This article is for readers:

  • About 1-3 years after graduation
  • I want to work in a big factory
  • Work experience is not ideal
  • Project experience is not ideal
  • Don’t know how to write a resume
  • Repeated failures in interviews
  • Feel confused
  • Lose heart
  • Looking for encouragement or advice
  • Would like to refer to this front-end interview questions

If you do not meet the above situation, you probably do not need to read this article, you can consider directly close the current page

If you only want to refer to the front-end interview questions, drag the scroll bar directly to the bottom of the page, where the questions are

Briefly introduce the interview situation in Tencent

  1. Round 1 technical interview – passed
  2. Round 2 technical interview [phone interview] – Passed
  3. Hr plane – Yes

(Since I am still in the entry process, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, I will not disclose the specific position for the interview, and it will be supplemented after the follow-up process. Please understand!

Academic experience

Graduated from school of Computer and Software of Shenzhen University in 17th, bachelor’s degree. Through the second score of the college entrance examination, I was admitted to Shenzhen Grand Plan Software, which is also the last session of Shenzhen Grand Plan Software to recruit students with the second score. Although the score line has been very low, but I still can not be a little bit by the voluntary entry of soft, just a little bit to the number of hospitals. I don’t mean to offend the students of the college of Mathematics, but I am short-sighted. At that time, I assessed myself that I could not imagine what I could do in other majors except computer.

Work experience

Three months before graduation in 2017, I got an offer from an outsourcing company and worked for one year and three months

In mid-2018, I moved to a subsidiary of a traditional enterprise, mainly developing Internet projects for enterprises, and worked for 6 months

In early march of that year, I had an interview with Futu, and the interview cycle lasted for a whole month. During the interview, I did not interview with other companies, and finally failed in the final interview — three technical aspects. Subsequently, I joined a P2P company in the interview and worked for 5 months

In August, 19, I was interviewed for a front-end position in Ping An Group, but failed in the second technical interview

In September, 19, I was interviewed and transferred to an Internet company in the travel industry (currently on the job) and worked for one year and six months

Project experience

The first company: basically outsourcing project, C-end product, Web end mobile end adaptive, APP embedded H5 page, admin end

The second company: C-terminal product, wechat public account Web project, company official website Web terminal

The third company: C-terminal products. H5 pages are embedded in the app on the web terminal and mobile terminal of the company’s official website. B side product, admin side

Fourth company: B-end products, Admin end, platform nature admin end project

Summarize your personal situation briefly

School performance is general, ordinary academic background, the only advantage is a class background;

Complex and unstable work experience, 3 jumps in 2 years;

The project experience is complex and not specific;

Obviously, I have the most bad points in looking for a job, but that is the situation, I finally got the offer of goose factory with continuous efforts! Dream come true!

Next, I’m going to use resume writing as a clue to share with you how I deal with my problems and how I write my resume

Resume phase

Resume title

Most resumes I’ve seen are headed with a name, but think about it from the hr’s point of view. When they first see a name, what does it mean to them?

I think the purpose of the resume should be highlighted here. What position is the resume interviewing for, how long has the applicant worked, and then the applicant’s name

Resume Basic Information

This part of the content should be simplified, 1-2 lines can be described, including age, currently living in the city area, working years, if there is a blog address can be put, the last most important contact way!!

If you want hr to give you an interview opportunity, at least hr should be able to contact you quickly. Therefore, the contact information here is listed in order of priority from high to low, such as mobile phone number, wechat account, email, etc

Resume Academic Information

Nothing special, just school, education, major. Some friends may feel that their school can not see, education can not see, feel that should not be written, but for a normal interview process, these are the basic information of the applicant, must be clarified. If you have a certificate in school, you can also enumerate it, indicating that you are trying to prove something in school

Resume Work Experience

There are two situations here. One is normal and has worked in 1-2 companies and stayed for more than 1 year in each experience. The other is unusual. I have worked for several companies, so there must be some companies where my working duration is only a few months, like me

Normal: Concise, accurate description of responsibilities, 2-3 lines, if one experience is more important than the other, then deliberately highlight, longer description, or 4 lines

Exception: it is better to deal with this situation, the length of the work experience, using a phrase to describe it, after all, time is short, actually also can do many things, but the long fine description, while working at a glance that can see the key, at the same time experience too much this shortcoming slightly quietly

Resume Project Experience

Similar to the work experience module, there are also two cases. One is that I have not done many projects; One is to do a lot of projects, do not know which to write. Here’s how to write it:

Pick the most recent and familiar items to write about

There are several reasons

  • Have content to write, to the details of the deep impression
  • It is easier to sum up the problem
  • It is easier to write about optimizations that have been made or that could be made
  • In an interview, if asked by the interviewer, you are able to respond with confidence

Describe the project by formula

The formula is the recommendation format that can be found on any recruitment website: project description, personal responsibilities, project achievement, Technical involvement. We all know the formula, but why can’t you write the project experience that can be seen? Let me refine it a little:

  • Project introduction: Streamlining. 1-2 sentence description, to achieve a small white white see what the effect of the project is.
  • Personal responsibility: Accuracy. Each sentence should accurately express what you are responsible for, without any redundant descriptions, and highlight important parts of the project.
  • I personally think this part is the most difficult. In my experience, when small and medium-sized companies do projects or requirements, they generally do not have performance data for development. In fact, normally, data are available, but they usually take the initiative to find products, and products generally do not take the initiative to share this part of the content with you, which should be noted.
  • Involve technology: this should be the easiest, but pay attention to the focus, HTML, CSS, JS, etc

In short, project experience is not about quantity, but quality!

Here are some final resume tips:

  • When introducing personal skills, use words carefully. For example, the word “proficient” should not be used, because 10 years of work experience may not be able to write this word

  • Whatever is on your resume, don’t just leave it there. Once it’s there, be prepared to be picked for questions

  • For example, project experience writing, leading the development of a project, the interviewer is likely to take this project to discuss with you in detail, from the project structure, to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of xx technology used in xx page, the impact, and the underlying knowledge. Of course, if you have the confidence, think this is a plus for you, please be bold to write!

  • Don’t fake it. You wouldn’t normally do that, but if you did, getting caught was basically a capital offense.

The interview process

What if an interview is not scheduled in advance and the interviewer suddenly calls

Remain calm. This is the company’s hiring department’s problem. Politely describe the situation and express your desire to reschedule for an interview.

Remember never in the interview or not ready for the situation, may feel rare to receive a phone call, immediately agreed to interview.

Of course, you can do that if you’re really ready, but in most cases it’s better to reschedule, because the interviewer will assume that since you’ve already said yes, you’re prepared, and there will be no contingency points in the interview process. I have suffered many losses, more than once.

What if you’re nervous before an interview

Give yourself some positive psychological hints, it is best to have a little bit of excitement, conducive to the interview state. Like me, I would always think, “Since I joined my current company, it means that the interviewer highly approved of me, I should not doubt myself, come on!” “, “I can answer every question the interviewer asks me!” .

Physical tension, can be sipped by drinking warm water, there are some ways to relieve tension by watching some teaching videos. Like me, I’m more like singing, so have seen some singer introduced on stage before way to relieve tension, try to feel really effective, especially when they are easing tension mouth don’t listen to your work, think about if you interview for tension can’t give you want to express to express the content of the interviewer, is that really what a shame!

What to do if you don’t know the answer to an interview question

Before the interview, be prepared for questions that you won’t answer.

The interview is not measured by the number of questions you can answer correctly, of course, the more correct answers, the higher the pass rate. When this happens, the interviewer can test how you respond to this kind of situation, after all, it is very likely to happen in the workplace. The answer I’ve come up with is:

  • Think about the right amount of time. It might be 10-30 seconds, but let the interviewer know that you need some time to think
  • It’s better to say “no” right away, even if you think for a few seconds. Otherwise, you risk giving the interviewer the impression that you’re giving up on the question
  • If you’re not sure about an answer, let the interviewer know that you’re not sure about the answer and if you can describe what you think

How do you introduce yourself

In fact, many people do not know how to deal with the content, anyway, my self-introduction is very short, please describe these several things clearly:

Name, work experience, education background, current work, job content, main contact with the technology stack, what will do in the spare time of learning. (Age, nationality, origin, etc.)

Based on the above points, my self-introduction is basically about 1 minute, the interviewer is also recognized, but we should pay attention to the pace, do not say particularly fast or slow, normal speed, it is possible that in the process of your reading, the interviewer will take the opportunity to read the resume, and start to ask questions to you

Don’t worry about making your introduction too short. If the interviewer asks for more information about yourself, he or she will be able to specify what areas he or she would like you to expand on

If the interviewer’s style is very cold, how to deal with it

Here is a quote from “Leaning on the Sky and Killing the Dragon” : “He is strong and he is strong. The wind blows over the hills, he is horizontal and the moon shines across the river.” . Regardless of the style of the other party, as long as the normal performance of their own, the hope to express the things expressed, is a qualified performance

What else should I pay attention to

The main points are as follows:

  • Use as many polite phrases as possible, such as “you”, “trouble”, “trouble”, “sorry”, “one moment”, “thank you”, etc
  • The speed of speech should be normal and keep the basic uniform speed, and there can be a little change in tone, so that they can adjust their psychological state, and the other party will not feel dull, will feel a little more comfortable
  • Instead of applying for the job you really want, you should first apply for similar positions at other companies. You will have a much higher success rate

What if you don’t pass the interview

Just because you don’t pass an interview doesn’t mean you’re not good. Have you clearly to the performance good, finally hung up the situation, a lot of times is the interviewer think that this job is not for you, or, in turn, you are not suitable for this job, but I don’t doubt of your ability, and on his behalf here Suggestions can let you ask questions at the end of the interviewer link, ask him about what is your evaluation, This will allow you to understand why you passed/didn’t pass, and what you can’t do to improve.

The article summary

There are too many contents I want to share with you. If I think of anything later, I will add it to the article. In a word, please believe that you can do it after you have a reasonable plan! Have a question welcome to discuss with me in the comment section! Thank you!

The appendix

The interview questions,

One side

  1. Algorithm: to achieve a linked list, you can add nodes, delete nodes

  2. Implement an Instanceof method

  3. How is responsive layout implemented

    • Rem layout

    • Flex layout

  4. Event loop mechanism

  5. Design Patterns: Differences between the Observation-subscriber pattern and the observer pattern

  6. HTTPS process

  7. Optimization points for HTTP2

  8. This section describes the CSRF and solutions

  9. Optimize the way the white screen is displayed

  10. Advantages and disadvantages of inheritance versus composition

  11. HTTP cache

  12. Distinction between require and import

  13. Implementation of arrow function

  14. Bidirectional binding of VUE

Second interview

  1. Leaving reason

  2. Usage of TS

  3. Observer model

  4. The singleton pattern

  5. Merge sort

  6. Quick sort

  7. The use of this

  8. Knowledge of Http3

  9. Optimization points for HTTP2

  10. Network attack and defense

1. What are the main problems? 2Copy the code
  1. Project network performance optimization

  2. Main use of which framework, VUE source code related understanding

  3. Knowledge of cutting edge technology