In addition to teaching you how to write a programmer’s resume using Markdown, this article will also recommend some good software and websites to write Markdown resume, and how to gracefully convert Markdown to PDF and other formats.

It is recommended that you write your resume using Markdown syntax, then convert the Markdown format to A PDF and send it out.

Why is a resume important?

A good resume will play a great role throughout the application interview and the interview process. Writing a good resume without overstating your abilities is a great skill to have. Why is a resume important?

Start with the interview

1. If you apply online, your resume will inevitably be screened by HR. HR may take only 10 seconds to look at a resume, and then HR will decide whether you Fail or Pass.

2. If you’re an internal pusher, no matter how hard someone pushes you in, they can’t do anything about it if your resume isn’t strong enough.

In addition, even if you make it through the screening process, your resume will be used to determine whether you are worth his or her time.

So, a resume is like a front for us, and it largely determines whether you make it to the next round of interviews.

From the interview

I find that people like to read interviews, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but most interviews don’t tell you that a lot of questions are asked under certain conditions. Take a simple example: in general, your resume will only be asked about the things you know (Java, data structures, networks, algorithms are the basics of everyone must ask). For example, if you say you know redis, there is a high probability that the interviewer will ask you some questions about Redis. Examples include redis common data types and application scenarios, why Redis is single threaded, the difference between Redis and memcached, redis memory flushing, and more.

So, first of all, be clear: If you don’t know anything, don’t put it on your resume. In addition, consider how you can make your resume stand out, such as what you did on a project, what problem you solved (as long as there is a project, there is a problem to solve), what technology you used on a project improved overall performance and concurrency, etc.

Interviewing and the job are two different things. Smart people lead the interviewer to their area of expertise, while others are led by the nose. Although the interview and the job are two different things, you need to be strong in order to get a satisfactory offer.

Here’s what you need to know

1. Most HR people say we don’t value degrees (lie!) However, if your school is not outstanding, it will be difficult to stand out in the pile of resumes unless you have some special highlights, such as internship experience in a large factory, winning an award in a competition, etc.

2. Most fresh graduates have no work experience or internship experience, so if you are a fresh graduate, don’t miss the autumn recruitment and spring recruitment. Once you miss it, you are highly likely to face social recruitment later on. At this time, if you have no work experience, you may face all kinds of rejection, leading to the failure to find a good job

Be careful what you put on your CV. This is where the interviewer will ask a lot of questions.

4. It is very important to present your project experience in a perfect way.

There are two rules you must know

STAR Rules (Situation Task Action Result)

1, Situation: In what Situation do things happen? How do you define your tasks? 3, Action: To analyze the situation, what kind of Action did you take? What are the results and what do you learn from the situation?

The STAR Principle, in short, is a way of telling your story, or a clear, coherent writing template. Whatever it is, using this rule properly and skillfully will make it easy for the interviewer to describe things in a logical way, showing that you can analyze and explain questions clearly, logically and logically.

FAB (Feature Advantage Benefit)

1, Feature: what is it? You have something to take Advantage of. What Benefit do the employers get if they hire you?

In simple terms, the principle is to let the interviewer know your strengths and how you can help the company if you are hired.

How about the project experience?

It’s normal to have a project or two on your resume, but it’s very rare to have projects that really present themselves well to the interviewer. For the project experience, you can consider the following points:

1, 2 to project the overall design of a feeling, in this project you are responsible for what, what, what roles 3, what you learned from this project use by those technologies, learned the new technology of using 4, another project description, best can reflect their own comprehensive quality, For example, how did you coordinate the development of project team members or how did you solve a thorny problem? Or what technology did you use in this project to achieve what functions, such as redis cache to improve access speed and concurrency, message queue peak cutting and flow reduction, etc.

How do you spell professional skills?

Ask yourself what you know, and then find out what the company needs. The average HR person may not know much about technology, so he or she may be looking at your specific skills when sifting through resumes. Take a few days to learn a skill the company is asking for that you don’t have, and then show that you know it on your resume. For example, you could write something like this (the following is an excerpt from my resume and you can make some modifications to suit your needs) :

1. Basic knowledge of computer network, data structure, algorithm, operating system and other courses: Master 2; Basic knowledge of Java: Master 3; JVM virtual machine (Java memory region, VIRTUAL machine garbage algorithm, virtual garbage collector, JVM memory management) : Master 4; High concurrency, high availability, high performance system development: Struts2, Spring, Hibernate, Ajax, Mybatis, JQuery: master 6, SSH integration, SSM integration, SOA architecture: Master 7, Dubbo: Master 8, Zookeeper: Master 9, common message queues: MySQL > MySQL > MySQL > MySQL > MySQL > MySQL > MySQL Master 12, Spring Boot +Spring Cloud +Docker: Understand 13, HDFS, Storm, MapReduce, Hive, Hbase related technologies of Hadoop ecology: Knowledge of 14, Python basics, common third-party libraries such as OpenCV, Wxpy, WordCloud, Matplotlib: familiar

Typesetting Considerations

1. Keep it simple and not too fancy. 2, some technical terms don’t have wrong case such as MySQL don’t write MySQL, Java don’t write Java. This is still taboo in my opinion, so be sure to pay attention to this detail; 3. It looks more comfortable if there is a space between Chinese and numerals.

A few other tips

1, try to avoid subjective expression, less semantic adjectives, try to be concise and clear, logical structure is clear. 2. If you have a blog or personal tech stack, it’s a plus. 3. If you have an active Github, you’ll score points. 4, pay attention to the authenticity of the resume, must not write you do not know things, or with deceptive content 5, project experience is recommended to reverse chronological order, in addition, project experience is not much, but highlights. 6. If it’s too much, you don’t need to compress it to one page, just keep it clean and tidy. 7. Finish your resume with something like, “Thank you for taking the time to read my resume and I look forward to working with you.” This will show that you are being polite.

I am a Java engineer, learn more about Java related knowledge can join me: Java learning garden, I summarized the Java basic learning materials, interview questions, development tools and so on.