“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


In 2021, the second year of the pandemic, the impact of the epidemic has penetrated into every aspect of life, including but not limited to: no pleasant travel; Not wearing a mask is like “streaking”; A lot of things that used to seem too easy to do now seem too hard to do. Alas, I wish the epidemic would end soon and we could go back to the days when nothing happened. Well, without further ado, let’s sum up this year.

I. Experience in 2021


This year’s work is mostly the same as previous years: daily requirements iteration and development; The landing of some technology plays a part in their own strength; As a “mid-stage” developer busy between various business parties, answering and solving their problems and so on, doing the job of a server 🐶.

But there are a few things that are not quite the same:

  1. At the beginning, I need to guide and guide some students in their daily work. I need to write some team integration learning documents and project introduction documents, and try to guide them how to solve problems better. This aspect is extensive and profound.
  2. As an interviewer in Kuaishou, I interviewed more than 60 candidates. I met a variety of students, saw a lot of different projects and heard a lot of people’s experiences, which really broadened my knowledge.

Of course, there are some things that are not so good:

  1. Still no good learn to refuse, because they have a good temper (smelly shameless), basic not to lose his temper and Dui people, and because do is “China” type of business, and led to the “@” often group to help locate or solve a lot of do not belong to the scope of the problem by themselves, which makes the time and energy to be split is very serious.
  2. Attention management still hasn’t been done well, partly because of the first point above, and partly because the things that are in charge, which from a business perspective is basically a closed loop, are still a bit messy. Moreover, I have not well practiced the best practices of attention management, which needs to be optimized in the future.

And then in December, I left the team. This time, speaking from the truth, is not a normal time to run away, on the one hand, the year-end bonus will be issued soon, on the other hand, the promotion after the year seems to be a natural thing at that time. However, due to some reasons, I still choose to leave Kuaishou (interestingly, after leaving, I know to optimize, to be a little later, but also can apply for a wave of N +1, blood loss hahaha), came to byte. Other also not much pull, good work, refueling ⛽️ ~.


As for technology, this year’s promotion is also good. In the first two years of my work, I may have more thinking and in-depth work on some micro level, such as react source code, V8 engine implementation mechanism and so on. However, after reading Computer Program Construction and Interpretation this year, I have a deeper understanding of technology and began to learn and think more about some programming paradigms and design patterns. Begin to understand that programming is essentially a process of abstraction, encapsulation, and composition. In addition, I started learning Rust at the beginning of this year. Through learning Rust, I have supplemented a lot of programming ideas and lower-level knowledge. Much earlier than the article about Rust and the front end lol)

Read the following books:

  • “Computer Program Construction and Interpretation” mainly consists of the first three chapters, which I have read repeatedly for two or three times. The last two chapters are just for a while, and I feel that the harvest is not so good, probably because of tai CAI
  • Last year, I actually read the first edition of “Reconstruction Second Edition”. This year, I happened to have a physical book, so I read it again and received a lot of goods
  • Domain-driven Design was hard, but rewarding. However, for DDD, it is more suitable for low code, No Code and some large front-end projects. It may not be suitable for common business projects.
  • Rust Programming Language Design
  • “Head First Design Pattern” is the English version of the second edition, not finished, read half. While learning English while learning design patterns, a combination of boxing belongs to.

In addition, there has been in brush, on the one hand, as an interviewer, not to brush, it is not good in the interview and candidate population spray algorithm, on the other hand, the algorithm or a la carte, often need to practice practice…


Life in general, there is no big change, still keep going out blind, still keep the bottom of the book, still keep exercise, still keep single 🐶. Of course, there was one big change: a change of city, leaving Beijing.

1. Travel

This year is a bit like last year’s message: Work hard and live well. Although I am busy with work at ordinary times, I always keep my expectation of going out for a trip every quarter (in fact, I went out a lot this year, almost every month in the first half of the year). Here are some places to go this year in general (don’t ask, asking is time management) :

  • Yunnan (Dali, Lijiang)
  • Qingdao
  • chengde
  • Cycling around Qinghai Lake: encountered the super strong wind and snowstorm. Although I was very tired and almost lost in the snowstorm, I saw the sunset after the snowstorm.

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway. I went to Tibet on my graduation trip. I think this is where I entered Tibet.


  • Hulun Buir: Self-drive, the border road is really beautiful, the sunset is beautiful, ha ha ha

  • qinhuangdao
  • ningxia

  • xiangxi
  • hainan

There is no big change in the way of travel, most of the time I still wander around by myself, the pace is my favorite slow turn, slowly take photos, life is still ok, ha ha ha. After this year’s meandering, the map looks something like this:

2. Health

Physically, as I have been going to the gym and running this year, I am generally quite good, and my weight is under control. I have been jumping around 130 repeatedly, and I hope I can jump around 125 next year, haha.

3. Read a book

I haven’t read too many books this year because OF my busy work.

Mainly the following:

  • Foresight: How to plan the three stages of your career
  • The heart is a lonely hunter
  • Done: The art of working without pressure
  • Survivors of the future world
  • The self-cultivation of leek
  • The Courage to be hated: A philosophy lesson from Adler, the father of self-enlightenment
  • Inferiority and transcendence
  • Sense of style: A guide to writing for the 21st Century
  • Xu Yuan’s investment lesson: investment principles and practical methods
  • The memo about the guy
  • Stoner: A Novel
  • You are what you eat: Eat right less sick, sick so eat
  • The sea sea life
  • A bouquet for Alginon
  • A naive and sentimental novelist
  • Quiet on the western front
  • Wayfinding China: A road trip from village to factory
  • Siddhartha: An Indian poem
  • Industrial Internet: Redefining efficiency and consumption
  • A room by the sea
  • Value: My thinking about investing
  • The blue house
  • First person singular
  • The twelve Rules of Life: a modern antidote to the chaos of life

Here are two books that impressed me the most: the courage to be hated: Dealing with people is inherently about subject separation, being yourself, and recognizing that you’re an introvert. Flowers to Alginon: This book was a little uncomfortable with autism, and when I read it, my good friend died, so I felt a little autistic in the second half of the year.

4. Change cities

Of course, this year, compared with the previous two years, the biggest difference is that I finally left Beijing, the city I came to as soon as I started working, and ended my three-year journey to the North. How to say, small sad or some, there are many friends here, many colleagues. Also came to Shenzhen, a wandering lover is not too friendly city (after all, although often and friends joke, Beijing has nothing good wandering, but in fact, Beijing can wandering grade is also the first echelon, Shenzhen is the park in addition to the park), but the winter is not cold is really comfortable, YYDS.

Ii. 2022

I don’t want to say too much about my expectations for 2022. I want to work hard and live a good life. Let’s not talk about work, but let’s set a few flags about life:

  • Continue to exercise and keep your weight around 125 (I was going to write 120 but felt bloated)
  • Read at least 20 books


As I mentioned above, there is not much to see in Shenzhen, so I decided to open the Guangdong Copy and visit the cities of Guangdong:

  • jiangmen
  • qingyuan
  • huizhou
  • The chaoshan area
  • dongguan
  • Yangjiang – Hailing Island
  • Zhuhai – West Australia Island
  • .

Of course, there are also some big goals:

  • 318 or 317 into Tibet
  • Southern Xinjiang: Kashgar & pamir Plateau
  • Yunnan: Xishuangbanna or Lugu Lake or Shangri-La
  • fujian
  • huangshan

And do some charity work, although this year I did some charity work like this. The cost is quite high) :

But I still want to do something practical. Two days ago, I saw that Byte also organized corresponding public welfare activities, so I thought about it and added a flag: I participated in two actual public welfare activities, hoping to help the people in need.

Generally speaking, I still hope that I can keep the original mind of my expectation when I was in school: