Tencent HR quietly open a post, ask you technology master face familiar ~

Handling the resume

Tencent HR one, base in Tencent CSIG familiar with each big man face! Perennial recruitment of all kinds of R&D and algorithm positions (Beijing/Shenzhen)! Who said Tencent only recruit C++, we the first not to accept! Welcome resumes in all languages!

As a resume porter who can not be sure to take five stars but also perennial mixed in the vicinity of each BG mouth, there is a certain understanding of each business, (do not understand can also go to understand!

But!!! Every day to accept recruitment needs to collapse, big guys, as long as we consider the goose factory, we can say anything! First secretly put a mail to receive resume: [email protected] letter must answer! Or you can hit (please hit lightly)

A free consultation

1, about Tencent’s interview process, you can communicate at any time, know all! As long as free will reply, hope to help you!

2, about career development, career planning, I have done some years headhunting, supported the high-end recruitment in different companies at home and abroad, also sincerely helped some of my classmates, if don’t abandon, can also provide support on the premise of complete secrecy oh ~ (after all free of charge, and how much would you please bring some polite, or crack your brain!)

Problem to collect

1. Do you have a lot of questions about Tencent HR? Please write below

2. Are you confused about the rank of Tencent and the business of each BG? Some people ask more words I can consider a rank to standard information or business profile oh

3. How to find a job? When is the right time to look for a job? Still hesitating? We can talk on the phone alone, hope to help you oh ~