“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


The wind and rain are dark, and the chickens are crowing. Both see gentleman, cloud hu does not like. Write at the end of 2021 to record the past decade and look forward to a new beginning.

My first acquaintance with gold nuggets

It was a late entry into the Nuggets community. Although I had read articles about the Nuggets community a few years ago, I never thought about Posting on it. Instead, I saved a few bits and pieces on CSDN, InfoQ. Not long ago, I heard that many of my friends who insist on creating works are working hard on digging gold, which also aroused my interest to join in. Finally, the first article was published on October 11, 2021. Recently, with the opportunity of 2021 year-end summary essay contest, READY to officially open my road to gold.

Review of the Twenty Years

Back in 2010, when I was just entering graduate school, it was not a big deal to change my major from mathematics and applied mathematics to computer science. Especially under the background of the 2018-2019 financial crisis, I gave up the chance to pursue postgraduate studies and chose to fight against the odds. For this reason, I had to communicate with my family repeatedly. There was only less than 5 months left before the exam. Principles of Computer Composition, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, and Data Structures are books whose names will not be forgotten today. When I was an undergraduate, I only had one course related to C program design. From almost knowing nothing to landing successfully, I did pay a lot of effort, but fortunately the result was satisfactory. From then on, he walked into the door of the computer. When I graduated, I chose this job because I felt there were no good job opportunities in Beijing and Neusoft was close to home. Fortunately, I met a good mentor and leader in my first job, which enabled me to grow from a little white to a rookie. It was also their careful guidance that gave me the opportunity to enter a first-line factory and greatly improve my skills and experience. Reviewing my work experience, I have worked in both traditional IT companies and Internet companies. I have gone from the start-up stage to a listed company (the option has not been cashed), and I have also experienced the pain of leaving due to the failure of the start-up company. After many twists and turns, he returned to his old employer in May. Although it is no longer the BAT of the time when the scenery was infinite, I would like to continue to follow it.

Iii. Technological Growth

The first article is dated April 15, 2012 (SDN…). At that time, I was working as an intern in the software product Division of a company. Just out of the school, the development foundation is very weak, it is the first two months of the first job, really at a loss. Fortunately, I met a very good mentor, whose name I still remember even now, although I left for Beijing shortly after I officially joined the company. The first few articles are simple study notes, from Java collection framework to IO, util and other JDK source code, are relatively superficial sorting, can not be mentioned. But it’s the first step in a technological cleanup.

In 2014, I joined the north drift army, in an Android project of a search company, to find the answer again, and began to record some articles with a little quality, and from that moment, I really started to enter the door of the Internet. Those years were hard but rewarding. Then, from asking for (download resources, article query) to pay, began to put some experience sorting, although not much now, but more and more in the future. Share your experience and lessons from novice to senior, and hope you will take fewer detours.

Four years

2020 is destined to be an indelible year in our memory. The sudden arrival of the epidemic threw all plans into disarray. And his girlfriend’s wedding has been postponed twice. What made it more difficult was that we were separated from Each other in Beijing and Changchun, so we couldn’t meet each other for most of the half year, and quarreled many times due to poor communication. Work is also due to anxiety, coupled with the online education industry with the increase of workload brought by the epidemic user number growth, struggling to cope with, until the May Day just relax. However, just after May Day, the second wave of the epidemic spread from Jilin City was affected again. It was not easy to see it again in mid-June. In just two days over the weekend, the epidemic resumed in Beijing.

Fortunately (here thanks to the state’s control capacity), in such a difficult background, the National Day left a gap period of the epidemic, so that we successfully completed the wedding. With the help of relatives and friends, we have no regrets, but become a memorable memory. Although there are many risks again, we firmly believe that the worst is over. We can work together to overcome all difficulties in the future.

Coincidentally, this year is the tenth year since we met.


This year has been the ninth year of work, will soon enter the tenth year, no longer young. I mean, of course, within the Internet industry. The curse of 35 years old makes more and more friends and colleagues feel anxious. How to continuously improve yourself, prolong your career, and achieve satisfactory results will be a long-term topic and a real problem.

At the beginning of the year, the dividends of the epidemic in the Internet education industry were exhausted. The future is fraught with risks. The focus of the annual work has shifted from dealing with a series of problems caused by the increase in the number of users to improving the whole link. After all, there is too big a gap between start-ups and first-tier Internet companies. Technical base, personnel capability, communication efficiency and working style are all there. However, if the advantages of flexibility and efficiency can be fully utilized, it can also receive considerable benefits. Container technology and Serverless depth are also new learning focuses. In addition, continuous architecture optimization, code refactoring and other work is also worth putting enough effort into the implementation. I believe there will be a lot of goods.

The same problem may exist in the mining platform. Frankly speaking, there are more and more similar products, and we also see more big bull gathering in Github, Stack Overflow and other places. The heat of a few domestic technical websites and the frequency of personal use feel more easy to fall into the bottleneck of growth. How to get rid of the dilemma, is also very worthy of thinking and improve as soon as possible a problem. Knowledge payment, the launch of various operational activities, we can see positive changes, hope that the future will be better and better, but also to attract more and more people to continue to build. After all, any good community needs more good people to continue to contribute. As a member of many users, I am willing to contribute my own strength.

Six looking forward to

The New Year will adjust the proportion of work and life time, but it does not mean that the script of learning progress stops or decreases. Instead, they find and implement more efficient methods based on experience. Strive for an outcome that satisfies you.

In 2022, keep it up. Look forward to a better myself, grow together with the Nuggets in the future, bearing forward.