It’s not uncommon to see product newbies asking for an Axure or Sketch installation package and cracking the version. To be honest, I don’t find either tool very useful.

Comparatively speaking, I think Sketch is a little bit better, Axure is really hard to use.

In fact, when I first started working on the product, I did the prototype directly in Keynote, which I talked about in the previous article. Nothing more, just that the tool is familiar and meets your initial needs.

When it came to panoramic prototyping and teamwork, I started with Sketch, and I worked with Axure for a while.

Most product managers use no more than 50% of the functionality of a product prototyping tool, whether it’s page structure, page alignment logic, text instructions, or simple interactions.

In addition, Axure and Sketch require additional template packages to meet different design requirements, and creating complex interactions can be tricky.

One of the worst things about native software is that the source files are incompatible due to version differences. You make a prototype and send it to a colleague, but they can’t open it because they have a different version, or you open it and find something different.

Recently found a good prototyping tool, can better solve the above problems, experience down found really good, here to share with you.

The name of this product is “Copy RP”, actually I used it several years ago. It was just a relatively simple version, and over the years they’ve perfected it.

In practice, THERE are a few things I like about the prototyping tool.

First, its own ICONS and design components are more, support to quickly build a product prototype page.

Basically, the commonly used mobile terminal, PC design components are available, support drag and drop display, and parameter Settings are more intuitive, what you see is what you get.

With Axure or Sketch, you either have to download a package of components ahead of time or you have to do it all yourself, which isn’t very efficient.

Second, support more interactive effects, individual page components and artboards can participate in interactive actions, high flexibility.

Interactive prototyping has the benefit of reducing communication costs.

Many PMS will write their prototype interactions in text or lines in the PRD, and while they may understand it, programmers may not understand it the same way you do.

Therefore, there is often a problem that the restoration degree of the design draft is not high after entering the development. Especially in the prototype design of iOS client, there are two ways to pop up the page, one is horizontal left and right push, one is from the bottom of the pop-up up and down push.

Unless otherwise specified, programmers are likely to follow an interactive approach that is not as effective as the original design.

If time permits, it is better to include some interaction effects of key processes in the prototype, which is not only convenient for people to intuitively understand, but also to avoid rework in the later stage.

Third, support online multi-person collaboration, PRD review meeting to improve prototype modification efficiency.

In the real world, a set of product prototypes may be worked on by multiple product managers. After each person has done his or her own part, then send the source file to someone else for aggregation.

In addition, there will be some adjustments to the product plan during the PRD review meeting, including design, text description, interactive actions, etc. Under normal circumstances, the adjustment is completed and then sent to the programmer or the test again, which is very inefficient.

“Copy guest RP” this prototype tool supports online multi-person collaboration, direct modification, direct update, everyone synchronization, greatly improving work efficiency.

Fourth, it can be combined with the built-in flow chart function to intuitively reflect the page function process.

PRD documents usually include flow charts, whether business or function flow charts, which are tools to help readers understand and improve communication efficiency.

The prototype tool supports standard flow chart design and is very handy to use.

In addition, there are online document collaboration, multi-platform file import, vector design and production and other functions, can be said to meet the whole workflow of product design.

If your original prototype document was created using another tool, you can import it directly to complete the transformation.

Fifth, free forever.

Perhaps the most attractive aspect of this product is that it is free, and you don’t need to install a cracked version to use the full function directly.

The team has now launched a “free Design program” that gives users free access to their products forever.

Unlimited functionality, unlimited page number, unlimited usage time, can be said to be very realistic.

There are certainly people who say, as a commercial product, how can they make money with a free strategy?

In fact, if you go to their website, they have paid services for enterprises, including a multi-team version and a private deployment version, but they are free for individual users.

The logic is not hard to understand. By expanding the user base with a free strategy, users will push their companies to adopt the product when they think it’s really good.

To put it bluntly, let C end users “white piao”, and then earn money from B end users. However, in this process, c-side users are also getting real benefits.

It’s a fun tool to prototype with when you actually try it out. Not only is it more productive, but it also comes with templates that allow you to quickly prototype.

More will not say, I suggest you actually experience, maybe there will be a new feeling.

To experience the reader, copy this link directly to the PC browser to open:

To do a good job, he must sharpen his tools.