."size"]]
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(20) Summarize data information

Df.sum ()
Df.min ()
Df.max ()
# minimum index df.idxmin()
Df.idxmax ()
Df.describe ()
Df.mean ()
Df.median ()
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(21) Sort the data

df.sort_values(ascending = False)
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(22) Boolean index

Here we filter the “size” data column to display a value equal to 5:

df[df["size"] = = 5)Copy the code

(23) Select a value

Select the first row of the “size” column:

df.loc([0], ['size'])
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So how do programmers systematically learn data analysis?

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