TensorFlow can be installed normally, but after installation, a message is displayed indicating that loading the runtime fails:

Failed to load the native TensorFlow runtime.

See https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_sources#common_installation_probl

for some common reasons and solutions.  Include the entire stack trace
above this error message when asking for help.
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It’s a problem that plagues me, and probably will afflict many others, so HERE’s the solution.

The reason for this problem is that your machine’s CPU is too old to support AVX instruction sets, and TensorFlow 1.6 and later official versions use AVX to compile. Therefore, all reports Failed to load the native TensorFlow Runtime.

However, if you want to install TensorFlow 1.5.x or older, you may run into compatibility issues. So the best solution is to go here: github.com/fo40225/ten…

Download the SSE-compiled TensorFlow for your Python version, both with the sSE2 suffix.

If you have installed TensorFlow before, remember to uninstall it first:

pip uninstall tensorflow
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Then install locally with PIP, for example:

PIP install tensorflow 2.0.0 - cp37 - cp37m - win_amd64. WHLCopy the code